MovieChat Forums > Outlander (2014) Discussion > OT: Sam's movie "When Starlight ends"

OT: Sam's movie "When Starlight ends"

Sad news for those (like me), who would have loved to see Sam in this movie. He was very passionate about the project, but it looks like things are not going as planned.

The movie will be shown at "The other Venice Film Festival" this weekend and all showings were sold out immediately. Sam also won the award for"best actor" of the film festival, but since he can't attend, the award will go to someone else.

Sam now announced on facebook (the link above), that neither he (nor the writer/director) have been allowed to see the version of the film that is screened at the festival and Sam had no idea it was even finished. It was put together by the financers of the film and Sam sounds very disappointed.

another weird thing about this film festival. They were thrilled that all screening of the movie were sold out so fast and for weeks they implied Sam would attend the screening. Now that they announced, that Sam won't get his award, because he can't fly to LA in the middle of filming S3, they blocked every single twitter account, who dared to say, that it is a weird rule to deny Sam his award just because he can't fly around the world to personally receive it.


I have to let this sink in. It's the weirdest story I read in a long time.
I feel for Sam and all the others passionately involved in this project.


I guess I just have one thought... if he hasn't seen it, how does he know it's not true to the script or the original vision? There's a chance it still could be.

"How do you know this?"
"That's what I do... I drink, and I know things."


Since he's still in contact with Adam Sigal, who wrote and directed the movie, I think he'll probably has some internal knowledge of what was said and done BTS. Adam Sigal obviously wasn't allowed to watch the version of the movie either, so I assume there were discrepancies between him and the financiers about how the movie should look and Sam took the writer's side on it.


It is really sad for a project that Sam was very proud of and pushed from the beginning. It looks like the financiers thought they could make some money with Sam growing celebrity and pushed for a final cut that wasn't in line with the original project. I'm glad that he is protesting in behalf of the movie and the director/ writer . But we won't be surprised if he doesn't jump on an indie movie anytime soon , especially since he has already so little time outside of Outlander. He seems very delusional about that part of the industry.
I also would like to know how the organizers of the Venice festival can really believe that only present actors during the ceremony should get an award ? It feels like it would be a second class award for whom ever will get it instead of Sam.


Hi Souleiado1,

This is not the Venice Film Festival which is decades old and well-funded. The Other Venice Film Festival is a small venue artsy affair in Venice, California. It's not well-funded, and is really for local filmmakers and community members. Most of the films shown at the Other Venice Film Festival are only seen there.

I'm sure Sam will work on other indie films, it's a way to get creds in town and I'm sure that his film will screen online or an indie film channel eventually.


Hi digitaldiva!
Sorry I didn't precised it in my original post but I' m well aware that it is the Other Venice film festival , not the one in Italy  I know that also that the movies have to be filmed in part in Venice CA to be selected. But I still think that badly founded or not , that should not be an excuse to make rules that make not much sense.


Hi Souleiado1,

Most film festivals have little or no funding. I've been involved with two festivals that were never able to the sponsorship to keep going.

I think the festival organizers hoped that a potential appearance by Sam Heughan at Beyond Baroque would be a draw. Sadly, it was not to be.


I understand that most festivals , not just film festivals are most of the time well underfund and struggle to stay alive but in the case of this festival , it seems that Sam's name was the biggest attraction and all the showings of the movie were sold out because of Sam . Overruling the non show presence for an award would have been smart .I doudbt that the organizers were expecting Sam to show up , they had to know , they probably hoped for it but reasonably it was almost impossible for him to show up in the middle of season 3.
Right now by blocking people , Sam included , the person they were expecting to gain some attraction and money from , they look like they are acting like somebody else said in this thread like a bunch of 14 years old having a tantrum ,not like adults in charge of a festival. They are shooting themselves in the foot!


Hi Souleiado1,

While the situation is disappointing to some in Sam Heughan's fan base and certainly unprofessional, the festival will continue with local filmmakers. I don't understand why they couldn't have sent him the award and requested that he accept digitally and shown the link on their website. Still, a lot of folks in the Venice area who will continue making small films and documentaries and screen them at Beyond Baroque.


Seems like the Festival now blocked Sam, too. He said it was "strange behavior" to block all his fans and now they're not following him any more and he not them. They even blocked fans, who didn't complain about him not getting the award themselves, but only retweeted tweets of other fans.

Never saw such weird behavior. After using Sam's name for weeks to draw attention to their little festival they're now blocking him? The lead actor of one of the movies they show and the one movie they had to add additional screenings for, since all screenings were sold out immediately?


Wow!!! This sure is strange!


It sounds like this film festival is run by a bunch of 14 year old girls. Petty, immature, and way too in to social media.

"How do you know this?"
"That's what I do... I drink, and I know things."


Hi FknyChkn34,

That's an insult to fourteen-year-old girls. The Other Venice Film Festival a rinky-dink affair, but growing every year.


Sorry... it was a joke.

"How do you know this?"
"That's what I do... I drink, and I know things."


And yet appears to be true. Sounds like film festival to avoid.


Hi FnkyChkyn34,

I knew it was a joke, I was replying in kind.


14 year olds aside, it is promotional foolishness to 'bite the hand that feeds you', they were using Sam to promote their film festival, blocking Sam & his fans is not going to bring them back next year to see their offerings or stop them from questioning these actions on Twitter, for more bad PR. Why bother going after this audience in the first place if you just going antagonize them?

Sorry for Sam though, I'd have liked to see this film.


Poor Sam & Adam. To have your work ripped off like that and have no say in it's rearrangement or even being able to see the changed project. Hollywood show "business" at its worst. Those guys and everyone involved with passion for the work got burned. Tough lesson. Would really like to see Sam in a successful movie to help his non-Outlander career.


Hi hannahjamesglasgow,

Believe me, I've been to this festival in the past. It's as far from Hollywood as you can get and I doubt their films get distribution deals. Perhaps a few film distributors might attend, but a very few. It's simply a place for a film to be seen so the filmmaker can note it on his or her website and the IMDB.


That's really too bad. It seems both Adam and Sam had high hopes to get this film distributed. That it has ended up in some seedy fest is a strange move after being hijacked by the financiers if they want to make any money off it. Bizarre.


Hi hannahjamesglasgow,

I used to be more in the loop with film distribution and it always amazed me to see films with major actors and well-known directors that couldn't get distribution deals and never were released. Hopefully it will get a release some time in the future.


That's so bizarre. I wonder how many good movies we've missed because of failed distribution deals. It's a shame that's what it comes down to. I hate it when art is at the mercy of the profit margin. I agree. Hope this movie makes it to release.


There are so many good films that never saw the light of day or were shelved for years, yet commercial dreck gets released.


There are so many good films that never saw the light of day or were shelved for years (…)

I’d love to see the legal framework of this project, ownership, intellectual property, etc.
My first reaction yesterday was that Sam and Adam Sigal put an embargo asap on the movie, and leave the rest to the lawyers.


Hi maxine3,

If the writer has a WGA contract and Sam and the other actors had a SAG Indie contract, they have no proprietary rights to the film. The production entity raised the funds, which I assume were small and own the rights to the film and can edit it any way they wish.


Hi digitaldiva,
The thing is that we don't know what they signed. But there should be in any case for all parties an escape clause for special conditions like this one and specified somewhere in at least one of the contracts. In any case, I hope that they’ll be able to work something out to save their project. Right now it doesn’t look like it’s in good hands.


Hi maxine3,

When Starlight Ends is a little digital film that probably won't see the light of day in a theater, but will air online eventually. I'd be shocked if the producers spent over $200,000 dollars on it and I'm not sure if they could get it into another festival.

Actors take a chance on works like this and Sam must have known what he was getting into. Hopefully the actors and director will get footage for their reels, but at this point, I'm sure everyone has moved on.


Hi digitaldiva,
I think it’s poking around in the dark since we both don’t know anything about the ins and outs of the film and the contracts. A hard lesson for them, especially since they put so much passion into the project. From what I understood it was altered in a way the writer and Sam didn't agree with, so to me it looks like a ruined project. Not having access to it is a bad sign too. But again, not 100% sure because this is information I read in succinct tweet-lingo.


Hi maxine3,

I agree. I've worked on Indie films like that and know some of the difficulties but not all.


I guess Arabella Oz was there to receive her award at the Other Venice Film Festival


Hi Dwinn10055,

She had another film, a short, screening there too. Unlike Sam, Arabella lives in L.A. and could make it. I wish they had allowed her to pick up his award instead of giving it to someone else.


Their system $ucks...


Hi skfan88,

They are an underfunded local film festival that honors work by artists who live in Venice, California. I'm sure Sam and the director have moved on.


I know she lives in LA , lol. But the So Cal Outlander group just tweeted that the OVFF has relented and is sending Sam his award after all .,as per the director


Good. Hopefully that will put the matter to rest.


Here I found the Tweet, that the So Cal Outlander group posted,

I hate it when I post from my phone


Hi Dwinn10055,

As I noted before, hopefully the matter can now be put to rest.


As I noted before, hopefully the matter can now be put to rest.

yes me too!I just wanted to post the Tweet and couldn't from my phone.😁


Thanks, Dwinn10055. I've actually seen some of those ladies at the Outlander costume exhibit, a very loyal and determined group of fans.


I don't know what to say.. I feel for Sam, but he's taking it like a true gentleman.. 👊✌👏

At the point of Crisis and Annihilation, Survival is Victory- Dunkirk


Don't think he would take it any other way. He's a class act. Besides, there's nothing he can do. I just hope everyone, cast and crew, got paid for their work.


This happens for BIG movies, too. Producers taking control, I mean. Batman Vs Superman: Dawn of Justice is the best example. Zack Snyder had his cut which is about 3 hours runtime, and Warner Bros. wanted it cut down to 2hr 30min runtime. The theatrical was criticized for not being clear on what they wanted to say. Then they released Director's Cut on Blu-ray, which was praised for being a bit more specific on what the film was about.

At the point of Crisis and Annihilation, Survival is Victory- Dunkirk


Good lord Hollywood studios seem to be in a mess. Too much money at stake and everyone is losing sight of getting the story of the movie itself right. Ruining the product. 😞


Now, about the other issue "Film Festival". They are a bunch of a-holes. I don't condemn them for giving their "award" to this other actor instead of Sam (even if the award was meant for Sam). I condemn them for publicly trying to shame (jokes on them) Sam on SM by making a post, announcing that the award was meant for Sam, and he couldn't come, so they are giving it to this other actor who is "BIG".

Also, they shamed Sam's fans on twitter (kooks, they said).. the fans who must've bought majority of the tickets for the movie they are screening.

At the point of Crisis and Annihilation, Survival is Victory- Dunkirk


Didn't they also block any fans from questioning their actions and any fan complaints about their treatment of Sam?


They did.. I don't know what they're trying to prove..

Diana's response to it:

At the point of Crisis and Annihilation, Survival is Victory- Dunkirk


She's right. Not smart. They have shot themselves in the foot where Sam's fans are concerned. That local LA group can generate a lot of buzz to help a small fest like that. Oh well. By the sounds of it, maybe it should be forced to close. Shady.


Thanks for the info. I wondered what it was all about when I saw this exchange on Twitter.


Just found this a few minutes ago, so I thought I'd re-open this thread.

Interesting last paragraph. We'll have to wait and see, I guess.
