Daily Lines


At the point of Crisis and Annihilation, Survival is Victory- Dunkirk


“Old Garden,” Bree repeated. “Yes, I suppose so.” A shiver that had nothing to do with the chill of the root cellar rose up her neck and contracted her scalp. Her mother had written in a letter, with a brevity that made her words strike like rubber bullets, about Malva Christie’s death in the garden. And the death of her unborn child. Under the weeds, indeed.

This quote in the daily lines.. Wasn't Bree there when Malva Christie died? She was.. Diana seems to be mistaken here.. Even on FB, someone asked Diana the same question, and Diana responded: "No, I don't think so."

At the point of Crisis and Annihilation, Survival is Victory- Dunkirk


Lots of people giving the dates, Bree and Roger were both their when Malva was murdered. But as someone pointed out they didn't know who actually killed her so Claire could have written that in a letter. DG could easily change it. I guess we'll have to wait until the book comes out to find out if she does.

I keep repeating and it's true CHARACTER BIBLE. Why the woman doesn't have one boggles the mind.


But as someone pointed out they didn't know who actually killed her so Claire could have written that in a letter.

But DG didn't know if Brianna was there when Malva died.. When someone asked "Wasn't Brianna there when Malva died?", she replied, "No, I don't think so."
So all that doesn't make sense.. And since everyone's pointing it out, I think she'll change it.. Or just exclude it out of the scene.. It doesn't add up to anything.. Looks like it was there as a filler.

At the point of Crisis and Annihilation, Survival is Victory- Dunkirk


But as someone pointed out they didn't know who actually killed her so Claire could have written that in a letter.

She could have, but the Daily Line says that Claire wrote about Malva's death in the garden, and the death of her unborn child. Claire wouldn't need to write about that. Brianna knew because she was still there at the Ridge. She didn't leave until November, and Malva died in May, I think.
Once again, DG needs your character bible. At the very least, a list of dates and places for people so she can recall who was where, and when. Maybe you could volunteer. 😃
I hope DG changes what Bree reads in the letter. If she doesn't the error will stick out like a sore thumb when we all read the book.


I'm wondering if what's being referenced is the whole Malva backstory...who got her pregnant and what happened to them...that gave Brianna the chills.


It doesn't sound like it the way it's written.


Oh I know what DG has Claire writing in the letter to Bree and Roger, I'm just saying she could just change it to telling who murdered her and why.

I'd gladly go back and make a character bible. Unfortunately at this point she's screwed up so much stuff it'd cost them a fortune on reprinting.


So, after reading this snippet, I went to www.dianagabaldon.com to read the previous snippets for some doubt clarification.. about this actually:

“What you said to Da—about one of the men being an officer. How did you know that?” _And how did Da know you would know something like that_? she added silently.

I wanted to check if there was something related to this, but nothing.. What else I found in the website is the snippets Diana released long back before I started watching the show (I started somewhere around Dec 2015 - Jan 2016).. So, I read them.. And found this snippet very interesting, and very very moving.

Why was "Faith" written in the locket of Fanny? Anyway, after reading all those snippets, it felt like Diana is focusing a lot on Fanny.. More than anyone, it seemed. And Fanny is quite interesting, and it looks like she plays an important role in coming books. Just a thought.

At the point of Crisis and Annihilation, Survival is Victory- Dunkirk


If you read all 38 daily lines that DG has put out you'll find that Fanny doesn't stick out anymore than anyone else.

As for Faith being in the locket... I know some people live in fear that somehow Jamie and Claire's daughter survived (a substitution was made). I think DG just likes the name.
