Sam tweet

Readthrough Block 2. Done.
Lovely new cast and some familiar faces too!

Shooting tomorrow...
This Outlander train doesn't stop! 🚅🚄🚃🚂😁

Wonder who the new cast are.


Geneva? Adult Fergus? Mr Willoughby? It's Helwater next, and Edinburgh can't be too far away.


Helwater's got no familiar faces.. Hints are there for us to see.. Best guess, Lallybroch scenes.

At the point of Crisis and Annihilation, Survival is Victory- Dunkirk


Best guess, Lallybroch scenes.

That was what I was thinking but I wasn't sure if they had done all those already.


They started filming in Lallybroch today. I saw a picture on twitter yesterday with the Castle in full preparation for the filming to start. Unfortunately I don't find the link any more, maybe it got removed??

They fixed some of the windows and built a wall and a shed next to the archway where Jamie got flogged.


Of course John Bell.. I think Block 2 is all scenes Lallybroch. Episode 1 and 6, I think. Familiar faces are surely Laura Donnelly, Steven Cree, and Caitriona Balfe. I'm thinking first they'll film pre-reunion scenes. At the same time Cait will complete her 20th century stuff and join them for post-reunion scenes.

At the point of Crisis and Annihilation, Survival is Victory- Dunkirk


I'm wondering who the familiar faces are at this point in the story.


And this. John Bell's practicing horse-riding.

At the point of Crisis and Annihilation, Survival is Victory- Dunkirk


I think the new cast will be young Ian and Joe Abernathy and maybe Geneva?

They're filming at Midhope Castle this week.


Steven Cree responded to Sam's tweet:

Steven Cree: Familiar faces? Anyone incredibly cool there who does for wooden legs what Hepburn did for little black dresses?

Almost confirms that they are filming Lallybroch.

At the point of Crisis and Annihilation, Survival is Victory- Dunkirk


And more interaction and/or evidence:

Sam's reply to Steven:

Sam Heughan: Nope.

But there was some guy with a dog.

And Steven's response:
Steven Cree: 'Some guy with a dog' is an anagram for 'O my God A wise thug'. Are you calling me wise you charmer you?!💅🏻


At the point of Crisis and Annihilation, Survival is Victory- Dunkirk
