MovieChat Forums > Outlander (2014) Discussion > What might be in Brianna's heavy bag?

What might be in Brianna's heavy bag?

Just finished re reading MOBY. Brianna and the bag she is carrying is (are) mentioned at least twice. once when she and the children are going through the stones and once again on the last page. What do you think DG will have put in the bag? What would you put in a heavy bag/tote to take from the 20th century to the 18 the century?

I would have some extra socks for them as it does get really cold in the cabin with no heating. Also, I might have antibiotic creams like Neosporin/ Bacitracin/ maybe some analgesics like aspirin. Since paper is so hard to make/ come by in 1779, maybe some writing paper. Or some toilet paper as that has been discussed. How about some condoms for Rogers use? NOone would ever have to know about this except them.
What could it be in the bag that is clinking?


I think DG has revealed that there are books in there, at least. I haven't read MOBY so I have no idea what else, but I'm with you - lots of 20th century medicines.

"How do you know this?"
"That's what I do... I drink, and I know things."


Unless Bree took lots of stuff with her when she went back to, iirc 1737, there wouldn't be much modern stuff. I'm guessing she did get some stuff from the doctor that worked on her ankle in 1737 and that might be bottles of medicine. I'm thinking clothes and food mostly going back to 1737.

Going by book 9 bits probably the copy of Jamie's book and I'm also guessing the copy of Claire's books that they had are in there too.


But we don't know if they came from 1737 or went back to their own time before coming to the Ridge. Would they be at all confident that they would be able to "steer" to the correct time period? All four of them? If so, they would then need to take a ship from Scotland to North Carolina, then walk to Fraser's Ridge. Sea voyages then were pretty rough and rustic. I think I'd rather take my chances in going back to my own time, make arrangements to leave Lallybroch, fly to the US, see Dr. Joe, fly or drive to NC and go through the stones there. I know time travel is dangerous, but so is travel in the 1700s. That sea voyage alone would be enough to make me risk an extra trip through the stones.
And speaking of time travel, do we have any idea why they use the stones on Okracoke to travel, instead of the ones Roger came across in his wanderings? Wouldn't those be closer?


I think DG forgot about the closer set of stones.

In the book nine snippets it talks about William Buccleigh getting gem stones to help Bree, Roger and the kids TT. It sounds like, to me, they went forward to 1779 in Scotland and then to NC. (Roget tries to get William Buccleigh to go with them to get back to his wife who's in 1779) Plus I don't think they'd take the chance on going through the stones two more times just for travel conveniences. They've both traveled by boat from Scotland to America in the 18th century, so know what to expect and this time they're together.


You are right. We don't know yet how they get to the ridge. But in MOBY, chapter 95 it says there were at least a dozen more niggling things to deal with, tthings needing notarization or photo copies or tax returns.... Preparing to disappear into the past leaving all the Stuff behind was one thing; preparing to disappear while thinking you might eventually come back and need the Stuff aagainst that your children might come back 20 years later, without you, that was something else again. She couldn't just dump it all on Uncle Joe"
So, it seems as if Bree at that point wasn't planning to return. OOur course, since they arrived in 1739 , all previous plans might be off.
We will just have to wait for the next book to come out to find out. Sigh!!


I thought it was going to be Claire and Jamie's books, but apparently Dr Seuss made it into the bag instead.


How do you know This? Did I miss something.?


Go to the "I got my wish" thread and it has the quote about Dr. Seuss.

Edit: the link to the book 9 scene reading.
