MovieChat Forums > The Real (2013) Discussion > I admit I kind of miss Tamar

I admit I kind of miss Tamar

Watching the show now and then watch reruns of the show on YouTube, I admit Tamar brought comedy and spice to the show. They're all funny but it was funnier with Tamar because of her little side jokes and one liners. Maybe they should give her another chance.

Tamera: Good! Cuz I NEVER wanna see ur ugly face again!
Tia: Then don't look in the mirror!!


Never gonna happen and Tamar can thank herself for that. TPTB certainly wouldn't have asked her back as a co-host, but she could've returned as a guest or even guest co-host, but she chose to drag everyone through the mud so that door's closed for good.

Don't eva let nobody tell you you ain't strong enough


Tamar is really bitter about this. She had a Twitter blow out fit about the cast turning against her and only using her for publicity when they showed up at her son's Logan birthday party. I really don't see how when they all have their own fame it different ways. Tamera has been famous since she was a child. Tamar got mad at her saying she was never her friend & that she was fake. I kind of agree with you I think they should reconcile for the sake of keeping the show going.
