why is this film blocked ?!?!?

This is one of the most humbling inspiring and REAL documentaries I've ever seen. And yet we had to almost go to the ends of the earth to find a copy!

This should be required viewing in schools and it wouldn't hurt to show new or disgruntled employees too. Maybe that's why it's being blocked...


The film was not blocked. It takes a while for documentaries to make it to streaming services, and they tend to get limited releases in theaters (if any at all).

It's now available on netflix. Shhhh.... it's ok. Everything will be ok. There there...

Movies are IQ tests; the IMDB boards are how people broadcast their score.


On netflix


My school actually brought all the students to see this film in theaters and since it came out they use to show it every year to the new students

This signature is hilarious and original.
