MovieChat Forums > Outlander (2014) Discussion > "Faith"-- Episode 207 Extended/Deleted S...

"Faith"-- Episode 207 Extended/Deleted Scene

Sam retweeted this tweet.

Edit: Didn't understand why they didn't go with this version..

At the point of Crisis and Annihilation, Survival is Victory- Dunkirk


I'm shocked and sickened that TPTB didn't include this entire scene in E207. Jamie's words and emotions here fill out the blank space that's left in the final cut, where we don't get the full impact of Jamie's pain nor his reaching out and embrace of Claire for their healing together. I was always unhappy that none of the Fontainbleu reconciliation dialog was used in the show, but this scene would have made up for some of that loss. Isn't this story supposed to be about Jamie AND Claire? Their reconciliation after losing the baby, and all else that happened, is a MAJOR, MAJOR, MAJOR part of their story, putting back the broken pieces of both of them, individually and as a couple. So, now seeing what could have been in the show, but wasn't, I feel sad, cheated, and outraged, that again, Jamie goes on the chopping block, in this case reducing the impact of a father's loss too.

When he kneels and says "Blood of my blood..." etc, I crumpled inside. How could they leave that out?????

"Ye are Blood of my Blood, and Bone of my Bone.....I give ye my Spirit, til our Life shall be Done."


Well said, really, couldn't agree more.

When he kneels and says "Blood of my blood..." etc, I crumpled inside. How could they leave that out?????

This, so much this. That line, that vow is the very foundation of their marriage, something they repeat to each other in crucial moments of their life together, but also something they live by even when they're apart.
To leave that out shows once again how little of this story Ron & co, actually understand.

"Every relationship is reciprocal, Peter. When you touch something, it touches you."


Well said.. All of it. I'm utterly disappointed.

When he kneels and says "Blood of my blood..." etc, I crumpled inside. How could they leave that out?????

Right in the feels for me.

At the point of Crisis and Annihilation, Survival is Victory- Dunkirk


Because Ron is an imbecile and keep cutting great moments with Sam. We know that many scenes ended up on the cutting floor since season 1. That extended scene is actually longer but unfortunately right now , It is remove as soon as it is posted somewhere. You can see Jamie's face from the moment Claire tells him that it was a girl and tells him her story and it makes all the differences in that scene.
It was a stupid move from editing because this is the only moment where you see the pain of Jamie losing Faith, his side of the story and the deep connection they have together. Book readers know it , but not only show viewers.
Damned Ron! He has proven one more time that he doesn't understand the story and as usual erases great scenes with Sam . As short as it was , he is brilliant during that moment.


You are saying there is a longer, more complete version of that scene out there somewhere? Is is accessible in any way? Can someone grab it and send it out privately?

I am sure there are missing Jamie and Jamie/Claire scenes all over the can sense, feel, something missing from the story, times that just don't feel right.....and when you've read the books, the impact is worse.

I often have this fantastical thought: Someday soon, TPTB will re-edit EVERY episode to be the full "Jamie & Claire" story, not just the "Claire" story, putting back all the great scenes and dialog that had been dropped, and do a special "Outlander Fans' Cut" or "The Complete Story Cut" dvd. I don't care how much it would cost..... i just want to see the HONEST version of the show!

And, by the way, does anyone know how Sam feels about all these cuts, and what is essentially a diminishment of his role in the show? I suppose he'll never say!

"Ye are Blood of my Blood, and Bone of my Bone.....I give ye my Spirit, til our Life shall be Done."


Yes, there is a longer version of that scene , but all attempts to keep it somewhere has failed , it gets removed within 30mn. It showed the full episode. I kept hitting places where it got removed. I have only seen the pictures from those moments that some people were lucky to catch. I'm actually surprised that Sam's retweet is still on as it was done by a well know fan who probably was able to copy the episode.
The director of the episode Metin Huseyin made a bit of a protest and just tweeted that he was surprised that the scene was cut since it was the most important scene that carries the weight of the last 20 episodes. So we know that Ron has the last word and the executive in the editing process. Now , we probably know why that director was not invited for season 3 and it is a shame.
By retweeting the scene that is not official ,it's not difficult to think that Sam may have not be very happy about it, because it was a great moment of acting and it ended up on the cutting floor. This is not the first time , it has to be frustrating for an actor.

The tweet from the director of "Faith"


By retweeting the scene that is not official ,it's not difficult to think that Sam may have not be very happy about it, because it was a great moment of acting and it ended up on the cutting floor. This is not the first time , it has to be frustrating for an actor.

I'm sure Sam must've been very frustrated. Lots of unnecessary stuff made into the final cuts and this one didn't.. WOW.. WONDERFUL job. šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘ŽšŸ˜ šŸ˜–

At the point of Crisis and Annihilation, Survival is Victory- Dunkirk


You are saying there is a longer, more complete version of that scene out there somewhere? Is is accessible in any way? Can someone grab it and send it out privately?

The whole J&C sequence is about 15 minutes long. It starts with Jamie coming home and ends with Jamie and Claire visiting Faith's grave. It's much more powerful as a whole. I'll put it on dropbox right away, but I suggest you download it fast because it will get removed soon enough.

"Every relationship is reciprocal, Peter. When you touch something, it touches you."


How do I get to and use Dropbox?

"Ye are Blood of my Blood, and Bone of my Bone.....I give ye my Spirit, til our Life shall be Done."


I just sent you a PM.

"Every relationship is reciprocal, Peter. When you touch something, it touches you."


Hey.. Can you please PM that scene to me as well? Please!!

Thank you.

At the point of Crisis and Annihilation, Survival is Victory- Dunkirk



"Every relationship is reciprocal, Peter. When you touch something, it touches you."


Wonderful!! Thank You.. Downloaded it already.

At the point of Crisis and Annihilation, Survival is Victory- Dunkirk


You are very welcome.

"Every relationship is reciprocal, Peter. When you touch something, it touches you."


Just watched it.. This cut was more powerful when compared to the final cut. It showed the pain on both sides.. A mother AND father's pain on losing a child.. I guess they only wanted to show the Claire's side.. Disappointed.

At the point of Crisis and Annihilation, Survival is Victory- Dunkirk


And there was this very powerful line from Claire: "I didn't just lose a baby.. I lost a lifetime with someone I loved before I ever met them."

No words.

At the point of Crisis and Annihilation, Survival is Victory- Dunkirk


Yes, so powerful. And I agree with your previous comment. The cut shows Jamie's pain as well, but also, that they're in it together. Which is what their relationship is all about. It shows the real Jamie, the one who would never let her grieve alone, and the real Claire who is able to snap out of her own pain and let him in.
Note how she first asks: "Will you give me MY child back?" and then, "Frank is not here, and now neither is OUR daughter."
So subtle, and yet so powerful. And not to mention Jamie saying Faith's name.
That they decided to cut all of that, but never fail to show us every single rape and torture scene is so, so disappointing. It really boggles my mind that they don't feel the need to show us all the little nuances and depth of both Jamie and Claire's as individuals but most of all, of the two of them as a whole.

"Every relationship is reciprocal, Peter. When you touch something, it touches you."


Note how she first asks: "Will you give me MY child back?"

And Jamie replies: "It was MY child too." I don't believe the final cut made a point of it. It was all about Claire's pain.. Claire's child.. Nothing about Jamie's pain.. Or Jamie's child..
the real Claire who is able to snap out of her own pain and let him in.

It was very well written in the book.. The books refers to a dark cloud surrounding Claire, and when Jamie finally came looking for Claire, that cloud was beginning to tear apart..:
I knew that only Jamie himself could pull me back the rest of the way, into the land of the living. That was why I had run from him, done all I could to keep him away, to make sure he would never come near me again. I had no wish to come back, no desire to feel again. I didnā€™t want to know love, only to have it ripped away once more.

But it was too late. I knew that, even as I fought to hold the gray shroud around me. Fighting only hastened its dissolution; it was like grasping shreds of cloud, that vanished in cold mist between my fingers. I could feel the light coming, blinding and searing.

He had risen, was standing over me. His shadow fell across my knees; surely that meant the cloud had broken; a shadow doesnā€™t fall without light.

ā€œClaire,ā€ he whispered. ā€œPlease. Let me give ye comfort.ā€

ā€œComfort?ā€ I said. ā€œAnd how will you do that? Can you give me back my child?ā€

He sank to his knees before me, but I kept my head down, staring into my upturned hands, laid empty on my lap. I felt his movement as he reached to touch me, hesitated, drew back, reached again.

ā€œNo,ā€ he said, his voice scarcely audible. ā€œNo, I canna do that. Butā€¦with the grace of Godā€¦I might give ye another?ā€

His hand hovered over mine, close enough that I felt the warmth of his skin. I felt other things as well: the grief that he held tight under rein, the anger and the fear that choked him, and the courage that made him speak in spite of it. I gathered my own courage around me, a flimsy substitute for the thick gray shroud. Then I took his hand and lifted my head, and looked full into the face of the sun.

That was one of the epic scenes Diana had ever written, IMO.
That they decided to cut all of that, but never fail to show us every single rape and torture scene is so, so disappointing.

Really, there are so many such scenes that could've been easily left out, and it makes little difference to the plot.. But this? This is THE PLOT. CLAIRE & JAMIE.
It really boggles my mind that they don't feel the need to show us all the little nuances and depth of both Jamie and Claire's as individuals but most of all, of the two of them as a whole.

They totally failed to deliver that in Season 2. Very disappointing.

At the point of Crisis and Annihilation, Survival is Victory- Dunkirk


How do I download it to keep it? I''m on I need to do this on my Mac?

"Ye are Blood of my Blood, and Bone of my Bone.....I give ye my Spirit, til our Life shall be Done."


On the right side corner you'll find download button..

At the point of Crisis and Annihilation, Survival is Victory- Dunkirk


No download button on iPad.... in upper right cirner there is a "save video", which I clicked, but if it did save it I don't know where it went. I checked the Videos app, not there. Help!!!!

"Ye are Blood of my Blood, and Bone of my Bone.....I give ye my Spirit, til our Life shall be Done."


"Save video" button saved the video in your dropbox, I think. If there's no download button on Ipad, then try it on other device.. That's about all I can say, sorry.

At the point of Crisis and Annihilation, Survival is Victory- Dunkirk


Could you send me the link as well, would love it. Thank you!


Already sent. Enjoy!

"Every relationship is reciprocal, Peter. When you touch something, it touches you."


Thank you!


Could I have a PM as well. Thanks.


I've sent it.

At the point of Crisis and Annihilation, Survival is Victory- Dunkirk


Thank you so much....watched it in awe and tears!

Now I have to figure out how to get it from Dropbox on iPad to someplace safe, like the Videos app, or get it to my Mac, but can't figure out how. Any help would be appreciated.

"Ye are Blood of my Blood, and Bone of my Bone.....I give ye my Spirit, til our Life shall be Done."


A belated but very profound thank you for the PM link....... I've watched it 4 or 5 times now, and find it so powerful, so necessary for J&C's story that it boggles my mind that any moment, any word of it was deemed expendable.

"Ye are Blood of my Blood, and Bone of my Bone.....I give ye my Spirit, til our Life shall be Done."


How do I get to and use Dropbox?

"Ye are Blood of my Blood, and Bone of my Bone.....I give ye my Spirit, til our Life shall be Done."


I too would like a PM with the link. Thank-you.



"Every relationship is reciprocal, Peter. When you touch something, it touches you."


I also prefer the extended cut but the RDM bashing in this thread is beyond ridiculous. Like we know what leads to which decision being made. Without him we wouldn't have a show to begin with.



I also prefer the extended cut but the RDM bashing in this thread is beyond ridiculous. Like we know what leads to which decision being made. Without him we wouldn't have a show to begin with.

I agree.


Yes , he brought us the show and we can be glad about it but we can still discusse the fact that when it comes to the relashionship of Claire and Jamie Ron has no clue about it . This has always been an issue. We also know that directors in the serie don't have much say about editing and that Ron may answer to superiors but it is mainly his decision , and this is not the first time we hear especially when it comes to Sam that Ron cut , cut and cut important scenes. That scene been cut is a major error.


Indeed we can discuss anything we like but we can also acknowledge that we haven't got a clue what exactly lead to which directorial decision.
And calling him Rotten Ron (reminds me of a certain presidential candidate who enjoys distributing kindergarten names to his opponents) or insisting the only reason for putting some focus on Frank could possibly be an irrational homoerotic love for the actor, sorry but that is so ridiculous.

I don't mind criticizing him one bit, but it often sounds like there is this spectacular alternative to his vision and it's just not true. There was maybe a tiny fragment of a chance to get a series as good as this.

By the way, in no way did I mean to address you alone or specifically, yours was just the first post to mention it.



Nobody is talking about Frank in this thread so I don't see any reason to threw him in this conversation. My point has nothing to do with that part of the story.

I criticize him because we know from different panels and interviews that Ron has a hard time to understand the relashionship of Jamie and Claire , he sees it as important to the story but a weakness , not a strong point especially when it comes to Jamie's feelings. This is always what we have missed from the beginning even if originally the story is seen from Claire's point of view , Jamie's side Is as important, especially on screen. We know that many times , directors or writers have filed those type of scenes and many endded up on the floor of the cutting room. He doesn't help his case when we hear him during the commented episodes on how much he cut Sam's scenes. Maybe he should restrained himself of those comments in the future.
I understand that he has also to answer to superiors and that not all decisions are made by him but he is the main producer and he is the vision of the show , and it is a shame that he has all the material and crew needed to make it even better show but refuse to do it sometimes because Ron thinks that we want to see more actions and that feelings, relashionship and growth of characters can be seen as bad romance. He has sometimes great moments as we know he is the reason behind the " come find us" in the blue room but those moments are rare.
I love the show and will always be grateful for Ron to bring it to life but I find it regretful that sometimes they missed on having even a better one.


I was merely using the Frank argument as an example for what I consider a ridiculous criticism of RDM, I certainly don't want to discuss him here.

You make a very good point in your second paragraph and that is the sort of "objective" (albeit subjective) criticism I have no issue with. Calling him stupid, an imbecile or Rotten Ron is.



Ok , lol ...fine more stupid Ron .....put it on been seriously pissed after watching what could have been such a great moment! I see your point and will try to restrain myself and may not use some words in the future but I will still criticize the show and Ron if I see the needs.


Sorry, I don't mean to impose censorship ī€¦ Of course everyone is entitled to their opinion but there is some serious hatred for RDM sometimes and personally I'm mostly grateful we got such an amazing series at all.

By the way, more than the cutting of it I think it is a shame that they moved this scene from the gardens to the inside. I loved Claire running away from Jamie (Emma anyone?)
I guess it was supposed to be depressive and constricting in the room but I liked the novel's setting more.



This is what love for a serie will do to you ! We all get passionate about it ī€‡
I do also prefer the book premises but I understand why they shoot that scene inside since they skipped the entire Fontainebleau trip from the serie.


I also prefer the extended cut but the RDM bashing in this thread is beyond ridiculous. Like we know what leads to which decision being made.

No.. we don't know what leads to any decision made by the show-runners..

BUT, (not to insult Ron) frankly speaking, he messed up so many scenes in the show.. And this is a fact he owned up to himself.. not that he messed up so many scenes, but that he made these changes which he thought would work wonders.. Alas, they back-fired..

I hope he got the message strong.. If not, god and/or loyal fans save Outlander TV series..

At the point of Crisis and Annihilation, Survival is Victory- Dunkirk


I think that is very possibly the consensus between ardent book fans, but I for one have liked most of the changes that were made. I have the luxury though because neither do I particularly love the novels, nor do I think that Jamie is the most interesting part.

I certainly do think Maril is the one with the best influence though. The more she gets to say the better!



Ron himself has admitted to making wrong choices.


This is why Rotten Ron should be replaced. He did the same thing with the wedding night scene where Jamie and Claire promise to always tell each other the truth and that was a pivotal scene, as well.

Sorry, Ron, this isn't the Frank and Claire show. I know you're butt hurt that you're going to be losing your favorite actor soon. But tell the story you're supposed to be telling and stop cutting out pivotal scenes that damage the story.


Will this be in the deleted scenes on the DVD? If so it will be interesting to hear RDM say why he cut it.


I think so, yes. The person who posted this on twitter had a small conversation with Metin, in which it was said that this scene will be on DVD.

At the point of Crisis and Annihilation, Survival is Victory- Dunkirk


Won't be on DVD, only on Blu-ray.
"Faith Extended Episode (exclusive to Blu-ray)"

"Every relationship is reciprocal, Peter. When you touch something, it touches you."


"Faith Extended Episode (exclusive to Blu-ray)"

Typical. I've decided to go with a DVD this season. I hope someone will report back on what RDM says about it.


At this point there isn't anything he can say that would justify leaving all that out. It was already over an hour long anyway they could have added those extra five to ten minutes.


Especially when so many other episodes last season ran shorter than 60mn. From all the interviews ,it looks like they would have the green light from Starz to go over the allowed time , they don't have the same restrictions than other networks.


Is this the clip where Jamie tells Claire it was his child as well? If not, I have it or you can go on tumblr. They have it from the moment Jamie walks ups the stairs..

Sam,Matin and DG commented on twitter about this scene being cut. Sam was complimented, complimented Cait and DG commented...


From all the interviews ,it looks like they would have the green light from Starz to go over the allowed time , they don't have the same restrictions than other networks.

IIRC, they said in the podcast for that episode that they were given the green light to do a 90 minutes episode.



I'm sure the version that krish_rocker posted a link to, is the version I saw.

What did puzzle me - and it struck a very unauthentic chord - was the fact that Jamie gives Clare the handsel gift of the silver spoons for their child, before the child was born. In the Scottish tradition, especially in those days, to give such a gift in advance of the safe delivery of the child would have been considered very bad luck. Infant mortally rates were high, and you wouldn't take such things for granted.

My mother would always 'handsel' a new child with a silver coin. It seems like quite an old tradition, cos according to my book of Scottish folklore:"To ensure that a child should never know poverty...all visitors, seeing the child for the first time, should place a silver coin in its hand. If the child looses the coin it will grow up to be open-handed and generous, but if it grabs tightly it will be a 'grippy' man or woman."


What did puzzle me - and it struck a very unauthentic chord - was the fact that Jamie gives Clare the handsel gift of the silver spoons for their child, before the child was born.

That wasn't in the book. But them being Apostle spoons, would it still be considered as bad luck?

At the point of Crisis and Annihilation, Survival is Victory- Dunkirk


But them being Apostle spoons, would it still be considered as bad luck?

Yes, I think they would still be considered bad luck to be given BEFORE the birth. It's not the nature of the gift, but the timing of it. I know it the US people have baby showers, which I believe take place ahead of the birth? Here is Scotland, it is still the tradition to wait until the child is safely delivered before giving a gift. In 18th century with such high infant mortality, I'm sure this would be strictly adhered to. JMHO.


I finally found a link to the 15 minutes extended video.. It's on Vimeo.

At the point of Crisis and Annihilation, Survival is Victory- Dunkirk


Yup... this is the clip I was talking about. Watching it from beginning to end gave me a better understanding how they kept with that scene from the book, just changed the atmosphere..


Watching it from beginning to end gave me a better understanding how they kept with that scene from the book, just changed the atmosphere..

True. This scene really came close to the scene in the book.. At least this scene is making into the extended version of "Faith" episode on Blu-ray.

At the point of Crisis and Annihilation, Survival is Victory- Dunkirk


Both Cait and Sam were brilliant, it`s unfair why they continue with the editing of the most important scenes that belong to Sam, he is one of the STARS of the show, he is an amazing combination of charisma and talent. Please, producers, respect Sam as an actor, the show isn`t just about Claire, it`s about the story of Jamie and Claire marriage.


If they use Sam to promote the show, like in this poster, where he is alone, then is fair to expect that the producers respect the importance of his role as Jamie, too. Sam is more than eye candy, he is very talented and really commit to the role, one of the reasons of the success of Outlander. The producers have to remember that He is one of the central characters, not a supporting role. ī†


Thank you for posting this. Very sad and great acting. It's a pity they haven't included this.

ā€¦ sometimes one lifeā€¦ If itā€™s the right lifeā€¦ Thatā€™s enough. Goodbye, Harold."
John Reese


Thanks for posting, really appreciate it.


What a pity!! How could they cut so much of this scene!? It's a sacrilege! They should have cut some of the scene in the starchamber, which I think is way too long and should have left this scene here completely untouched.

What a bad, bad decision! It's such a pity and I'm incredibly sad for Sam, because he acts his heart out here and everything ends up on the cutting floor!


Wow! I didn't think that episode could get any better, Sam was terrific, and the extended scene explains his emotion/tears on 'Scotland'. Also love the 'blood of blood' being brought back in.

The fact that this is completely scored, means the decision to edit may not have been RDM's. He edits and gives it to Bear to score, this is complete as one piece. Then they went in and re-edit it for the broadcast, meaning the direction to re-edit may have been Sony or Starz.


The fact that this is completely scored, means the decision to edit may not have been RDM's.

Ohh? Then please explain why this deleted scene from seasom 1 has a background score?
Then they went in and re-edit it for the broadcast, meaning the direction to re-edit may have been Sony or Starz.

Sony or Starz never edit/cut scenes.. They make the show-runner do it, if they are not happy with something.. They can't just go behind show-runner's back and release their own edited version.

Final cut is always the show-runner's cut.. All starz/sony can do is to give restrictions on a scene which appears to be offensive, and give the run-time of an episode. I don't see problem with either them.. Ron himself said that Starz is happy to give them a few extra minutes of run-time for an episode.. and that scene is in no way offensive.. So, it MUST be Ron.

And Richard Kahan kind of made it clear that it was Ron's call:

At the point of Crisis and Annihilation, Survival is Victory- Dunkirk


Ohh? Then please explain why this deleted scene from seasom 1 has a background score?

Yes, and that was definitely RDM's choice. But he did admit it was mistake and he shouldn't have cut it and when he introduced the scene on the DVD. He said he did it for time but wished he had cut another scene elsewhere instead.


Does that mean the extended episode is on the Blu-ray completely finished and scored? I wonder if it will be possible to watch it instead of the aired version in a rewatch or if it is a rough cut like the extended 1x09 on the S1 Blu-ray.



It is completely finished and scored. The episode was released as a full episode from the beginning and presented as the extended version sold for the Blu-ray. I didn't catch it early enough before it got deleted but that version was available on Vimeo the first day.


Excellent, thank you! I am looking forward to watching it (I've only seen the ending scene so far). I'm glad it is the finished version, as good as some of the extended scenes in 1x09 are, the rough cut isn't really watchable as a substitute for the aired cut.



I heard that actually you can see as well one or two extra scenes with Claire and Fergus that are really sweet and add as well to their close relationship.


I just found on internet that Faith episode is 1 hr 16 min duration. It is added with Lallybroch scenes in it too.. The same scenes that feature in The Fox's Lair.

Lallybroch scenes are up to Jamie finding out that BPC forged his signature and Jamie deciding that he'll fight for BPC. These scenes are still featured in The Fox's Lair Blu-ray version, too.

At the point of Crisis and Annihilation, Survival is Victory- Dunkirk


Interesting! No potato festival though? ī€¦

I guess it doesn't work to watch it instead of the aired version then after all. A shame but I am glad they didn't move to Lallybroch in this episode. Even if it did mess with the feeling of time passing.



It is added with Lallybroch scenes in it too.. The same scenes that feature in The Fox's Lair.

Yes, they say in the podcast that they originally had those scenes there but then decided, rightly so I think, that they weren't meant for this episode and this one should end with them at the baby's grave.

Interestingly, listening to this bit of the podcast again, I realise that Toni Graphia quotes the deleted line of Jamie's - 'We're the only two people in the world that share this pain, this pain of losing Faith' as if it is still there. So she must not have realised it had been cut.


Interestingly, listening to this bit of the podcast again, I realise that Toni Graphia quotes the deleted line of Jamie's - 'We're the only two people in the world that share this pain, this pain of losing Faith' as if it is still there. So she must not have realised it had been cut.

The director himself was surprised.. Though I do wonder, if Ron decided to edit this scene out, why didn't he inform the writer and the director of the episode? I'm pretty sure the episode final cut is presented on the TV with the show-runner's complete knowledge of what's in it, and what's left out.

At the point of Crisis and Annihilation, Survival is Victory- Dunkirk


Why would he inform them? Ron has obviously the last word when it comes to editing and the final product, same thing when it comes to script.


Ron should not only inform them, but have a discussion about it. They are the directors and writers of the show.. A discussion would help him decide better.. Looks like they hadn't any for this episode, since the director was clueless about the edit, and the writer too was apparently in dilemma.

At the point of Crisis and Annihilation, Survival is Victory- Dunkirk


Sam talks about the deleted scenes in this article:

Of course, with any Blu-ray, there are deleted scenes included here. Which deleted Season 2 scene were you most devastated not to see included in the original episodes?

There was one recently that was released on social media; it was the ā€œFaithā€ scene. Certainly, from my perspective, you got to see a lot more of Jamie and his angst. I mean, heā€™s kind of not present for most of that episode. I think that's important, that's an important cut. We go on that journey with Claire and see her go through all the stages of grief and mourning and then some sort of brittle resolve. Almost, in a way, we didn't want the camera to blink from her. I think thatā€™s what was decided. Watching Jamie also go through it, well, absolutely, itā€™s another side. I certainly know that I really felt very strong in that scene. I felt that it was a very awkward place for Jamie to be that will have some sort of repercussionā€”even now in Season 3. I donā€™t think Jamie or Claire get over the loss of Faith. I think itā€™s wonderful that the fans actually get to see a glimpse into some of the other work that we do thatā€™s not always on the screen.


Yes, I've read that.
Thank You.

At the point of Crisis and Annihilation, Survival is Victory- Dunkirk


Though I do wonder, if Ron decided to edit this scene out, why didn't he inform the writer and the director of the episode?

Maybe Toni did know. But she had must have forgotten about that particular line because it wouldn't have been in what they were watching doing the podcast. Listening to it again, they do say that they cut a lot of dialogue because they thought the silence was more powerful. But, I think, they are talking more about earlier drafts of the script. Toni actually says her first draft had more of an argument betwen them, going from room to room. I'm glad that she changed that.
