Oscar Worthy

This is one of the worst movies of all times. It's so bad it isn't even funny.

13.13.13 makes the Saw series look good.

I wouldn't vomit on the dvd, it would just raise the value of it.


one hour in.. you hear a helicopter. who's flying that .. obviously sane people, since our .. stars .. take no notice of it. This movie is actually worse than The Starving Games (hunger games parody).


It's so bad it isn't even funny.

Well, the two best friends of Jack (the main character) think it was cuz they laugh through the WHOLE movie .... and stuff that's not even remotely funny! lol

It's like the whole script was, "ok you guys playing the infected people ... be really mean to everyone, then laugh, and keep laughing! Repeat process!"



Yes bad, bad, boring!


This movie had me rolling!!! I swear this could have been a comedy. The part when that crazy woman appears out of nowhere and tries to cut that guys face off talking about "I'm going to make a new mask! Hold still it won't work!" LMAO! Or when the guy appears out of nowhere and pushes the black guy to the floor talking about "A knife! Knives are no fun! I like to use my hands, it's much more personal. *beep* die!" lolololololol!!!

"Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha (chaching) Whoops!"
