Read the book

interesting that they are making this into a movie. I enjoyed the book, but many thought it was dry


me too i already read the book. nice book and i think this will be a good book if they give their best in acting


I'm just about finished reading the book; I stumbled across the IMDB page looking for some general reviews of it.

It IS pretty dry! It reads like a self-help book for salesmen, but with some sex and violence thrown in. Sort of like Eliyahu Goldratt's "The Goal," but with some nipple-sucking.

Maybe if I keep waiting (sort of like Alan has to keep waiting, and waiting, and waiting for the king to show up), the point of the book will show up, too!



The problem is that the main character, Alan Clay (Tom Hanks) isn't very interesting. He's not a "hero." He's not even an "anti-hero." He's a schlub, a mensch. He's an average, directionless guy. A few interesting adventures befall him, and he screws most of them up in wholly UNspectacular ways!

I could see this being an INDIE film, nothing more.

(BTW, I just finished the book. Eh. Bleh. I'll borrow the DVD from the library a few months after it comes out)

reply A mensch is a responsible
upright person,someone other look-up to.We Americans would say a person of integrity.Not a sclub at all,SSYWAK-2.


You're right, the two are not the same. I would still say shlub, not mensch, though.


based on just the subject line, how do we ascertain whether you meant "red" the book or "reed" the book? 


That's the whole point. He's an average, unremarkable guy trying to be remarkable. It seems you missed the whole point of the book. Maybe Eggers is over your head.


So I take it you didn't enjoy "Death of a Salesman" either. 😀


I enjoyed Death of a Salesman. But it had to do with family dynamics, not just one guy.

So, what does this story have over and above Salesman?


I enjoyed the book as well, but I'm a fan of David Eggers. I enjoy all his books. I can't imagine someone thinking it was "dry," except that it took place in the desert. (Sorry. Couldn't resist.) It wasn't "in your face" and had some subtlety to it that some readers might miss, so it may not be for everyone. I'm looking forward to seeing the movie.


what are some other books similar to this?
