MovieChat Forums > The Honourable Woman (2014) Discussion > *****Spoiler alert****** Security

*****Spoiler alert****** Security

Did Nessa know she was going to get her head of security killed?


Probably, yes.


She was in a tough spot. He wanted to doggedly pursue the missing child, and she knew that the other people would go to all ends to keep the secret alive, and to reveal what she knew to him would likely get him killed.

"I think my percentage of Chimp DNA is higher than others" Cleaver Greene


I think that they both knew that they were dealing with very dangerous people. Revealing her secret would not have made him any safer as he was quite determined to pursue this matter even after she threatened to fire him.

I was surprised that he died in the third episode - I thought that he would last at least a couple of more episodes.


Did Nessa know she was going to get her head of security killed?

100% yes. No doubt about that and it was obvious.

The guy on the phone (her rapist) was calling her and checking: "is your secret safe?". She usually replied yes, becuase it was.
When Nathaniel asked her about the program that he needed, in order to trace the money, she asked to her security adviser (the funny Mr. Schwako) to monitor Nathaniel's laptop as well.
That's because she had to know how far Nathaniel could go with his investigation. She had to keep him under control. She couldn't let anyone know about Kasim
After Nathaniel traces Gatz's wife through the money, and kept insisting on pursuing the whole thing, she had no other choice but to tell to the guy on the phone (when he called her) that her secret was not safe anymore, and she was crying because she knew what it meant. The guy askwed "Why not?".
Obviously she told him, and you don't really need to see that in order to know for sure. We see imediately after that call that Nessa goes to Atika and says to her "Oh Atika, I've done something terrible". Atika asks "what?" and we see the guy with the burned face (the one who's calling Nessa)arriving at the aeroport and collect the machine gun as well.
It was about Nathaniel. She knew that he was going to die.
The episode title is "The Killing Call", and that's a pretty good hint from the start.


Didn't Atika choke the rapist to death while they were held captive?


Didn't Atika choke the rapist to death while they were held captive?

Not to death, but she did burn his face.


Holy crap, I totally missed this. I must have been washing my dishes at the time and not paying enough attention. This behavior from someone who said "we can't be compromised!"


That's because she had to know how far Nathaniel could go with his investigation. She had to keep him under control. She couldn't let anyone know about Kasim

I agree that Nessa got Bloom killed. What I don't understand is why keeping the secret that she was Kasim's mother was so important. Why couldn't she just reveal what happened to her while she was kidnapped in Gaza? She was raped after all. That would have saved a lot of trouble, not to mention lives.

And all the pieces matter (The Wire)


She knew Bloom wouldn't stop digging so she made the call to have him eliminated

This action really lowered Nessa in my eyes. I was deeply shocked she did this to a good man who saved her life. I kind of didn't care what happened to Nessa after that. Hayden-Hoyle was my protagonist.

