
I was glued to the screen pretty much from start to finish. The two leads were absolutely incredible. Minimal sets, low budget, few if any special effects...none of that stood in the way of creating a tense and unnerving experience...something that a lot of big budget thrillers have no concept of.

It's a shame that wonderful indie gems like this get overlooked.

Mary Elizabeth Winstead has always been on my radar as an actress with a lot of potential. Smashed really sold me on her versatility and this film solidified her as one of my favorites.




Totally agreed. I've always watch MEW's film..terrific actress. But I couldn't stop this film once it started.

"But when the walls came down, the sh*t got real.." - Jenny Lewis



Se here, I was transfixed! Hope this gets more attention now that it's on Netflix.


I randomly stumbled upon this on Netflix and I agree. It was great, and I wish movies like this got more promotion so that I would know about them.


Riveting for sure. I didn't realize how intensely I was watching until there was a slight pause in the film and I couldn't wait to see what would happen the next second. And you're absolutely right..the main actors did an amazing job of sucking you into the movie and making you feel like you're right there with them. Such a simple film but so addicting.


Yep. I got more pleasure watching this than any other movie in he last 10 years probably, it should totally become a cult film....lol

Oh what a day. What a lovely day!


Not only riveting, but also ingenious!!! It makes you believe, controlling your mind through the illusion of cinema and storytelling, only to break that illusion down at the end, leaving you speechless, pondering on the irony of how much easier it is to be deceived and controlled in real life than by a film.


Definitely what made it great. Totally captivating

We shant be telling mother about this shant we?


This is extremely intelligent, compelling filmmaking with superb performances. I regret that I wasn't able to give it the attention it deserves at this late hour, but I may well watch it again. For now I'll give it 7/10 stars, but I may upgrade.


Just saw this film and agree with you 100% what a damn good film that really still is sticking with me some hours later. Yes it seems like it should get more buzz as I just stumbled upon it by chance.


I must admit I tried this one out of curiosity, having heard very little about it, and mostly because of the cast. Winstead seems to be picking her scripts very wisely.

The movie didn't turn out at all like I expected but that's a great thing. It's definitely a movie about mind control... of a kind so it's not as if it was falsely advertised.

The claustrophobic direction and visual tension enhance the intense script perfectly and gives the support they need to the performances to provide a vastly underrated movie, imo.

I guess it's not for the masses but the indie crowd seems to focused on empty cinematography and vague plots these days, to reward a psychological drama.

For every lie I unlearn I learn something new - Ani Difranco
