Too depressing ...

I sat through 2 and a half episodes wanting to like it, but just couldn't!


It's not for everybody, for sure.

What we got here is... failure to communicate!


You should really give it a try!

What we got here is... failure to communicate!


What we got here is... failure to communicate!

LOL. Just saw this movie for the umpteenth time.


I hate that expression, "I wanted to like it..." So pretentious.

If you didn't like the movie, GIT IT OUT OF YOU HEAD.

Swing away, Merrill....Merrill, swing away...


Always adds credibility reading a post from someone who think's "GIT" is a word.

Oh, and CAPS LOCK doesn't add drama to your comment.


Yeahhhh, "git" was quoting the way Olive said get and the caps denoted the way she said the expression. m'kay?

Oh, maybe you never got that far into the movie.

Swing away, Merrill....Merrill, swing away...


Why do you think that expression is pretentious?


The only thing it might do is cheer up those with a depressing life, feeling like theirs is not half as bad as they thought. This thing is the ultimate in misery.


One doesn't need a depressing life to find sad stories meaningful. That's a cynical view. All that's required is a sensibility developed enough to tolerate and appreciate a dramatic expression of life's bitter side. Moreover, this story has a hopeful end; it's not a tragedy. And of course even the harshest tragedies, which make this story seem like a cakewalk, have been of value to human beings in general since the beginning of drama.


I sat through all of the episodes hoping for "something better" but it never came!!

IMO Olive was a bitch and certainly didn't deserve a husband who loved her.

Overall it was a plodding, depressing series which didn't "come alive" in any way, shape or form.


I feel it's melancholic, but definitely not depressing.
In fact I think it's kind of curing for depressed people.


I think it might be a wake-up call for people who recognize a bit of Olive in themselves.




Wow, so agreed about Bill Murray. With what she went through, he was the right antidote to finish out her life with.

