Who killed Monica?

Was it the Palestinians, the British or the U.S.? Sorry, I didn't pay attention enough to know who it was.


It's never made explicit, so you pays your money and you takes your choice. It could have been any of them - she'd either betrayed or failed all of them in the end and she knew far too much to be left as a loose cannon. My own feeling when it happened was that it was the British, simply because C wanted her out of the way and they could probably get at her more easily than the others, but the CIA would equally have wanted her dead because she could reveal too much about their involvement - maybe it was a combined op?


Evil Americans.


I don't think there is any real doubt that Monica was killed by the Americans, but with full approval of the British. MI6 boss, Julie Walsh had a conversation with the American Brigadier Berkoff in her office towards the end of the final episode and said to him that there was some "cleaning up to do" and that it "did not include Hubert-Hoyle". Monica was simply part of that "clean up." The Americans made the mess therefore they had to do the dirty clean up work.

I think the whole plan originated with the Americans and they co-opted the extremely ambitious Monica into the plan, mostly by making her aware of the increased chance of her getting the top job in MI6 when the plan was successfully executed because it would have made MI6 look flat-footed and the top brass, Walsh and Hubert-Hoyle, would have been sacked. Monica had no respect for Hubert-Hoyle, when meeting with him in his office she sneered at him... "enjoy the view, Hugh." Unfortunately for Monica she under-estimated Hubert-Hoyle, he worked it out.... the penny dropped when he saw in the press conference of the US Secretary of State's aide say "she has agreed"... he replayed the clip of her saying it over and over again.

If Nessa had not survived, Monica may well have become "C", but when she did survive and crucially was able to place the phone call to let Shlomo Zahary, and therefore Hubert-Hoyle, know that she was alive, Monica suddenly became a very, very troublesome loose end, both for the Americans and MI6. Therefore, her goose was well and truly cooked.


I don't think there is any real doubt that Monica was killed by the Americans, but with full approval of the British. MI6 boss, Julie Walsh had a conversation with the American Brigadier Berkoff in her office towards the end of the final episode and said to him that there was some "cleaning up to do" and that it "did not include Hubert-Hoyle". Monica was simply part of that "clean up." The Americans made the mess therefore they had to do the dirty clean up work.

I mentioned a while back on another thread that another thing that implies it's the Americans is the way in which Monica is killed: strangled, but made to look like a suicide. This is the same MO that the Americans used to kill Samir Meshal at the very start of the series (i.e. the death that kicked the whole thing off)...


If Nessa had not survived, Monica may well have become "C"
Who is "C"?


Who is "C"?

"C" is the boss of MI6. It supposedly came about after the original boss of the Secret Service Bureau, which later became MI6, signed his memos with "C" which was the first letter of his surname.


Thank you.
Is C the character M in James Bond movies?


Is C the character M in James Bond movies?



