Anne Kenney Tweet

Rooting for Laoghaire???  And I really hope that Frank hasn't been whitewashed too much.


I just saw that tweet when I went on to Caits twitter. Just oh god now. Why they hell would she be rooting for Laoghaire.


Why they hell would she be rooting for Laoghaire.

Maybe they're showing Laoghaire's point of view of her marriage. We hear from Jamie about how bad it was, but perhaps from her viewpoint she tried to make him happy? They have to make her somewhat acceptable in order to understand why Jamie would be willing to marry her. There were other widows and unmarried women who around needed husbands. Laoghaire wasn't the only choice, so I wonder if they show her as nicer and trying to be a good wife to Jamie-in her own mind, anyway. She did think she loved him and he loved her and always thought she was his rightful true love. When she figures out that she wasn't, isn't, and never will be she is going to be devastated.


Laoghaire wasn't the only choice, so I wonder if they show her as nicer and trying to be a good wife to Jamie-in her own mind, anyway. She did think she loved him and he loved her and always thought she was his rightful true love. When she figures out that she wasn't, isn't, and never will be she is going to be devastated.

I hope they don't show too much of Jamie and Laoghaire's marriage. It didn't get that much coverage in the book.


Should we worry off Anne rooting for Laoghaire on how they'll probably have whitewashed her for that to be said. like honestly I just want to get that character over and one with for the season. I'm rooting for Jamie and Claire not Laogharie and Frank.


I'm rooting for Jamie and Claire not Laogharie and Frank.

Me too.

And now I'm seriously worried that it is going to be all poor old Frank and wicked Claire being mean to him.


God I hope not. Honestly why are they kissing Laogharie and Franks asses. Pardon my language. I seriously worry for how they may play out the rest of the season especially with Jamie and Claire if they are being kiss butt with L and F.


They're not kissing Frank and Laoghaire's asses, but Tobias' and Nell's, because these poor actors have such unpopular characters to play. So a little boost to their ego on twitter is ok IMO. They won't get much praise for their performance from the fans after all. Instead once it airs, people will rage about them on twitter. Not the actors but the characters, but to get some loving from a writer certainly will feel good for those two.


And now I'm seriously worried that it is going to be all poor old Frank and wicked Claire being mean to him.

I bet that is how it is going to be, if it was Ron who wrote the episode.. Looks like he didn't though..

At the point of Crisis and Annihilation, Survival is Victory- Dunkirk


And now I'm seriously worried that it is going to be all poor old Frank and wicked Claire being mean to him.

Haha, mean thing that I am I would actually enjoy that.


Haha, mean thing that I am I would actually enjoy that.

Well, I don't mind a bit. LOL! Seriously though. I hope they are fair to both sides and it isn't all poor Frank and we see stuff like his cheating and threatening to take Brianna away.


I think Anne is going more for the performances rather than than the actual characters. A sign of a good actor is making a horrible character sympathetic.


I think Anne is going more for the performances rather than than the actual characters. A sign of a good actor is making a horrible character sympathetic.

Yes, that's what she more or less said here.

She did then go on to say she was rooting for Jamie and Claire as well.


I like the response that says that Laoghaire can go to the future and live happily ever after with Frank.

"How do you know this?"
"That's what I do... I drink, and I know things."


Yes! L'heery needs Frank's paternal guidance. Claire needs a man. (Ducking for cover!)


Don't because of that, it's the truth.


No need for cover , this is the truth.


I agree too!

Frank is patronizing while Jamie is an equal.

"How do you know this?"
"That's what I do... I drink, and I know things."


And another tweet from Anne Kenney:

Filming cave scenes.

At the point of Crisis and Annihilation, Survival is Victory- Dunkirk


New tweet:

At the point of Crisis and Annihilation, Survival is Victory- Dunkirk


This is not new (from the 25th), but I wonder what they were filming?

This one is new. Now I'm wondering who has the 'bum fluff?' 


Methinks it would be young Ian when everyone comes back to Lallybroch...


I really hope that is the scene and they don't end up cutting it.


Methinks it would be young Ian when everyone comes back to Lallybroch...

Or maybe Romann. Definitely one of those two I think. Maybe Anne overheard Sam or someone teases them. Sam definitely teases Romann a lot.


This is not new (from the 25th), but I wonder what they were filming?

I thought it was the scene where Fergus loses his hand. Jamie sneaks into Lallybroch later, after the soldiers take Fergus home. I think this would be a great scene between the two.


That's what I thought too.
