MovieChat Forums > Outlander (2014) Discussion > My Article About Brianna

My Article About Brianna

Hey, y'all! I recently wrote an article about Brianna (and how much she got on my last nerve) on Movie Pilot. Check it out if you have the chance!




Nice article.. šŸ‘Brianna isn't well written on the finale.. There's this scene which just seemed so unreal to me.. Just when Claire was going to tell Brianna about her true parentage, Roger comes in.. He understands something's off and decides to leave.. But Brianna stops him, says to him that he was her friend, and he can stay. Friend like what.. 5 minutes? And she lets him- or for that matter, any of her friends- on her family discussions, just like that?

I also agree with this:

And speaking of Brianna and Roger, their relationship so far is very reminiscent of Claire and Frank's: a nice couple, but at the same time, thereā€™s really no explosive chemistry. Yawn.

At the point of Crisis and Annihilation, Survival is Victory- Dunkirk


Nice article.. šŸ‘Brianna isn't well written on the finale.. There's this scene which just seemed so unreal to me.. Just when Claire was going to tell Brianna about her true parentage, Roger comes in.. He understands something's off and decides to leave.. But Brianna stops him, says to him that he was her friend, and he can stay. Friend like what.. 5 minutes? And she lets him- or for that matter, any of her friends- on her family discussions, just like that?

Glad you liked the article! I definitely agree with what you said about Bree allowing Roger to stay in the room with her and Claire, after knowing him for all of five minutes! I get that she was chummy with him and thought he was cute and all, but doggone! That's family business! That's another reason I didn't like her.




However Roger already knew that Bree wasn't Frank's daughter. He already was involved in family business.


And speaking of Brianna and Roger, their relationship so far is very reminiscent of Claire and Frank's: a nice couple, but at the same time, thereā€™s really no explosive chemistry. Yawn.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but the lack of chemistry between Bree and Rodger, is right because Rodger is romantically interested in Bree, but Bree "wasn't that interested" in Rodger, for a long time and until after they make the transition time wise. And they were really more friends then anything for quite a while.

Isn't that right ???.... it been a long time since I read book 3.


I always thought they were interested in each other, just that Roger knew right away and Bree had to realize it...much like her mother.


I always thought they were interested in each other, just that Roger knew right away and Bree had to realize it...much like her mother.

yes, she was friends with Rodger and always had fun and liked him, but her romantic feelings were very slow in developing... Bree wanted to sleep with Rodger and he refused because she really didn't "love" him


Apologizing in advance Dwinn...I'm gonna split hairs. I think she was slow in realizing she had romantic feelings, not slow in developing them. I believeshe did love him when she wanted to sleep with him, but was afraid of doing what her mother did...basically tell someone she loved them (Frank) only to take it back. She didn't want to go back on her word.


That is an interesting theory Bunny... I guess we all have our own opinion of what Diana wrote. I like that theory. But I think Claire did love Frank when she told him she loved him.... She basically changed her mind when she met someone she loved more. I don't think she "loved" Frank the same way after met Jamie and I doubt she ever told him she loved him again in that way.

Claire was in love with Frank and trying to get back to him and didn't love Jamie ..Claire married Jamie because she wanted to stop being followed and thought Jamie would help her get back to the stones and Frank... She was not in love with developed over time, but then it was irreversible.

But maybe you are right and Bree was looking at it as Claire breaking her word.


Absolutely agree with your first paragraph, Dwinn. Claire did love Frank when she went through, however , I think the seeds of discontent had been sown way beforehand. And then she met Jamie.

I believe she loved Jamie and says as much in the book when she misses him when he goes away from Leoch and realizes the reason for her jealousy and when she thought to spare his feelings by escaping early on, she realizes it's too late for him and her as well. I think her feelings for Jamie frightened her and her sense of loyalty, obligation and remaining love drove her to go back to Frank, to something safe and calm and logical.

Fun to analyze the motivations of fictional characters! šŸ˜„


I love the line Brianna has later on in the books, about now having witnessed a marriage of love vs. a marriage of convenience. I guess what also held her back from admitting her feelings for Roger was her thinking that what Claire/Frank had was what a marriage looked like.

There was definitely romance before the time travel though. I wonder if we will get to see the towel dropping scene.



Understand Bree isn't written having a bad or rocky relationship with Claire in any way in the books. That was a show choice and a bad one. Is she upset when she finds out about Jamie, absolutely and she does get pissy with Claire, but it doesn't last long. In fact Bree helps Claire and Roger look for Jamie in the past and is the one to encourage her mother to return to Jamie and threatens to go herself if Claire doesn't.

In the books it's Roger who makes the discovery about Frank not being Bree's father, not Bree.

The problem is Hollywood equates strong woman with bitch. We got the same thing with Claire in the beginning. Hopefully we'll see Bree mellow in future seasons.


I have to disagree when it comes to Claire being a b***h. Yes, Claire does have a strong personality and she's opinionated, but at heart, she's a real sweetheart. Brianna, on the other hand, is a whole different story. Hopefully next season, they'll find a balance like they did with Claire.




Ohh.. You'll like Brianna in Season 3, of that I'm sure.. As sure as you'd hate her in Season 4, when it airs. From then on you'll start to like her.. I believe.

At the point of Crisis and Annihilation, Survival is Victory- Dunkirk


I said Claire Started Out as a bitch. Go back and watch season one again. Claire was snarling at everyone and up in their faces. That's not a sweetheart.


I said Claire Started Out as a bitch. Go back and watch season one again. Claire was snarling at everyone and up in their faces. That's not a sweetheart.

Yeah, I totally get what you were saying. Like I said earlier, Claire has a strong personality and she's very opinionated. Yes, she got in folk's faces (and had to put her foot in her mouth a few times), but it was mostly Dougal, Angus and Rupert's faces, but let's face it, at first, they weren't the easiest bunch to get along with, anyway. I don't consider her a sweetheart because she's gentle with everyone, I consider her a sweetheart because she has a good heart and always looks out for the people she loves.




I have to disagree when it comes to Claire being a b***h. Yes, Claire does have a strong personality and she's opinionated, but at heart, she's a real sweetheart.
I'm sorry, but Claire was never a sweetheart. Even now she is not a sweetheart: she is more mellow, but not a sweetheart.


I really liked your article, this was my exact impression of Bree. I did not like her in the TV series nor did I like her in the books. They really did keep advertising Bree's character as "beloved" and my thought everytime I saw it was, "By whom, certainly not by any book reader I know". Roger and Bree's relationship was not that interesting in the books either. I don't think Bree's character is written very well and she doesn't really become likable until late in the latter books. I don't think Diana had a clear picture of who Bree was or what she wanted to do with her. Her storyline was not very interesting until the later books when she starts using her engeering skills to help the family. It is my hope that the TV series will create a much more interesting storyline for Bree and Roger than what Diana has given us. Maybe, just maybe we won't have to see too much of them anyway.


Glad you liked it, Justice! :)


