The phone number

The full phone number is 1-740-279-1736

If you call it, you get a recording:

"Thank you for calling our phone number. We're called the Knights Of Vision and we're totally committed to finding Bigfoot."

Then it beeps so you can leave a message.

A phone listing shows it as:

Suspected Spam
(740) 279-1736
Vail Lab VoIP
Logan, OH



I haven't watched the episode yet, but going by your post and from public records, the number most likely belongs to a Benita Elchert, less likely to a Margaret Coxwell.

I wonder how long this thread will survive. 


They made it pretty easy to discover the phone number - they have a clear shot of all of the cards showing the letters and numbers.


Yep, they sure did make it easy. I finished watching the last two episodes last night and kept score. Yep, that's the number all right.

In Trapper's basement or as the show called it, Trapper's Bigfoot Cave, Trapper says, "It is bug free, no WiFi, it is completely secure". Yet, Trapper picks up his cellphone and calls the number. By "completely secure" I would have thought that would have included all forms of RF, both in and out.


Also, "what's said in here stays in here". Yet there's people recording everything that is being said and done on television.

I love the show but that was hilarious even too me.


i called that number too that's exactly what it said it's gotta be fake
