paternity test

How was
Atika able to fudge the paternity test if she was not the mother?


She used the boy's toothbrush. So it was her DNA on the toothbrush, and not Kasim's, like everyone else assumed. (I can't remember if Kasim's was also on it or not).

The point of the test was just to prove whether or not Ephra was the father, which of course he wasn't, so they wouldn't have been looking into maternity as no one was even questioning that Atika may not have been the Mother at that point.


If they had gotten dna samples from everyone as a matter of routine, they would have noticed that Kasim and Atika were clones. The whole point was to not have any of Ephra's dna on the toothbrush.

"I think my percentage of Chimp DNA is higher than others" Cleaver Greene


She used the boy's toothbrush. So it was her DNA on the toothbrush, and not Kasim's, like everyone else assumed. (I can't remember if Kasim's was also on it or not).

Nope, it was a new toothbrush that only Atika's used, Ephra watched her unpack it in the bathroom which is why he suggested they take it for tests. It looked like a kids tootbrush which was convenient.


Is it possible to determine sex from a DNA sample? If so, then Atika's DNA on the toothbrush would have revealed their fraud. Pretty poor quality police investigation really.


I agree this was a big plot hole. If they were not able to get his DNA off the toothbrush, they would have persisted in finding something else. (How does a child not have a hairbrush?) And if they couldn't get the child's DNA, how could they rule Ephra out as the father?

Higgins was right.


Is it possible to determine sex from a DNA sample? If so, then Atika's DNA on the toothbrush would have revealed their fraud. Pretty poor quality police investigation really.

