I saw the movie yesterday and thought it was great. I think the hatred comes mostly from bitter “queens of color” who love whine with their cheese. For them it’s only about race and nothing else, who cares about who threw the first brick or smashed the first window? A butch lesbian is portrayed as being the first to resist police arrest, and a trans black woman is shown as standing up against a mafia kingpin, while the homeless LGBT kids (and you cannot possibly tell me that couldn’t have included at least one “straight acting” white kid who might have been kicked out of his house by his parents) were the ones who fought against the police and started the ball rolling, also, it is a latino femme the one who always ends up rescuing the white "straight acting" boy, so for them to make a big mess because of their ridiculous obsession with race is simply stupid.


You're right. I enjoyed it too. It's too bad so many people let themselves be talked out of seeing it.

The value of an idea has nothing whatsoever to do with the sincerity of the man who expresses it.-Oscar Wilde
