Lay Me Out, I'm Dead

If that makes it to TV, my heart will be ripped out, still beating.

Of all sad words of mouth or pen, the saddest are these: it might have been. - J G Whittier


They better not cut that.


If I had any skill, I'd totally put together all the episodes with the deleted scenes spliced in. Even Rupert's bit as he's following Claire in episode 1:2 is gold. The part where Murtaugh pledges himself to Claire MAKES The Search. I actually remember that scene as part of the episode.

Of all sad words of mouth or pen, the saddest are these: it might have been. - J G Whittier


The part where Murtaugh pledges himself to Claire MAKES The Search.

That really should have been in there. Even RDM admits it. They have how many minutes of Claire and Murtagh riding horses, singing, and dancing? And they couldn't have squeezed in that moment?


Exactly. Very powerful description. I can't wait.


They better not cut that.

Hopefully they won't dare.

As an aside, reading this and seeing those pictures in EW, you can see how the highlanders stripped right back for battle to just their shirts and kilts. I suppose it was easier to move. I read it was actually customary for them to remove their kilts before battle and charge wearing only their war shirts.


I can almost see that scene play out in my mind, and I have no words. WOW!!

At the point of Crisis and Annihilation, Survival is Victory- Dunkirk


Yes,I saw that comment and thought the same thing.

Only six months to go. 😀


I really, really can't wait! I'm so happy that Sam is getting really good material to play this season. He was a bit underused last season IMO.


I kind of agree, but he's such a subtle actor, a lot of his work can get lost just watching for the story. Like when he first took Claire to Craig na Dun - if I could find the gif, the play of emotions on his face as he watches Claire walk up the hill is heart-renching.

Of all sad words of mouth or pen, the saddest are these: it might have been. - J G Whittier


I can't wait either , It's about time! They lost so many occasions last season to give Sam better material but mainly more screen time.


Voyager turns the narrative of the novels from Claire to Jamie, looks like the show is staying consistent to that. Jamie/Sam is the focus of the EW article, the majority of the first episode will be on Jamie, since we know BPC is included, the battle, the BJR showdown. With the exception of Joe all the new characters are Jamie centric.

And thank god the first forty minutes will not be about GD Frank!


And thank god the first forty minutes will not be about GD Frank!


Well, the E-Online article did say it starts our with Claire in 1948, so I expect Frank. Maybe not 40 minutes though.

Anyway for myself personally, nevermind Frank, but I want to see as much of Claire as possible. So if the screentime is a bit more evenly distributed between her and Jamie than in the novel, I won't complain.



Voyager turns the narrative of the novels from Claire to Jamie,

It only just occurred to me that this means we will get a Jamie voiceover again.



And thank god the first forty minutes will not be about GD Frank!

Or listen to Claire whine to Jamie about sacrificing his revenge on Randall to keep Frank alive in the future. It irritated me in the books and more on the show. Claire gets 18 years of her fill of Frank. I can't wait to see her dislike of it in S3. That will be satisfying as a tormented fan on this part of the story. Lol!


If that makes it to TV, my heart will be ripped out, still beating.

Even your words made me emotional..

I also pray it is not edited out...


Listen, I still haven't gotten over not seeing the water horse scene. Missing this moment as well will be hard to bear. 😳🙏


Listen, I still haven't gotten over not seeing the water horse scene.

DG talks about that in the BBC Alba documentary. She only put it in because she knew how editors liked to take scenes out and she expected this to be one they would want to remove, only they didn't mention it. LOL!


Only minutes after saying she never wrote the novel for publication 



Only minutes after saying she never wrote the novel for publication 

She never did say how that came about.


I've mean to remember she said in another interview that a friend showed it to a publisher.


I've mean to remember she said in another interview that a friend showed it to a publisher.

Thanks for that.
