Hardest fights?

For me, the hardest battles in the game would have to be the living statues fight in Extreme Cosplay, which has a terrible setup and restrictive fighting area, and the fight against Dettlaff at the end. Fck him and his stupid bats, goddamn.

Also, while they weren't especially difficult as such, the Caretaker fight in HoS and the fight against the Wicked Witch in BaW took ages for me.


I hated the Bruxa from Blood And Wine. I just felt like choking the life out of her with my bare hands, She was extremely annoying.


I just posted about Blood and Wine being way too hard even if you are over level 35. I just BARELY defeated Bruxa. My health was so low, I couldn't even see the red bar anymore.


I agree completely hated the Bruxa!


dettlaff in the warehouse was Very Fun IMO but hardest was Toad prince


Multiple drowners. As for bosses, Caranthir has my vote.
