MovieChat Forums > Outlander (2014) Discussion > Thwarted Expectations

Thwarted Expectations

Case One: Brianna

Brianna Randall grows up in the middle of the 20th Century. She makes her way through school and starts college. She would have reasonable expectations of academic success, following in the steps of a father she loves and admires, and with a choice of good job afterwards.

Suddenly and unexpectedly she has all her understanding of who she is in the world turned upside down. She's not a Randall, she's a Fraser, the man she called 'Daddy' isn't, and the biological one lived 200 years ago!

That's going to confuse anyone, and probably make them 'bratish' and introspective too.

Left alone by her mother she continues on her former path, (albeit with a change of study) until out of concern for her mother, and possibly curiosity about her father and his family, she travels to find them and warn them of impending doom. She probably didn't think much beyond finding them, but then she finds herself with a husband and baby, stuck in domesticity 200 years before the world in which she grew up.

Case Two: William

The 9th Earl of Ellesmere grows up in indulgent luxury with an impressive inheritance and glowing future ahead of him. He wants to follow his 'father', adopted, but beloved, into the military and is commissioned an officer in a war in which he expects to be glorious and victorious.

Suddenly and unexpectedly he has all his understanding of who he is in the world turned upside down. He is not an Earl, his father is a pardoned traitor, and the man he called 'Father' knew this all along.

That's going to be a blow to anyone, and probably going to make them 'bratish' and resentful too.

He struggles on without his identity as soldier which he cannot inhabit due to technical circumstances and tries to deal with the blows his pride and his growing frustration.

Maybe we as readers, don't 'like' Brianna and William because we are just as confused about who they really are, as the characters are themselves.

Interestingly, when Brianna sees and meets William, she is adamant that he must know the truth. Lord John is aghast, of course, but who else could understand why this is, in fact, so important.

These two have a huge amount in common, and a father too. These two characters are the two who need to find each other and each other's understanding, in order to find themselves. Once they do, and I really hope Diana gives it to them then I think they might find themselves, and we might find out who they are, and see them become who they are, find we love them too.

Here's hoping.....


These two have a huge amount in common, and a father too.

I totally agree with this.. They are almost all alike. Another coincidence, they both find out about their true parentage when they were 20 years old.
These two characters are the two who need to find each other and each other's understanding, in order to find themselves. Once they do, and I really hope Diana gives it to them then I think they might find themselves, and we might find out who they are, and see them become who they are, find we love them too.

My thoughts exactly.. I think this should happen.. I hope.

At the point of Crisis and Annihilation, Survival is Victory- Dunkirk


Good post, with nice insight.

She probably didn't think much beyond finding them,...

But this is my problem with Brianna. She doesn't think. And when she does think, it's only about herself.

I can understand bratish, introspective, and resentful - but she's just downright selfish and makes horrible, horrible decisions. I'm only on book 5, but she's awful, in my opinion. I've used the word "insufferable" to describe her, which is a shame, because so far I think I like Roger. (I don't know enough about William yet to comment on him.)

"How do you know this?"
"That's what I do... I drink, and I know things."


I know what you mean about Brianna not thinking.

Claire might not have been prepared to find herself in the eighteenth century, but it was a lot less alien to her than it was to Brianna. Jamie says that she can't possibly stay, she's like some exotic creature who clearly doesn't belong there at all, and Brianna does seem to be almost in a state of shock for the first couple of books she's there. I think she can't think about other stuff. She's just overwhelmed.

Roger does come across as much more sympathetic, but we see him try so hard to find his feet, and do the right thing, by Brianna and Jem, and deal with Jamie, so we love him for it. He has a role to try and step in to and live up to. Brianna doesn't in the same way, she just seems to be trying to survive, she can't think beyond herself, and Jem once he arrives, for ages.

I want to like her more, I think she has a rough deal, and I think she's underwritten, so we have less to work with. I'd like to see Diana allow her to be more brave or heroic or selfless, or, well, anything really.


I want to like her more, I think she has a rough deal, and I think she's underwritten, so we have less to work with. I'd like to see Diana allow her to be more brave or heroic or selfless, or, well, anything really.

Yep. This.

Brianna is one of the reasons why I'm having a very hard time getting through book 5. Also knowing that she doesn't get much better any time soon isn't helping me to get excited for book 6 and beyond.

"How do you know this?"
"That's what I do... I drink, and I know things."


Brianna is one of the reasons why I'm having a very hard time getting through book 5. Also knowing that she doesn't get much better any time soon isn't helping me to get excited for book 6 and beyond.

I think she's better in books seven and eight when their situation changes. She has to step up and deal with more dramatic things which happen and she does.

I hope you find a bit more to her when you get there. Happy reading.


Brianna is one of the reasons why I'm having a very hard time getting through book 5. Also knowing that she doesn't get much better any time soon isn't helping me to get excited for book 6 and beyond.
I think a lot of people, including myself, skipped a lot of Bree's storyline. She does eventually get better, it just takes a long time getting there.
