MovieChat Forums > Outlander (2014) Discussion > Looks like we lost (Spoilers)

Looks like we lost (Spoilers)

It has been announced that there will be two major deaths next season by Ron D. Moore.
I guess that means that Diana won the fight in the writers room and Murtagh won't survive Culloden, just like in the books.


It has not been "announced". It was speculated about it by the author of an article. No one announced anything.

And also one of the major deaths could be Rupert and the other BJR.


As of season two I wouldn't call Rupert a major part so not a major death.


What about Frank? Would that be considered a major death?


I think it will be BJR and Murtagh. Don't know if we'll see Frank die or just see Claire's reaction in the hospital.


I would be very surprised if we don't see Frank death. The fight scene and his following death are a main part of the story line.


And would give Ron's beloved TM juicy acting bits.

"How do you know this?"
"That's what I do... I drink, and I know things."


That too 


I think they'll play it like the book and we just see the fight and Claire finding out about Frank's accident. But it won't matter if they do show it other than to take up time.


Um...didn't want to say anything before, but since stuff is coming out...saw a picture of Duncan Lacroix a few days beard. Now, mebbee he's clean shaven as a disguise , or mebbee it's required in prison, or mebbee to be transported to the Americas. I'm trying to be outrageously optimistic, but truly, I believe they followed the book. Murtaugh, we hardly knew ye. 😢


Are you sure it is a recent one? Do you have a link?

Because I saw a picture, too (with Sam in a bar) and it was taken in April. It only was posted recently. April was, when Duncan took off the beard for the hiatus.


Does 'major deaths' mean 'major characters dyeing?' or 'major death scenes?' or major death scenes of major characters?' ??

Major characters could be Rupert, BJR, Geillis, Murtagh, Geneva, Ellesmore, or Frank.

Major death scenes are likely BJR, Geillis, & Ellesmore.

Major death scenes of major characters is more likely BJR & Geillis, maybe Frank.


It's only speculation from a journalist, who has read the books anyway. I assume he meant BJR and Murtagh, because he was talking about the first episode (that it was written by Ron) and Culloden.

But Ron himself said nothing about "major deaths", nor did he talk about Culloden and so I think it's funny we're still talking about who's "major death" it could be. 😀


I assume he meant BJR and Murtagh, because he was talking about the first episode (that it was written by Ron) and Culloden.

I thought the same, because there should be more deaths than two in the entire series.


Sorry, no, don't have a link. Think I blocked it from my mind. 😬 I don't think it was in a bar, though. Thinking it was outside w/ a fan.


Where did you see it? Because I'm sure I didn't see a recent picture of Duncan in the last weeks. Old pics, yes, but nothing recent. Not on tumblr, twitter or facebook nor any message board I'm on. And I'm on a lot of message boards and visit a lot of pages, LOL. 😀

BTW the picture I was talking about was with Sam and a fan in a bar.


You're asking me for specifics and truly, I didn't notice any other details than what I've mentioned. Saw the pic within the last few (3) wks max. It did not appear to be cropped, meaning Sam was not cropped out of it and it definitely was an outdoor picture in front of buildings with Duncan and a female fan...big smiles all around. That's the story, morning glory! 🙂


I agree with Souleiado1. I think we'll see Frank's death. He'll probably even have some last words for Claire. More guilt. Or something about Jamie? Time travel? I can't see Frank dying off screen. They'll get him in there.


I agree with Souleiado1. I think we'll see Frank's death.

I think we will see it as well.


Last words? Actually I would be a little interested, especially since they seem to have eliminated the fake gravestone from the show, so how will we realize Frank knew about Jamie being alive?

Maybe Claire will operate on him and he will die on her table... Wild speculation you say? 



Maybe Claire will operate on him and he will die on her table... Wild speculation you say?

I like it! But too much guilt for Claire, even if no surgeon could have saved him. Plus, you aren't supposed to operate on family members.
But I really could see some words exchanged between Frank and Claire. It would be dramatic, the reader portion of the viewers would not expect it, and he could give information to Claire that would pique her interest in going back to Scotland to find Jamie, or at least his grave? Even if her purpose was just to say finally good-bye to him and/or tell Bree the truth. Maybe Frank will simply tell Claire that he believes her story. I could be really off base, but I keep thinking that Frank will have a death scene and talk to Claire.


I would enjoy that. Not sure how the timing would work out but it could be shown as some sort of parallel to BJR's death scene (which I assume he will get), although saying goodbye to both of Tobias's characters in one episode would be very sad.

Anyway as they seem to have eliminated the whole fake gravestone thing, I wonder how they will show that Frank knew about Jamie being alive. I never liked the strange gravestone ploy but him knowing is so complex and interesting, I hope they keep it.



A surgeon would not be permitted to operate on their spouse- even back in the 60's. I think during Frank and Claire's heated words Frank will say something that leads Claire to believe that Jamie is alive. It makes their last words together ever so much more unsettling. It leaves Claire feeling angry at Frank with no way to make peace after his death. Unless they have Frank confess out of a guilty conscience- which may make more sense. Toby goes out smelling good.


We have to remember that Claire only found out about Jamie having survived Culloden in the last episode, which was after Frank's death. So Frank can't have told her on his deathbed.

Maybe we'll get a belated gravestone scene in the scenes with Roger and Bree leading up to Claire going back?


I can't see Frank dying off screen.

Me neither, especially if RDM write the episode.


Hopefully he won't survive . I'm not a book purist but that would be something I could not get over .


So I guess the other one is Geillis? Or BJR? Are either of those major? We already are well aware one is coming, and thought the other one already happened.

"How do you know this?"
"That's what I do... I drink, and I know things."


I think BJR is a sure bet.

In the books these people die as well:


But I say it again: It wasn't announced. The author of the article about Ron's life tweet speculated about it. Ron didn't say anything about two deaths at all.


But the death of Rupert already happened in the book; it just wasn't included in the show because they killed off Angus instead. So now Rupert is alive and was the witness to the death of Dougal. In the book the person who sees that was Willie, and he lives through Culloden. They could let Rupert live, but it would be more believable that Jamie isn't killed by him-or another McKenzie-if he dies.


New picture of Duncan and he still looks like our Murtagh 


I've just seen this on Twitter and came here to post it.. He's still got his beard on, and his hair long.. like Murtagh!! My hopes are up.. #SaveMurtagh

At the point of Crisis and Annihilation, Survival is Victory- Dunkirk
