MovieChat Forums > Outlander (2014) Discussion > DIA reread chapters 24 - 26

DIA reread chapters 24 - 26

Chapter 24.

Yeah I'm pretty sure the Comte St Germain would not have been happy to have Jamie be the one to sell his and BPC's cargo.

Personally I have let the warehouse foreman figure his own way to paying his bill.

Be careful Claire when you eavesdrop, you'll hear things you don't want to hear. I really dislike the idea of a society where it seems to be common place for a man who's wife can't have sex with him, for whatever reason, to visit a whore. As if men have no self-control.

I wouldn't feel well either after hearing that. Claire knows darn well who Jamie challenged and Claire has every right to fell sick about it. Literally.

The shock of that note. I wouldn't be able to sleep either.

"Nice" imagery of Jamie stabbing BJR and Claire going into labor at the same time. Jamie doesn't appear to want to kill BJR. BJR was down and could have easily have been killed but Jamie's goal just seems to be to geld him. That would solve a few problems for anyone down the road.

Jamie must have been terrified when he was Claire go down and all the blood. And then not to be able to get to here.

Yes take her to the Hôptial.


Chapter 25

What do you think caused Claire's infection? Losing a baby wouldn't automatically do it.

I cannot begin to imagine what it is like to lose a child in any form (still born or already living). But I imagine a Boutan might be a little bit of a help.

I might have been a bit freaked out to suddenly wake up to Master Raymond. Not exactly who you'd expect to see at that moment.

Hmmm trying to think of a reason for Master Raymond's need to touch Claire's breasts for healing her. Why not above them on her chest or slightly below them?

Yay to Master Raymond healing Claire.

He gives a hint that they are the same in their essence.


My guess what caused the infection would be retained placenta. Common with premature birth, the placenta can expel in pieces (too graphic for you?). Funny this is mentioned because last night on my unit one of my patients had this same thing. Not to that degree due to the availability of antibiotics given right at delivery. The other probability is due to unsanitary instruments and unclean fields.
Master Raymond's breast thing, you got me there.


There really isn't anything that's too graphic for me. Not medically anyway.


Chapter 26

I like that Louise wanted to take care of Claire.

That's a bit a of a shock, it's not every day that you see bodies swinging from a tree.

So everyone not a Catholic was a witch or seditious?

I can't believe that Claire didn't try to find out where Jamie was.

I don't remember ever fighting a bath when I was a kid. Washing my feet after I had been playing outside all day sure, but not a bath.

Not the usual look for a pastor, but I guess I'd be in disguise if people were trying to kill me too. Don't thing any of my Huguenots were killed, I think most of mine made it to America.

Master Raymond gets around.

Yes Claire you really do want to see Jamie again. You won't be whole again until you do.
