Looks out dated and cheesy

I think Tom Hanks chose a predictable and poorly written script with no subtlety or value


Tom Tykwer is a very bad writer.

"The Princess and the Warrior" has one of the worst screenplays ever.

"Run, Lola, Run" is only good because it's a rip-off of this Kieslowski classic:

Tykwer should stick with directing the work of more talented screenwriters.


Perfume was good. Not sure how much he wrote of it.


Out dated is right! Star Wars was filmed 40 years ago and it had holograms, holograms are nothing new and this movie tries to pass them off as "modern" tech.


Yes, holograms have been used in movies for a long time now, but in the real world, holograms are not very common.. I have yet to see any holograms in real life used as they are depicted in this movie, Star Wars, and other movies.

We have clearance, Clarence.
Roger, Roger. What's our vector, Victor?


This technology doesn't exist, so it's definitely a bit of sci-fi. Theoretically it's possible but the amount of bandwidth and processing power needed would be incredible. Far beyond the current wi-fi they kept talking about. And making it that large may harder still. This is definitely not coming to your living room anytime soon.


Yah, a space station the size of the moon that can destroy planets? That's so last decade. Sci-fi's are called sci-fi's because they predict or imagine future tech, even hundreds of years into the future.


Agree. Very lower than average movie on several fronts, but mostly stupid plot.
