MovieChat Forums > Animal (2015) Discussion > The Marine back pack and brunette girl (...

The Marine back pack and brunette girl (some mid movie spoilers)

Did that marine back pack belong to the Latino guy? Or was it never explained?

And what was the purpose of the brunette being pregnant? Was that to add depth to the characters when Sean outs her boyfriend as being bi?

If that was the case it did not work.


I think it's safe to assume that the backpack belonged to one of the couples the kids meet in the cabin.

I think they had the brunette announce she was pregnant so her friend knew that "a piece" of her stepbrother would like on.


I don' think it was anybody in that house. It was Marines. And no one mentioned any special training. Plus that guy had his wife with him and the other wife had gotten killed. No I think that Marine back pack was a hint about why that mutant was running around. I think it was some government experiment gone wrong and they send the marines in to contain it. Remember the road closed sign? I think that was there to keep people out.


I think those monsters were supposed to be prehistoric.

Earlier in the film, the brother said the company were cutting down trees, which forced animals in deeper parts of the forest to move into the main forest.

That suggests the monsters had been living in the deeper parts of the forest for centuries until the deforestation forced them to move out into the open.


Douglas (Latino guy) was one of the four people running for their lives during the start of the film. His appearance at the cabin made it clear he was the only survivor of that group. His wife Barbara was the one who fell to ground before she was dragged to her death. No idea what happened to the other couple.

The backpack was supposed to inform us two things:
1) not even the Marines - a bunch of trained killing machines - can kill those monsters

2) it'd been going on for a long time. Probably seven years. From when the tree-cutting started, which forced animals in the forest's deeper parts to move into the main forest.

Could be that, but I suspect the mention was to make us root for her to survive. "Ooh, she's pregnant! She can't die! Keep on fighting to save the babee!" I think it's also to justify her survival over Alyssa's.

The problem with that, though? She was so underdeveloped that it didn't matter whether she'd live or die. She hardly spoke. Did pretty much nothing but argue, watch, listen and react. Took no part in decision-making. Her survival makes no sense. The writer probably wanted to have her as the final surprise, e.g. dark horse. I thought this was a terrible decision. It's rendered the others' back-stories useless.

For example, Alyssa had a personal connection with the forest as she spent many summers there with her brother and their parents. At the start of the hike, she told her boyfriend that this hike will probably be their last as the company will cut down more trees. She had no idea how true that will be, especially for her brother. It'd be nice for her to escape. She loved the forest when she went in and she hated the forest when she escaped. Those monsters ruined her childhood memories of those happy days. So it's a shame that the writer opted for the girlfriend, not the sister.


The writer probably wanted to have her as the final surprise, e.g. dark horse.
Or because she's white which makes for a more conventional final girl. I really don't like bringing race up most of the time in this, but....

Death Awaits (Horror forum)


I don't think it has to die its race. I think she just survived as a final surprise for the audience- I personally like the actress (although I love Keke as well) so I we slightly okay with her living
