Fun movie! Fantastic gun fights!

Nice directing job by Roel Reine, who also was the director of photography. Lots of great shots in South Africa. I remember the Operation Delta Force movies 15 years ago filmed in South Africa and I remember that same bridge being used. Cool explosions and great use of slow motion during the battles, especially from the .50 caliber machine gun firing very big holes. The opening raid on the evil general's compound was very well done. The boat chase and waterfall scenery was fun to watch. Very well done, after renting it, I might buy the bluray.


I agree with everything. Very nicely shot and fun to watch plus the slow mo shots looked cool too like in the beginning firefight. Its sad that a lot of pretentious armchair critics cant see this movie for what it is. Lol nothing annoys me more than this type of person. Why dont they just watch shawshank redemption instead while sipping their soy lattes wearing their hipster clothes.
