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To those who've read the books ? about Jamies dream of Claire in future

So he dreams of her back in her time. To bad he couldn't have been talking about when she was writing a letter to Bree before coming over something that hasn't happened yet. It makes me sad. I hate the thought that means Claire will have to go back again. The only way i'd able to handle that is if its after Jamie dies. Only asking her cause i'm having slight issues of finding recently updated Outlander discussion boards with the books.


You need to be a little more specific about which scene you're talking about and which book.


Book is A Breath of Snow and Ashes at least that's what person in a message board about the books that hasn't been commented on in yrs said and its when Jamie tells Claire he saw her sitting at a desk she had something in her hand and was describing the light around her and it was electric light at least that's the conclusion that it came to and Claire asked him how he'd know about that. He talks about being able to see future now to. Hoped that helped a little I couldn't remember it word for word. right before that I believe Jamie gave her the black gem saying to use it to go back through the stones if he were to die and be with the family. I wasn't even trying to see a spoiler like that dream I was on a board talking about the ghost in first book and someone had brought this later thing up.


Well, I haven't read the book yet, but I know that the family comes back to the 1700s. So maybe that's all moot. If he dies, he wanted her to go back to be with them, but if they came back to be with her, it wouldn't matter.

Also, maybe his dream isn't a premonition of the future after he's dead, maybe it's a premonition of Claire in the future while they were separated?

"How do you know this?"
"That's what I do... I drink, and I know things."


Maybe. I hope Diana wouldn't be cruel to us fans and the characters by separating them yet again even if she were to go back after Jamie dies hopefully old and grey when he does that would still be heartbreaking. I need Jamie and Claire together when the book series ends. I really love those two in the books and on the show.


It was chapter 68 in A Breath of Snow and Ashes to. Just remembered the chapter number.


Jamie says he dreams of the future, but who's to say it's a future that hasn't already happened. Maybe he did dream of Claire writing the letter to Bree before she came back the second time. It would be the future for him, but not for Claire.

I doubt very much that Claire will go back to the future, even if Jamie were to die first. All her family is in the past like she says.

That's all I'm going to say. Don't want to spoil later books.


Alright thanks. True on what you just said about Jamie in the first paragraph. Diana said there'd be 10 books didn't she. I can only imagine how old i'll be when the final book comes out considering how long it takes her to write them LOL. I hope she'll end the series with them as happy as they can all be at least.


I remember that. I thought it might be after Jamie has died and Claire has returned to her own time, but who knows with DG.


If she were to really go back in future that would be the only way i'd be ok with it is if its after Jamie were to pass. It would be way too heartbreaking to separate them by having her have to go back again. I kind of hope that DG would end the series with Jamie and Claire together and at least as happy as they could be with all the craziness those two always get in. Would really suck if we were to end the series with something heartbreaking when that time comes.
