MovieChat Forums > Outlander (2014) Discussion > DIA reread chapters 30 - 32

DIA reread chapters 30 - 32

Chapter 30

Jamie really was looking forward to living at Lallybroch since he bought breeding horses.

Reading about Fergus wanting to be on a horse reminds me of the gag reel and Romann on Archie.

Just think what could have been if Jamie hadn't gotten involved with BPC in France and had been allowed to be Jared's partner in the wine business.

Such a short time and Lallybroch is home to Claire.

I have to wonder why DG decided that Jamie should have such horrible seasickness.

Love the teasing that goes on in this family. I think Ian missed Jamie as much as Jenny did.

Why didn't Jamie want Claire to look back on the remains of Ronnie MacNab's house? After his ghost would follow them perhaps?

Jenny may be small but she's definitely in charge.

Knowing that Jenny will raise Fergus, I wonder when he got to move into the house from the stables.

I'm always amazed a willing Jamie is to obey Jenny even as an adult.


Chapter 31

Had I been Jamie I would have ignored any letters from BPC. Better to forget him. Maybe if he had Jamie's name wouldn't appear later.

I wonder where Master Raymond ended up, maybe even when.

A nice intro to Mary MacNab. Important later in the books, but will she play the same part in the show? Some say yes some say no.

Just the thought of Jamie has healing powers for Claire.

We get a little bit of Claire's background. It's easy to see why living in the 18th century wasn't such a hardship for Claire.

So had Jenny and Ian been living in the Master's bedroom and have now moved or did they share another bedroom waiting for Jamie to come back to his place as Laird.

How short a time where Jamie and Claire in France? Seems longer than a year from the time Claire tells Jenny to plant potatoes and the harvest of the first crop.

No Jamie wasn't born to take of everyone, he only got that responsibility when Willie died.

Jamie is always good for a bit of agricultural info.

I can't see Claire being bored wherever she is. There's always someone ill she can work on.

Had Willie lived do you think Jamie would have gone to work with Jared or taken up the sword?

Do you think Willie would have made the same choices Jamie made that started all the madness of Jamie's life?



I wonder where Master Raymond ended up, maybe even when.

I wonder why he sent carved stones to her. Were they meant for time travel if necessary? Or did they have some other mystical power or meaning? What happened to them?
Just the thought of Jamie has healing powers for Claire.

I love this line: "the love of him was necessary to me as breath or blood."
How short a time where Jamie and Claire in France?

They were gone for 10 months. When they are returning to Lallybroch and they run into Ian it was mentioned that Maggie was less than a year old. And then Claire says Maggie was 10 months old. She would have been born during mid November or so, of 1743, which means they must have returned to Lallybroch in September of 1744.
No Jamie wasn't born to take of everyone, he only got that responsibility when Willie died.

But Jamie is still a leader and has a caretaker personality. He feels responsible for others and I think that is just how he is, not merely a result of being Laird by default. Still, it must have felt odd to know only the death of his brother gave him Lallybroch.

I hope Jamie would have been a merchant, not a soldier. Being a soldier was too dangerous and he would not like being gone so often, especially if it meant leaving Claire.
I love the stories of Jamie's childhood. Brian Fraser was a wise man and father, in spite of not having a good father himself.
Would Willie, had he lived, have been the one who suffered the fate of Jamie? He might well have been the brother who was home when the soldiers came and Jenny was attacked.


I hope Jamie would have been a merchant, not a soldier. Being a soldier was too dangerous and he would not like being gone so often, especially if it meant leaving Claire.

But Jamie probably never would have met Claire had Willie lived. No reason for Jamie to have fled to France if Willie was the one to encounter BJR on that first fateful day.

Would Willie, had he lived, have been the one who suffered the fate of Jamie? He might well have been the brother who was home when the soldiers came and Jenny was attacked.

Who knows Claire might have ended up married to Willie instead. And how might that have gone? How much was Willie like Jamie in personality?


Chapter 32

I like the whole potato harvesting and eating section. It adds a nice hominess to the story even if it doesn't advance the plot.

So Jamie and Ian aren't men because they belong to Jenny. lol

I really wish Jamie and Claire could have had more children. Jamie's love of children is one of his great qualities.


Hard to see potatoes as a new food.😃
Did you notice one of the tenants was named Kincaid? Reminded me of Kincaid in the show.
I really wish they could have had more children, too. I would have loved to see them raising kids together. Jamie is so good with children. I'm sorry he pretty much missed out on that part of life. Would Jamie have raised his children as he was raised? Would Claire have objected to beating them? Jamie and Claire had very different childhoods, so their approaches to child rearing might clash. That would certainly be interesting to watch!


Pretty sure Jamie would have raised any kids the way he was raised. He's taken the belt to tenants' kids on the Ridge and iirc Fergus at Lallybroch, so I'm sure he would have done it with his own when they were little. Trying to remember if he's spanked Jem or Germain.


Just think what could have been if Jamie hadn't gotten involved with BPC in France and had been allowed to be Jared's partner in the wine business.

If Jamie and Claire had not tried to stop Culloden from happening they could have stayed out of it completely. Jamie's name would not have been forged on the document and he was not really a Jacobite so he'd be in the clear. They would only have had to weather the aftermath, which Jamie had to do anyway.
I have to wonder why DG decided that Jamie should have such horrible seasickness.

Do you suppose it was to make it unfeasible for Jamie to leave Scotland for America? I doubt he would have survived the trip, being so sick and dehydrated that long. It was a good reason he couldn't leave with Claire and his family before the Rising, and he couldn't be sent with his men from Ardsmuir. And Jamie remaining in Scotland allowed him to be found 220 years later. Had he been forced into indentured service in America he might have been impossible to find.
Why didn't Jamie want Claire to look back on the remains of Ronnie MacNab's house?

It may have been partly superstition about his ghost, but I thin it was more than that. I think Jamie simply did not want to look back on what had happened. Ronnie McNabb's betrayal had caused Jamie's capture, Wentworth, having to live in Paris, the death of Faith (he would think), Claire and the King, etc. Jamie doesn't live in the past. He was moving on-McNabb's actions caused huge consequences for Jamie and Claire, but Jamie doesn't look back or regret the past. He has the same attitude when he and Claire discuss their 20 years apart and she regrets not looking for Jamie sooner.
I'm always amazed a willing Jamie is to obey Jenny even as an adult.

Old habits die hard. Jenny is his bossy older sister! Jamie also respects her.
If only they could have stayed happily at Lallybroch for the rest of their lives.


If Jamie hadn't been seasick they could have left for America long before any BJR encounters or at least instead of going back to Scotland. We could have had more adventures in America.
