9.8??? Really??

How is this game rated so highly?

I've been playing it now for a couple of weeks and while it is a good game, has some great sound and visuals and a good story with plenty to do, I just can't get over how horrible the controls are. Did the game makers even play this game before releasing it?

Garaults controls are shocking, he's slow, lumbering seems to be constantly glitched so that to even pick up or loot an object you have to twist and fidget him into position all the time. The battle stance he takes everytime an enemy is near is so bad that you can't choose to run away or turn around, you are instead forced to do battle and if it's something several levels higher than you it's pretty much a death sentence

The horse, geez what on earth is this supposed to be? It can't run through a few twigs or bushes, it can't climb anything over a few inches tall, it can't go downhill, it can't jump a fence without stopping dead first, it can't swim, it changes direction almost at will and you have to keep thumbing it back in the direction you want to go. It's dreadful.

I thought after playing it for a while I'd eventually get used to the controls but no, I'm still finding myself getting angry and shouting at the TV because he fails to perform even the most simplistic of tasks without having to faff around with the joypad or the horse just keeps stopping or running into bits of scenery and getting stuck.

This could have been an awesome game, even better than The Elder scrolls but the stiff, clunky and at times unresponsive controls just kill it. Why in this day and age do game companies still struggle to make open world RPG's with simplistic and fluid controls? It's such a shame as everything else about this game is awesome. It's feels like a modern day game with 1990's quality controls. It's a great game ruined by it. :-(

"Hasta la vista, baby."


Do you mean "Geralt moves a little more like a human being and less like a hyperactive squirrel"?


I think you've been spending far too much time indoors on your PS4, if you think human beings move, run, walk, turn and jump like Geralt, then you seriously need to get out more. The controls in this game for Geralt and the horse are as clunky and robotic as they come. I love how Geralt can take several swipes with a sword or an axe, can be beaten to a pulp, shot over and over with crossbow bolts and even set on fire and shake it off, but if he jumps off of a 4ft bridge or jumps down 4 or 5 steps it's instant death and a 2 and a half minute loading screen while your last save reloads. Like I say, a great game ruined.

"Hasta la vista, baby."


I said "little more" (and I play on a PC thank you very much). Whatever the control problems (and I didn't really find them an issue) instant changes of direction look about as convincing as the character movement in a typical 8 bit game.


I understand the fact it maybe shouldnt be 9.8, because the pacing is soo unnecessarily drawn out, but im sure the controls are fine


I've played all the witcher games and sure the controls are clunky but there not bad.

You think about Geralt and his character who is a master swordsman, uses potions, bombs and oils, uses signs as well as a crossbow and of course isnt human.

So yeah the developers needed to make him more animated and the controls needed to be complex because Geralt is a monster slayer and has a lot of tools to use.

At first the controls are confusing but once you play the game quite a bit there not that bad


I think they wanted to create a different experience than witcher 2 which has smoother controls but if someone beat witcher 2 twice (there are two paths) and then played 3 and already had good fundamentals the sluggishness would be a relatively petty issue but the game would feel different... but yeah, 2 had more fluid controls and it had to be to capture a different feel. if we mastered the series, we wouldn't really mind this issue and witcher 2 is even back comp if you have xbox one.


The combat and and controls force you to be strategic instead of button mashing. It punishes you for making a mistake. Especially on death march even a fight against a common drowner is a challenge. I find it fulfilling.


Death March isn't even remotely challenging...


OP I struggled at first with Witcher 3 especially concerning the controls, but after about 5 hours this game easily became amazing.

Now that I have finished the game, played both of the DLC's and completed those, Witcher 3 is the best rpg that I have ever played, and one of my top 10 video games of all time.

This is coming from someone who has been playing video games for 30 years.


Finally, someone else.

That's my biggest problem with this game. I love watching gameplays, and I think quite a lot of parts are great, but the controls are horrific. Doesn't help that there's so many commands mapped onto one tiny controller.


Is this a 9.8 game? No...this is a 10/10 game! Period.

I am absolutely with you concerning the controls, but at least they are better than Witcher 2, which were so bad I couldn't finish the game.

BUT you will get use to them and eventually realize they are pretty good for the type of game.

Let me just say to you this. After putting in 200 hours in the total Witcher 3 experience (DLC's, etc.) you are really missing out.

This game is an experience more than anything and I'm sad you are not wanting to finish it.

Let me say the DLC's for this game are the best ever created DLC's ever. You are essentially getting two new games. Witcher 3.1 and Witcher 3.2. They are amazing and so big that you can actually just play the expansions.

In conclusion Witcher 3 is the best video game of this generation.


How the hell could you even say "the best video game of this generation" when this generation has just begun? Witcher 3 is awful, probably one of the worst games I've played in recent memory. Want an actually GOOD RPG that isn't just cutscenes and crappy combat? Pick up Age of Decadence.


You sure are an angry and feisty one aren't you.

Do you lack the emotional intelligence necessary to have a civil conversation with someone? Were you abused as a child and you carry that anger into everything you do in life?

So you don't like the game fine I don't care.
