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My speculations on the filming of Outlander S3

The facts we have so far:

1. they filmed Culloden, Ardsmuir and Boston in the first block

2. Sam said they finished 2 Episodes

3. Sam worked for about 3 weeks of 4, Cait for about 1,5?

4. They filmed Young Ian swimming to the island yesterday

5. Laoghaire is in block 2

6. They’re going to film Lallybroch next week

7. There’s an actor named Sam Hoare who is following and who is being followed by half of the cast of Outlander.

8. Matt Roberts tweeted his excitement over block 3

My conclusion:

Block 1:

Episode 1 being Culloden, Some deaths of beloved characters (hopefully NOT Murtagh!!!). the cottage, the executions, Jamie’s rescue through Lord Merton (I think Sam Hoare is a good bet as actor for Lord Merton) and him getting loaded on the wagon to Lallybroch. In Claire’s story: Showing her pregnant in Boston, maybe the difficult birth of Brianna.

Episode 3 being Ardsmuir. Jamie and Lord John, Duncan Kerr, Jamie escaping from Ardsmuir, Lord John’s move on Jamie, the flogging. Claire becoming a doctor, Joe Abernathy, Frank's death?

Block 2

Episode 2 Jamie arriving in Lallybroch, Jenny rescuing him, Jamie’s time in the cave, the birth of Young Ian and Jamie letting himself getting caught. Cait with little Brianna in Boston. The horrible day with the dinner in the evening and hopefully the flying bottle of redwine.

Episode 6 After the reunion. Smuggling incident, going to Lallybroch, Laoghaire and Jamie getting shot.

So I think they will film Episode 4 (Helwater + Claire/Brianna/Roger in the 60s) and Episdoe 5 (Printshop) in Block 3. Matt Roberts wrote the Printshop Episode and that's why he tweeted his excitement for Block 3.

What do you think?


What do you think?

I think your detective work is amazing


That's a fair analysis.. Though I think episode 6 stuff will not fit in one episode. They will have to make that into two episodes.

My only doubt is episode 1. As I mentioned in another thread that the director who filmed Culloden is not the same director who filmed Boston stuff. Either they credit both the directors in that episode or there wont be either Culloden or Boston stuff in episode 1. We know for sure that Ron had written Culloden, so it is in the series premiere.

I think Lallybroch stuff will make into that episode, by extending the episode run-time. And it is possible that the director who directed Culloden and Ardsmuir can also direct Lallybroch stuff.. Remaining will most likely be as you guessed, I suppose.

Just my speculations.

At the point of Crisis and Annihilation, Survival is Victory- Dunkirk


As I mentioned in another thread that the director who filmed Culloden is not the same director who filmed Boston stuff.

How do you know that?


Well, they filmed Ardsmuir and Boston scenes at the same time.. And when Cait was filming in GU, Sam was filming Culloden. One can guess.. I suppose the director can't be in two locations at the same time.

At the point of Crisis and Annihilation, Survival is Victory- Dunkirk


Well, they filmed Ardsmuir and Boston scenes at the same time.. And when Cait was filming in GU, Sam was filming Culloden. One can guess.. I suppose the director can't be in two locations at the same time.

I actually heard they didn't film real scenes with the second unit. Just landscape and pickups. And the 1. AD directed them. In the end they had 4 weeks for 2 Episodes, which is the normal time they need. Graham McTavish told us, that they have 12 shooting days for each episode, 24 in each block. Without the weekends, it's just what they had for the first block and that also speaks for just one unit filming and one director.


Well, Cait's first look in EW is an indication that they filmed a lot more with Cait than we are speculating.

At the point of Crisis and Annihilation, Survival is Victory- Dunkirk


Not really. She was very publically in Ghana during the first week of filming, so she can't have filmed then. She filmed about 2-3 days in the second week one of it a nightshoot, which I assume was the filming of the scene we see in the picture. She tweeted that she wasn't filming in 3rd week (because she talked with the Ladies of AnglophileTV about her award and that she hadn't received it yet) and she filmed the whole fourth week. I think it's very safe to say, that she had about 8 days of filming in block 1 vs Sam who had about 16.


She filmed about 2-3 days in the second week one of it a nightshoot

That was the outdoor shooting, and we got no idea if she filmed any scenes indoor. Who knows what else they filmed? And any stuff, outdoor or indoor, no matter the importance, surely needs a director... AD wont do. And you surely can't know that an AD filmed those stuff..

At the point of Crisis and Annihilation, Survival is Victory- Dunkirk


No it wasn't all outdoor shooting. She only had 3 days outdoor shooting. One day at Glasgow University, one nightshoot (probably the one with the picture) and one day in Glasgow last week. No more outdoor shooting that I know of.

I know when she filmed though, because it was so easy to figure out in this block. First week off (Ghana). Her driver also had time off btw.

Second week her Make up artist tweeted to Cait early on the second day of the week, that her "Claire hair" was waiting for her and that she is looking forward to see her. Then was the night shoot day, where Cait tweeted she had a split day, first a morning shoot and then a night shoot. Then there was the Glasgow Uni filming the next day and then there was the day when she said she was riding in the park (we don't know if she was filming that day or just practised riding). Week over.

Third week Cait tweeted that she wouldn't be filming all week.

Fourth week had Cait filming 5 days, one of them the outdoor filming in Glasgow.


Anyway, they can't shoot any of those scenes without a director, and that's the end of it. We'll have to see if they'll include them in 1st episode or not..

Your remaining episodes speculation is spot on.. And looking at EW first look stills, you maybe right about a 30-40 min culloden stuff, and I'd LOVE to see that play!! Looks very intense and compelling.. Can't wait!! Very excited!! 🙆

At the point of Crisis and Annihilation, Survival is Victory- Dunkirk


Can't wait!! Very excited!! 🙆

Me, too! If we're lucky it's not even 7 months now!!!

(And I'll have Sherlock in the middle of it. Yay!!)


Me, too! If we're lucky it's not even 7 months now!!!

(And I'll have Sherlock in the middle of it. Yay!!)

I got lots of TV series in the middle of it (most from The CW), Sherlock being one of them. The series I'm most excited about is Westworld.. I'm sure they'll occupy my mind in the mean time.

At the point of Crisis and Annihilation, Survival is Victory- Dunkirk


Yeees, Westworld I am super excited about. And The Crown on Netflix.

7 months seems like ages though.. Luckily they started sharing news so soon this season.



And The Crown on Netflix.

Yes.. That too. I've watched the trailer just yesterday.. Looking forward to it.

At the point of Crisis and Annihilation, Survival is Victory- Dunkirk


Yeees, Westworld I am super excited about.

The critics are raving about it.. I'm a big fan of Christopher Nolan & Jonathan Nolan.. And HBO.. I was on it from the moment the show was announced.

Also, looks like Sam too is excited about Westworld. He's following it on Twitter, and been liking tweets that are Westworld related.

At the point of Crisis and Annihilation, Survival is Victory- Dunkirk


I hope it'll be as great as it looks, it's time for another truly great sci-fi series.



Ep one is only an hour long as per RDM.


I'll say that you are probably not that far off. :-)


Great work. 

3. Matt Roberts wrote the Printshop Episode

Do we know that for sure?


Yes, he tweeted about it a while back.


6. They’re going to film Lallybroch next week

I drove past the side road to 'Lallybroch' (Midhope) on Friday afternoon, en route to my favourite walk near Abercorn. There was some kind on security guy to the top of the road. There were also signs around the roads in the area with things like 'LOC' , 'TECH' and 'BASE' on them. The 'BASE' one was pointing down the road to the Hopetoun Garden centre.

If they are filming this week, then at least it looks like they might get some nice weather.


Laura Donnelly is back to work!! On Oct 2nd. Lallybroch!!

At the point of Crisis and Annihilation, Survival is Victory- Dunkirk


Isn't Laura Donnelly pregnant? Or did she recently have her baby? A pregnancy would probably be fine for her and easily written into the scripts as Jenny had seven children. (Though one died soon after birth or was stillborn.)


She had her Baby in July as far as I know.


So, going by Anne Kenney's new tweets, she's writing post-reunion Lallybroch episode(s). That means, she's writing Laoghaire, again (remember episode 208?).

At the point of Crisis and Annihilation, Survival is Victory- Dunkirk


Should we worry cause she's writing the post reunion episodes.


I don't know. Anne Kenney wrote episode 208, which is most fans' least favorite episode till date. But she also wrote episode 107, which is most fans' top favorite till date.

At the point of Crisis and Annihilation, Survival is Victory- Dunkirk


Alright. So basically we just have to wait and see what category these eps she's done for this season thus far will fall under LOL.


Possibly if that's the ep where Laoghaire shows up and Jamie has to explain why he's now married to the woman who tried to kill Claire. Anne's going to have unscrew the already established screw-up.


I just got done with Voyager a few days ago and can't remember the thing with chickens that would be off the first tweet of annes can someone refresh my memory please.


Chicken maybe is added as Lallybroch daily life decoration? John Bell (Young Ian) and chickens, it must be post-reunion Lallybroch. And they are filming Lallybroch scenes, right now.

At the point of Crisis and Annihilation, Survival is Victory- Dunkirk


Maybe this????

There were chickens mentioned by Ian to Claire when he rides out to persuade Claire to go back to Lallybroch (Ian was describing all the mayhem that transpired when Jamie came back to find Claire gone).

"...Mother went for Uncle Jamie wi' an iron girdle, and he snatched it from her and threw it through the kitchen window. Scairt the chickens out o' the yard..."

"Less about chickens.....Get on with it..."

Off hand, I can't recall chickens any other time.


Yess..!! That maybe. With Cait in France, they might've filmed that scene between Jamie and Jenny (and Young Ian) yesterday. Makes sense.

At the point of Crisis and Annihilation, Survival is Victory- Dunkirk


So maybe we'll have a knock-down/drag-out scene between Jenny and Jamie? I'd really like to see that.


Thanks for reminding me of this part. That would totally make sense for what they possibly filmed since Cait is in France at moment.


This could be Marsali walking in on Jamie & Claire.. Then Laoghaire.. And then Jamie & Claire fight..

At the point of Crisis and Annihilation, Survival is Victory- Dunkirk
