A Lady Show??

I watched the first season...i thought it was ok/great (very good and intense fighting, etc)
I thought it was slow though...
Does this show have any giant battle scenes or awesome duels...or is it mostly romantic?
I liked the story but....just seemed like it was not action packed enough..?


I´m a guy, straight one, and i love this show, and would recommend to anyone who likes quality storytelling, great acting, great landscapes and fantastic soundtrack. I like Scotland stories, so it helps as well.

The basis of the show is romance, the story of Jaime and Claire, but there is so much more.


Much appreciated
I may try out S2 cuz i quit on it and im all about so many other shows right now
Cheers Qixoni:)


Season 2 is mostly set in France, and it´s great.


Well that could be cool
Thx man:)


It's a historical drama / romance / fantasy, but it doesn't sound me like that's your thing. A series doesn't have to be "action-packed" to be good or enjoyable.


You are right ex...sadly not for me:(
If they threw in a few big battles here and there id be all in
Oh well...season 1 was good enough...i think ive quit tho


Oh, there *were* a few big battles here and there.

This series has plenty of action, as far as I am concerned. It's not Daredevil, because it's not that sort of genre, but for its genre it *is* action-packed.


Thanks ex!
