Probable survivor?

I just started watching this movie and lemme guess: The girl survives? Boooooooooring! Surprise me here...

There are no bad movies. If a movie doesn't make sense, it's a metaphore that you don't get. - MBs


lol, done told... predictability is the worst. :-/

There are no bad movies. If a movie doesn't make sense, it's a metaphore that you don't get. - MBs


That was the biggest problem I had with this movie. The moment I saw the crew that went down I KNEW who the survivor was. Do pretty, nubile young women ever die in movies if they have more than one line?


It's funny you said survives considering that she actually killed all of them after gone crazy


binki_oi it depends on how you interpret the ending. It may not really be the lady that survives. She just may be the host for something else.


If you only judges a film by its ending, damn, you can watch a lot of films in an hour.
