Bad New Trend

This season's opening show was the most tiresome ever. The edits no longer concentrate on surviving, hunting, and sheltering, but rather on personal drama.

Without exception, nobody had interpersonal skills beyond what you observe in middle school children. Without exception, each actor had to have the last word, the last cutting remark. Alternate this with sniffling and blubbering (both male and female) reminiscent of kindergarden students?l

Also, the ick factor has been upped with tapeworms and botfly removals. Also, since when does reduced nutrition drop seritonin levels leading to hallucinations? If this were true, all dieting Americans would be delusional.

All in all, it was reminiscent of Jerry Springer. Since the footage is edited for story, why can't we have grownup characters?


Newbie here. Just discovered this show recently. Watched what I guess was the season preview before the first epi last nite, and was disappointed with all the drama they showed about the partners NOT getting along. I guess I'm in the minority and don't care for the drama. I want them to relatively get along [at least don't be mean] and, like you, have the show concentrate on how they survive. I might NOT be watching too much more.
