Just saw this on Netflix

I had been watching a lot of documentary type films on Netflix lately, and I must say this one is going to stick with me for a long time. Loved it!!! I just fell in love with those kids. I feel like this should be shown to kids. Maybe to give them a little reality check on how other kids get to school each day. I know it had inspired me.

"Up your ziggy with a wa-wa brush"


Great! Just found this also and watched a good portion of it with my 7yr old daughter before her school day today. We are impressed with these kids and the film documentary captures the landscape and obstacles so well. The viewer really becomes part of the emotions of these kids and their amazing adventures to find a classroom. I loved the interviews at the end.
Truly a stunning documentary of hope.


This film was a big eye opener. And I cant believe theres not much threads on this documentary. These young kids intelligence are so much mature than kids their age in the USA ive encountered. Its really sad. But these kids really appreciate life and have such a mature vocabulary! I literally got chocked up towards the ending..their daily experience and determination made me shed a tear and inspired me to help them and other children


I got choked up at the end too. I really hope I can find some other documentaries that have touched me the way this one has.

Guybrush: How appropriate. You fight like a cow.
Carla: You never did know when to use that one.
