MovieChat Forums > The Honourable Woman (2014) Discussion > Do you think Israel will ever cease to e...

Do you think Israel will ever cease to exist?

Let's cut the crap will you, Israel should never have been created in the first place, it exists on land that belongs entirely to the Palestinians, and is responsible for the worst and longest humanitarian crisis in history. But is it realistic to hope for a dissolution of it?

Nobody thought the Panama Canal Zone would ever stop existing but it did. What do you think? Do the Palestinians have a chance?


I agree with you that Israel's creation entailed Palestinian dispossession and suffering that shouldn't have happened, it was anticipated at the time, and could thereby have been avoided.

I do however think that Israel will always exist, seeing as how it is not only the strongest military power in the region by far -- but that it also enjoys implicit diplomatic support and military backing of the U.S.

I hope the Palestinians have a chance, but their hopes seem dwindling with more and more settlements in the West Bank, which have gobbled up land and relegated Palestinians into isolated enclaves. In 2014, over 7,000 acres of Palestinian land confiscated by Israel -- 333 Palestinian homes destroyed in the WB --- 10,000 olive trees or seedlings destroyed, but most Americans have no idea.

Public opinion in the world is firmly on the side of Palestine now, but there remains one big stumbling block towards Palestinian recognition in the U.N. along the internationally recognized pre-June 1967 border and that is -- the U.S. Can the United States finally man up and reverse 40 years of foolishness? Eh...


Well that's the thing, AIPAC controls the United STATES.


I don't think it's as powerful as you think


It has to be, otherwise why would they be so behind a group of people everybody hates.


This article suggests that AIPAC's influence may be waning, but it is an eye-opener (for me anyway) at the sway it has held over American foreign policy:

The lobbying group AIPAC has consistently fought the Obama Administration on policy. Is it now losing influence?

And it would seem that the "friends" have a great friend in John Boehner. I do not blame Netyanahu for taking up his invitation, but he was divisive and beyond inappropriate to have issued it.


I think Mr. Obama agrees with you. He is doing all he can to make sure Israel would not survive. He is getting very strong support from US Senator Diane Feinstein and Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi. Write to them and tell them how you are cheering their efforts.


Worthless sack of sh*t Nancy Pelosi just went on the record saying that Israel is the greatest democratic achievement in the 20th century, nevermind the fact that it is a colonial parasitic state that exists on other people's land, and is continually exterminating and murdering the same people they are occupying.

Obama unfortunately doesn't agree with me, he wants a two-state solution, which is a joke.


Don't despair. Obama pretty much snubbed Netanyahu today, basically asked the latter to go jump a lake and get drowned, LOL. He didn't come to greet him officially and told reporters on the news that he didn't even bother to watch Netanyahu's speech to the US Congress. And Nancy Pelosi publicly announced that she felt insulted by his speech. So you can feel comforted that there is deep resentment toward the Israel state by both the President of the United States and the top Democrat politician in Congress. You never know: momentum can shift to the US eventually "un-friending" Israel, LOL, as long as the Democrats remain in power - that much you can hope.


Yes but Obama is a passing head of state, the control of the jews in america is forever.


That much is true for Obama, but the Democratic party is here to stay and the party does not seem to sympathize with Israel. Even the former US president Jimmy Carter has had unkind words about that nation, and the front-runners from the Democratic Party for the US presidential election in 2016, Hilary Clinton and John Kerry, both are unfriendly toward Israel and afraid of Muslims. You should feel comforted. On top of that the top powerful Democrat in the US Congress, Nancy Pelosi, remains in office indefinitely even after Obama leaves to continue the battle. The Jews who are now in control of the US in the financial and entertainment businesses only cares about their own money, and they are all on Obama's side, snubbing their own people in Israel for a long time now,


Well from your mouth to God's ears, I hope you are right, I want Israel destroyed. Nothing is more perverse than Israel in this world.


Well, you've got a friend in the US Democratic Party for sure.

I am just an insignificant bystander, and I don't condone violence. Peaceful negotiation and thoughtful compromise are the best way for civilized people. I am sure your God would want all his children to live in harmony. Enough blood has spilled already throughout thousands of years of human history; enlightened citizens all want an end to this vicious cycle of retaliations perpetrated by narrow-mind bigots, who want hatred to thrive uncontrolled for their own selfish gains. Give peace a chance.


You can't have peace with Israel, it exists on stolen land.


I think the best way is to pray to your Muslim God to negotiate with the Jewish God. I am sure they will find a way together.


I am not muslim.


Since you mentioned God and you expressed animosity against the Jews, I would assume your religion must be Islam. I cannot think of any other religion whose followers are angry with the Jews.


The palestinians who were driven out of their land and fled to Lebanon formed a threat to the christian population there. The muslim - christian balance was tipped. Hence a bloody if not the bloodiest civil war where the christians lost their power and many were driven away ....mainly to Europe from where the jewish population of israel came..
The circle of life ... (or death... depends how you look at it)???


There are a few non religious, non Muslims who are not impressed with the way Palestinians have been treated.


This is a very good question.

I always figured one of two things would happen.

1. Israel will change significantly and reintegrate with local populations and form a new secular political body.

2. Israel will be reduced or dissolve once political and economic support vanishes(an eventuality). I think Israel's existence is largely dependent on the instability of the Middle East, which is largely dependent on the economic stability of Central Europe and Africa.

The world as a whole is growing more progressive, and I think with each passing day politically and culturally antagonistic states like Israel find themselves on shakier ground.


I hope it will be dissolved entirely.


it exists on land that belongs entirely to the Palestinians

Jews still had every right to mass emigrate to Palestine and speak Hebrew, though. That's how it was for many decades before Israel was created.

Palestine/Israel is the ancient Jewish homeland, this is not debatable. This doesn't mean that I think the State of Israel (i.e. a state only for Jews) should exist, but it does mean that the land belongs to the Jewish people as well as to the Palestinians. It is their shared homeland.

Give me the ball.
- Baseball Bat Man, The Raid 2


No it is not, they have no such right. None. Children of immigrants have no right over their ancestral homeland that overrides the rights of the people that have lived there without interruption, and no jew has the right to take anyone'sw land. it stopped being their land 2 thousand years ago and they have no right to it.


Yes, they do. They're not going anywhere, pal. The only solution is a single binational state for both Jews and Arabs. If you think the Jews don't have a right to live there, then you are an antisemitic bigot, end of discussion.

Give me the ball.
- Baseball Bat Man, The Raid 2
