MovieChat Forums > Outlander (2014) Discussion > And so it begins... Again!!

And so it begins... Again!!

Stepehen Walters:
Here is CAITS's a guaranteed number one in Ethiopia and new Zealand-shine on sunshineβ˜€

William Shatner: @StephenWalters @caitrionambalfe @YouTube 😱 What did she do to you? 😳Revenge?πŸ€”

Caitriona Balfe: @WilliamShatner @StephenWalters don't worry Bill, he's been on the sauce again.... 🍹🍸🍷🍻🍺🍾🍹🍸🍷🍻🍺🍾

Look at the backlash Cait's receiving for interacting with Shatner. WOW!!

At the point of Crisis and Annihilation, Survival is Victory- Dunkirk


I'm only seeing 3 responses from the same person and they seem fairly innocuous. Grown ups choose their own friends for their own reasons...not my circus, not my monkeys. πŸ™‚


Follow this thread.. There are others, too.

At the point of Crisis and Annihilation, Survival is Victory- Dunkirk

reply enough. They don't get that they're doing the same thing...telling a grown woman with whom she should be friends...and the name calling. If your hands aren't clean, don't point out that someone else's are dirty. Again, circus/monkeys. 😐


It appears to just be two of them, talking to each other. I don't understand it; people need to grow up, in my opinion.

"How do you know this?"
"That's what I do... I drink, and I know things."


But THEY'RE doing it for the greater good. ξ€›ξ€›ξ€›ξ€›ξ€›ξ€›

This is why I can only read Twitter posts (almost never read responses) and can't respond. Keeps my blood pressure down. Too many idiots posting.




You can say that again!

"How do you know this?"
"That's what I do... I drink, and I know things."


I don't understand why these people get so upset about the people Sam and Cait interact with? Sam and Cait are conversing with THEIR friends..people they know personally. As fans, we don't have the right to tell them who they can be friends with. If these fans are so upset with Sam and Cait, find other celebrities/couples to follow. . Nobody is forcing them to stay in this fandom. Stop playing the constant victim.


Well said golfergirl.

They can talk with whoever they please. And for me this little exchange between Stephen, Cait and Shatner gave me a laugh


And for me this little exchange between Stephen, Cait and Shatner gave me a laugh

Me, too. πŸ˜€

At the point of Crisis and Annihilation, Survival is Victory- Dunkirk


Me, too. πŸ˜€

And Cait and Stephen continued...


One word: HYPOCRISY!!

At the point of Crisis and Annihilation, Survival is Victory- Dunkirk


And tagging her in every post, how important they must feel.

It's so nice to be only interested in the show first and foremost. Too bad that these loonies will never experience how great this show is.



Well, I understand the fans who tweet they're upset. If you look closely: Those are fans, William Shatner targeted a month ago and whom he continued to harass even after they blocked him. So I do understand that they're upset that Cait is now joining the "Shatner train", too. So far she has been very distant towards him. She unfollowed him and has pretty much ignored him on twitter and so those fans were happy, that at least the leading woman in the cast was not communicating with him. Especially since the fans in question are great supporters of Cait and ina private effort just collected more than 4000 pounds for her charity Worldchildcancer.

I realize that Cait has no idea what Shatner did and certainly didn't follow with whom he fought on twitter, but I do understand the fans, too. She has never met Shatner and I think her tweet is completely innocent and harmless. I think it is really not a big deal and the fans in question certainly are creating more drama than necessary, especially since the backlash is certain. We see it here on this board, too after all. That doesn't change though, that I feel compassion for those fans. They've been insulted, joked about and mobbed by Shatner and his horrible fanboys, so I understand that they're voicing their disappointment. As long as it is polite, it is not very wise, but IMO understandable.


If they are so upset and disappointed with what Sam and Cait do or say, then move on and find another celebrity interest. Why keep putting yourself thru all this angst every time they say/do something you don't like?? We all have a choice in choosing to be a fan of theirs or not. If I was a fan of someone and that fandom was making me this miserable, I would move on for my own sanity's sake. I don't understand why they don't.


Because then they couldn't play the martyr card.


They weren't upset with Cait so far, because Cait didn't interact with Shatner. In the contrary, she was their last idol and they supported her. As I said, they raised more than 4000 pounds over the last weeks for her charity due to personal effort. They put her on a pedestal and now they are disappointed. What's so horrible about voicing their disappointment? As a Celebrity you get daily adoration, so it won't kill Cait to hear some tweets of disappointment. As long as they stay polite I don't see anything terrible in it. It won't help them in any way of course and in the contrary they'll get the next backlash. QED in this threat. So it's not wise, but people don't always act wise. In General I find this fandom very judgemental and I think it might be because it's mainly female. Sadly women are in general very ready to judge other women.


So far she has been very distant towards him. She unfollowed him and has pretty much ignored him on twitter and so those fans were happy, that at least the leading woman in the cast was not communicating with him.

But it's not like she was engaging in lengthy banter with him, it was just one comment, which I think was more for Stephen's benefit than anything else.


Yes, I know. I said that it was just a harmless tweet and not worth the drama. But I wasn't one of the women, who Shatner targeted a month ago, so it's easy for me to say "who cares?"

But after initial anger, they all calmed down by now. They're still collecting money for Cait's birthday to give it WCC and they stopped complaining to Cait about her tweet, too.

So IMO they got their anger out of their system and moved on, as everyone should.


Whatever that mess is makes me glad I don't use Twitter.

Gareth: There had to be a reason for that.
Rick: We didn't want to waste the bullets.




I literally have no idea what this post is talking about. What am I supposed to be concerned about? I'm not being a smart ass by any means. I just don't get what is the problem.


The less it's talked about the better. Embrace your ignorance in it and try to keep it! 


Definitely something not to be concerned about. Take Andorra's advice. A person can tweet "Hello, are you having a nice day?" and someone will twist it and make a mountain out of a mole hill (it's like getting a minor scrape on the knee and when all is said and done, the leg has been amputated). Just ignore it.


@cbookout1 Stated:

Definitely something not to be concerned about. Take Andorra's advice. A person can tweet "Hello, are you having a nice day?" and someone will twist it and make a mountain out of a mole hill (it's like getting a minor scrape on the knee and when all is said and done, the leg has been amputated). Just ignore it.

This... All of this!! Agree.
