MovieChat Forums > Mountain Monsters (2013) Discussion > Matt Moneymaker Twitter outburst

Matt Moneymaker Twitter outburst

Finding Bigfoot's Matt Moneymaker got annoyed on Twitter and tweeted the following:

"I actually need to explain this to some people: "Mountain Monsters" is a scripted fictional show. Those guys are all actors. It's all faked."

Thanks for that, Matt. And there was me championing Trapper as the Attenborough of cryptozoology. I feel betrayed.

Seriously though, what I find funny is that Mountain Monsters is rated higher on sites like IMDb and than Finding Bigfoot. Which shows that people are more interested in entertainment and action, even fake action, than a show in which, even if it does sincerely believe itself, nothing actually happens.


Moneymaker need look in a mirror before he run's his mouth about other's, That kind of piss me off but don't surprise myself from Moneymaker & his well known actions from him, I heard this from a number of countless sources by Bigfoot top researchers.

Moneymaker got caught years ago when he was involved with Oregon Bigfoot own the "Easy on eyes" Autumn Williams faking action.

Autumn had major heath problems plus Moneymakers little embarrassing scam problem & She back completely away from all her video shoots. I feel sorry for her myself,

I don't think she know he was doing that on her own videos behind her back until he was caught red handed by the production staff.

I heard Autumn was the 1st person Finding Bigfoot asked to lead there new TV show before Moneymaker saw the $$$$$$$$$$$$. And begging please give it to me after Autumn turn them down flatly NO!!!.

Moneymaker's 1st show he tried to run a bigfoot down on foot. That never happen ever. Anybody know better than that. Bigfoot true or not but common sense tell you that would be impossible. Bigfoot has been reported keeping up with Autos driving down main hard top highways.

Autumn's show was called "Mysterious Encounters" it's on YouTube now for free you want to watch.

At very start of the show Moneymaker & Bo-Bo and few others are very young & was shown coming out of a camper looking like The Keystone Cops :).

Moneymakers show is so boring to myself its worst than golf putting myself asleep. His BFRO web site is dropping like a rock on hit's. Disagree with Moneymaker or chosen few you will be banned from his web site.

Moneymaker is pissed because Trapper & Crew is wearing him out on the TV ratings. At least Trapper & Crew is not doing the same very boring thing show after show.

Sorry I preached a little but this are well known facts I heard from countless other people.


Did you see the "Twitter War" Moneymaker had with Haley Stevens?

They were talking about Bigfoot sounds and Haley asks how you can be sure they were Bigfoot sounds since Bigfoot isn't even documented. She lays out a concise argument. The problem is that Moneymaker, based on her thumbnail, thinks she's a young girl; even after she tweets she's 25. He keeps telling her kids can't understand these things and she should ask her parents.

When I read this I damn near blew a gasket. If this is a child you have an opportunity, I daresay an obligation, to explain things to someone without guile or agenda; someone asking only because they are curious and they want to know. I'm a teacher, 5th and 6th grade, and I've seen teachers, and parents, say this because THEY HAVE NO IDEA WHAT THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT. It's the same as when a students questions something and the teacher says they have a good point, why don't THEY research it and tell us. Gosh, I thought that's what we paid you for.

Of course, this is humorous when, later in the exchange, Haley points out she's 25. Moneymaker, still acting like he's talking to a 9-year-old, offers one day she can make some tea and scones and he'll explain it to her. He's not only an idiot, he's a chauvinist.

In science class, I have a project where students can examine their favorite "real" monster. They are expected to "prove" their monster real using the scientific method. Maybe I should get Moneymaker to do it; of course, I'd first have to teach him the scientific method.



Didn't see that 1 about Haley, Sound like a real good one. Sound just like Moneymaker, I bet Moneymaker is still burning hot over that one. SMOKING. Moneymaker didn't care if it's a child or adult.

Moneymaker a expert on everything..

Read your very good comment few days ago, I did really enjoyed it, Made me think !!!!!!

After very care thought.. I don't think Moneymaker & crew could find a "Flea" in the worst Dog Pound in USA.

Maybe his next show will be called "Finding Flea's".. Bo Bo will find them,
That one guy "??" say, Yes it might be a "Flea" there,
Then viewers are forced though a boring public meeting ,
Then expert Moneymaker say I think this is all the proof we are finally looking for,
Then that short hair girl with glasses say I don't think your are right "No proof". End of Show..

Is she more of a expert than Moneymaker?? Maybe she know a inside secret on Moneymaker.?? Who write there scripts?? 3 Stooges?

Then the very next blame same thing on there next show

Then Moneymaker is crying around, Wondering why Trapper & crew are wearing them out on TV Ratings??

Moneymaker I think is on drugs. At least Trapper & Crew like Huckberries Moonshine. What Wild Bill is on is a very good question????????????????????

I think Wild Bill is just Wild Bill, Plum crazy as normal. Him & that Uncle Si from Duck Dynasty need tour together. I think they make good tour money together.

Mountain Monsters is always a little bit different each show not the same boring stuff.

Hope Trapper & crew reads this one before they will delete my post.


Sadly, the Flea they'd find plays bass for the Red Hot Chili Peppers!

How about, they couldn't find their butts in a windstorm if their hands were glued to their cheeks.

How the MM boys will top Season 3 for weirdness I can't see. This is the first time, in I don't know how long, I'm actually looking forward to the next season of a TV program.

One question: I own Season 3, along with the others, and I've never been able to find a part that fulfills Trapper's cryptic ending in the season opener. I jumped a foot when those whistles erupted as Buck began to defile the graves. Seriously. I almost had a panic attack!

I've looked, my daughter's boyfriend is also a fan and he's searched. Nothing. Any ideas?


That is a very good question, That Trapper & crew never answered that one at the end of this season as promised.

I never did seen that answer myself.

Saw Bigfoot can make River maps. Cook food with fire & make fire. Love apples, Outsmarted poor Willy & Wild Bill again & again this season on there traps.
Can attack side by side ATVs causing wrecks.
Hellhound can move very fast. And can Knock Trapper on his behind senseless.
Poor Willy always get attacked & drag off by these animals they always hunting. Maybe Willy need put himself in as bait in his own traps.
Buck still can't walk on level ground without falling down & going BOOM.
They got a mysterious "Spy" watching them.
Bigfoot like music.
Team has fans that love play jokes on them like them ole mean Public Boys, Short Curly Boys, etc..
Bigfoot can throw trees @ them.
Wild Bill can read the bible.

But nothing more about them Bigfoot Grave's sites.!!!
Maybe The Pocahontas Fire Dragon was hired in to guard them Bigfoot Grave Sites from Trapper & crew.


Out of everything on the list, Bill being able to read is probably the most surprising.

About the traps, they caught the big hog, part of the pack of wild dogs (missed the female leader), and the chupacabra (bigfoot helped them escape). I think you're on to something with using Willy as bait; imagine willy tied up like that goat in season 1.

I forgot about the spies; I got it! It's Moneymaker preparing for his new show: Finding Bigfoot Hunters. How many thermal hits were really just BoBo?



You correct.

My guess just my own personal opinion now, Is Wild Bill got caught in "Bars" 1 too many times by Trapper & he got laid the law down on him again to straighten up or he be off the team. So Wild Bill had to learn to read the Bible.

Wild Bill just look like a wild one to myself. Willy always saying he is late helping him building traps. Hang-Over? Getting home too late? I been there I know. Been myself in them wild bars in my younger days. I understand.

Much as these Mountain Monsters like grabbing Willy it look like he would make real good "Bait" because they like grabbing him.

Maybe they get extra " Stunt Pay" & Willy is just cashing in.

Just myself I saw that " SPY" 1st person enter my mind was Moneymaker & Team. Love see the true TV rating to see the truth if Moneymaker boring show is the last in ratings. Going to sleep its Moneymakers show or Golf 1 of the 2.

Honest I seen that Moneymaker crew pass my camp many times before even before TV shows back in 1990's, I own Hunt & Fish camp for over 40 years it's been in the family for many years, Everybody know who Moneymaker & crew was. I even heard they was coming up what we call in WV, Hollows. Or Drafts before they drove by before.

That setting you up for locals to start playing tricks on you. Good wooden axe handle you can make a night full of wood knocks. Yahoo's, Everything else. Local's know there woods too well. I never did it,

But they pass my camp & didn't slow down one bit, Didn't show no respect at all, We on a Dirt Road now, lot of dust, That don't go good too well around some people.

I seen some strange stuff hard to explain before. What it was I really don't know, Walking I sure did picked up my speed,

But I just like watching Mountain Monsters because it's just entertaining to myself at least.


As far as "successful" cyptozoology TV shows go, Finding Bigfoot is probably the worst. It's a true exercise in ego run amok, courtesy of Moneymaker, self obsessed showoff who is totally and completely full of himself (as well as a copious amount of far less desirable waste material) and really does a disservice to the cryptozoology field.

That said, yes indeedy Mountain Monsters is pure hogwash from start to finish. But what they're doing with their third season is at least unique in its scope, and that makes it far more watchable than it has any right to be. Asserting that different Bigfoot clans throughout the Appalachians are constructing heretofore unseen elaborate burial grounds and teaming up with the chupacabra and hell hounds is a stroke of genius and it's a wonder no other crypto show has tried to connect the dots like this before. Add to that the whole "now we're being stalked by mysterious investigators" and you've got a pseudo reality show without peer. Do I really need to quantify why I still tune in to watch a bunch of delusional (at best) backwoods hillbillies yank on my leg for 45 minutes? I think not. On to the next adventure!


I thought about adding to this thread that Mountain Monsters is not only more watchable than Finding Bigfoot cause it got so much heart, that they spin bs with ZERO shame but also cause of the ferocity with which they dish out one-liners and yells "hell yeah!" or "let's go get 'em!" in chorus (with poor jeff trying to keep up). But your post made many of my points. Also bigfoot "clans" in MM is actually just different names for the undiscovered and most likely non-existent or pre-existing but now extinct, large hominid in pop-culture known as bigfoot, but in different eras and socio-cultural contexts. Before MM, i thought that Raven Mocker was one of a few native american names for the bigfoot, grassman was the ohio term, etc, and that's by all accounts true. But even as an opened-minded sceptic rather than a hater (moneymaker and his ilk can almost make a person hate bigfoots cause of the people who want them to exist so badly they interpret any large, human-like or even just oblong print as bigfoot sign and get a hard on when something make noise in the forest) I LOVE IT, to Trapper and his team of dedicated hicks, a proverbial-like, randomly thought up hypothesis is the same as or BETTER than verifiable evidence, and its impossible to know if their method of approach is motivated by hate or love for the pseudo-animal species in question.

Its like that with all them guys, FB and MM, but in MM's case it's all delivered with great love, in FB the conflict and the dark core of the show is slow, nerdy and weak but still sadistic and determined psychological wearing-down and bullying of the only team member with actual insight to anything regarding consistency in animal behavior, biology and scientific theory. A basic rule when it comes to unproven, new phenomenon or species is that anything that CAN be something else, even though it can seem far-fetched, always counts as something else. The evidence for something new has to be outstanding and unpenetrable to be considered as proof. In MM's case thats not even discussed, Trapper actually think Jeff googling hearsay is "research" cause when Bill said he'd done some research, Trapper went on with "I didnt knew you could even turn on a computer", as if internet is the default source of even old and esoteric native american mythology and folklore. After their blatant disregard for everything concering knowledge except tracking and hunting (which they btw seem genuinely good at, Ive went on a few hunting trips a bit in my day & grew up in the sticks), they're sort of immune to criticism from that angle. Plus its scripted and well scripted, for drama at least, if not for narrative, and in comparison to other nature/adventure reality-docus, its #1, second only to Destination Truth which wasnt fake anywhere in this ballpark anw.

Mountain Monsters season 02 is still my favorite, there's not a crazy huge and exotic monster/dinosaur in the annals of folklore and fantasy that can't make a habitat in WV/OH/NC/PA/VA and "terrorize" the farmers of its backwoods!


A few years ago, a "World renowned Bigfoot Expert" died. I wondered how one could be an expert on something that he had never seen and doesn't exist.


It's like that Warren lady who is a "demonologist". Where does one become a demonologist? Is there a certificate written in crayon? Where do you get a license to hunt ghosts? When's the season?

Seriously, these people are making bank with appearances all over the country.


Fúckin Moneymaker...

Finally a production team are trolling his búllshít and he's all there.

Finding Bigfoot Hunters...

Brilliant !


Is there anybody on plant earth that really do like Moneymaker? I my self never heard many if any good words on him.

Did His Mom have to tie a pork chop bone around his neck to get the puppies to play with him?

Honest Moneymaker himself is the very one that got a lot of people not liking him.

I bet he is a expert on taking a outdoors *beep* in the wood's. Everybody else is doing it wrong.

May he wipe with poison ivy leaves. About his speed.

I still highly suspect he was the one spying on Mountain Monster crew.

Few them guys on that team, I don't think you want to get them upset with them.


I giggle whenever I read someone asserting that the species doesn't exist. Prove THAT.


Originally Posted by jporter-6:
I giggle whenever I read someone asserting that the species doesn't exist. Prove THAT.
If I understand you correctly, you're asking people to prove that something doesn't exist. Wouldn't the burden of proof be on those that claim that something does exist?


I want to know how to become a demonologist.


Thank You
rjw 510

Mountain Monsters are interesting a little bit. They "Mountain Monsters" really can improve, ( Put Willy in a trap) but its better than that "Losing Bigfoot".

Who Died???

Left Moneymaker as a expert??.. Not heard he a expert on nothing.

Mountain Monsters is not that same boring junk "MoneyMaker" wants to put out on his famous TV Show.

No wonder they wearing "Losing Bigfoot" out on TV ratings.

Moneymaker can't be his real name but its only thing he want is **Money**.

Us let Wild Bill get a hold of Moneymaker.. Be very interesting ??? Bring Bo Bo too.

Short hair girl might give the Mountain Monsters the best fight if they are the ones spying on them.

Best not fool around with them ole country boy's.


The show is a pastiche of all these bigfoot shows where nothing happens.

These guys seem to find evidence every week. That's why it's entertaining.

Plus the characters are fantastic. Trapper, Wild Bill, Huckleberry. They couldn't find a more stereotypical hilly-billy. I love the way they split up, then one group gets into trouble and they have to join back up again, shouting their heads off in the process. That's real huntin' right there!

The more 'serious' bigfoot guys need to wake up, people are bored. If you're gonna do a show about bigfoot you need to show them something.



I hope he reads that.

"A stitch in time, saves your embarrassment." (RIP Ms. Penny LoBello)


Finding Bigfoot sucks because it's just one big clusterfu** of a show, plus, who could enjoy a show where the main dude (Moneymaker) is a complete and utter douchebag.The peeps from "Finding Bigfoot' couldn't find

Yes, Moneymaker, we know Mountain Monsters is fake/scripted whatever (-coughs-SOISYOURSHOW-coughs-) but Mountain Monsters has many things over your piddly piece of shi* show.

1)Host that are entertaining and a pleasure to watch (Mountain Men). Yeah, they really play up the 'redneck' 'good ole boy' angles but it only endears us to them. Wild Bill is silly as hell but he's funny. Watching Willy build traps is pretty damn cool a lot of the time. Watching Buck get teased (good naturedly) by the others is also funny. I love it when they make him try out the traps heh.

2)It's nice that Mountain Monsters explore different stories from different areas. All sorts of monsters and legends are talked about. Meanwhile, Finding Bigfoot is all Bigfoot. [sarcasm]Woohoo, this week its a different type of bigfoot![/sarcasm].

TL:DR? No one wants to watch a whiny douchebag looking for the same monster each and every week.

(This coming from a 'city' girl who has only really watched the show when visiting her parents lol. But I hate when a**holes talk *beep* about a bunch of really nice guys (nice guys - Mountain Men) but forget the a**holes forget their show is sh** in the first place.


"A stitch in time, saves your embarrassment." (RIP Ms. Penny LoBello)


Nobody has posted shake your moneymaker?


Never crossed my mind; damn, that's good.
