why don't you eat pork?

why do you drink poison?


We know why Jews don't eat pork -- Moses commanded it.
Not sure about Muslims but I would guess Mohammed commanded it.


High sodium content. Risk of dehydration in a desert environment. Simple minded people had to be convinced, so... "[insert religious figure here] says it's unclean". Same thing goes with alcohol for Muslims.

Of course, today we have air-conditioners, civilisation has made a niche of green in the desert (especially in Israel), but... Simple minded people still persist. That's why it's not just the type of food, but also the preparation. Halal/Kosher, blah, blah, blah...

Me ne faccio una bella carbonara, apro un vino bianco e li mando tutti a fanculo, senza pensare due volte.


Pork is only salty if you add salt, and salt helps you to retain water in the heat. You might want to ease up on "simple minded people".


I wrote sodium (Na). Salt is sodium chloride (NaCl). Or potassium chloride (KCl). You're thinking of salt tablets for the desert, maybe? Anyway, different thing, different effects. And pork (fresh, let alone cured) contains more sodium than any other meat.

People rushing to conclusions without reading correctly should be considered simple minded or not? Here's one to think about... ;-)


Salt is the common name for sodium salt, and shorthand for the sodium part which is usually what people care about. And sodium from meat is the same as from tablets or plain table salt. Pork and beef have about the same natural levels. When people talk about pork being salty it's because they usually see it in forms that have been heavily salted such as bacon. You can quibble about the details but I'm not going to.


For the love of...

Sodium is an element. An alkali metal. One cation of sodium, together with an anion of Chlorine (a halogen) creates NaCl, A salt, not just salt. Alkali metals do that.

Now, one thing is the alkali metal, another is the salt it creates. And so are their effects on our bodies. Inorganic chemistry 101. Elementary stuff.

Quibble... It didn't even mention salt. NOBODY did on this thread. Stop wasting my time.





You suck.

YOu are on here berating other people for posting on a bunch of this movies threads, but like an intolerant hypocrite you are doing the same thing.

And NO, you dumb twat, Sodium and Salt are TWO DIFFERENT THINGS!

One is an element, the other is a NACL, a covalent bond of Sodium and Chlorine

I cannot stand people who think they are intelligent, and are even arrogant about it, when they are clearly not


When did I say that sodium and salt are the same thing. I could hardly be more clear with my first sentence:

Salt is the common name for sodium salt, and shorthand for the sodium part which is usually what people care about.
Also, you're wrong that it is a type of atomic bond. A covalent bond is the normal strong bond that occurs in pretty much all molecules. What the word "salt" really means ANY combination of an acid and a base. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salt_(chemistry). But like I said, the usual common meaning of the word by itself is shorthand for the particular salt of sodium and chlorine.

And please show me where I made the same post to multiple message threads? I might make the same point in response to the same claim, but I don't copy and paste entire screeds into multiple threads or make the same post to multiple movies.


There are no scientific or medical reasons for Muslim's not eating pork. It is purely religious ban. Ignorance at work.


Improperly cooked pork could give you worms.


improperly cooked beans can kill you, what are you trying to say?



Except pork is unclean, it has high amounts of bacteria in it more than beef or chicken, numerous studies show it is not a healthy meat, not to mention pigs eat their own feces. It is simple minded to presume. For example, Halal food, the way an animal is slaughtered. Specific rules like taking the animal away, slitting the throat calmly, because animals release stress hormones if they are in distress which release into their bloodstream making the meat not so healthy. "Same thing goes with alcohol" Because alcohol has no negative effects? Arrogance.


There is no medical or scientific reason for the Islamic prohibition on pork. It is purely superstition.


It is because Allah commanded it, but not without reason. Pork is generally an unhealthy meat, it has a high amount of bacteria in it, more than beef and chicken, pigs are considered dirty animals, they eat their own feces. There are numerous studies showing the negative effects of pork, but the same could be said of many meats, however pork is definitely unhealthier.


Oh really? It is because some yet-to-be-seen superior entity commanded it. And it's a he... How do you know; checked under the hood, did you?

And why go through all this trouble of commandments and prohibitions, oh thou supreme being? Why simply NOT create the damn thing or at least make it taste like crap? Yes, it can be more unhealthy and alcohol can lead to cirrhosis, but that doesn't make it a sin. It's a lifestyle choice. If it leads you to make an ass of yourself or commit unlawful acts, well that's what the police is for. But it definitely doesn't justify an outright ban, like say in certain countries where the Constitution is directly based on religious texts. Saudi, anyone? Yeah... But nobody says anything about smoking or petroleum... Hypocrites, as always. Behind every single explosion, blood and screams, as always. Still begging to be nuked, as always.

All deities in all religions are sort of presented as dumbasses. Which makes sense; created by man, after all. You think a being with the mental capacity to create this universe (if it's the only one...) with who knows how many galaxies, solar systems, celestials bodies and ecosystems... Really cares about this stuff?

Just take this planet. Say that it's the work of some deity. Call it whatever you like; Ormazd/Ahriman, Gaia and Uranus, Baal, Darma, the 12 blokes in my country's ol'mountain, Yahweh, Allah or whoever... So, someone creates a planet with life. And then LEAVES it that way; doesn't directly interfere. Life flourishes in a balanced ecosystem. Do you understand the brainpower behind this? If it's the work of some being and not simple causality, do you think this ÜBERGENIUS cares about our culinary, aesthetic and sexual habits?

Please... Sell it to someone who's buying. In the meantime, carbonara for me, with a Sangiovese or a Soave. Cheers!


Who peed in your lemonade.

Your issues are better addressed to Moses (Jew) or Mohammed (Moslem). They could better answer.


Nobody peed in my lemonade. Someone keeps on strapping explosives and killing total strangers.

Moses and Mohammed are dead; they're not doing this.

It starts all "nice" and moderate. "Just don't do this". But, when other people insist on disagreeing, what happens? Bad looks, offending and in the end... Boom.

There's something clearly wrong to begin with, in all these so-called gospels of truth. And i will always react bad to anyone that even reminds me...

There was this lady, a total stranger that was walking with her child in hand. It was a tavern, tables outside, and i was eating with my girlfriend. So this lady takes a look at the bottle of wine, eyeballs me something fierce, hawks and spits on the ground right next to me. While i'm eating. I don't hit women and i DIDN'T, but i sure as hell ripped that tablecloth off her head. "See how that feels like, deepsh*t". Ripped it to shreds and off you go home, lady. I'm just sorry about the kid, having to see adults acting like children...


Yeah I can understand.

What do you think of this Trump / Muslim Father deal?


I think both presidential candidates have lowered the quality bar enough already. But it doesn't matter anymore.

The system is in place, the water is in the ditch. No matter who comes up next, you can't expect the effects of Buchanan or Andrew Johnson to surface. Mistakes have been committed by both sides, they have slowly been repaired (by both sides again) and the cogwheels keep on turning. Still, i'd prefer some eloquence. Hell, just watch the debate between JFK and Nixon. Way more "primitive" times, but still... Civility.


There was this lady once, completely drunk out of her head, started kicking me out of nowhere and calling me paki. I guess I should hate all white people now ;( Oh wait I feel my common sense returning to me. I mean genuinely sorry you had that *beep* do that, but you're being an arse assuming every Muslim is like that. She spits right next to you giving you the evils, so you rip her head cover off her head. When that women called me paki and kicked me, I ignored it, personally I wouldn't stoop to their level, Muslim or whatever, everyone knows an arse when they see one.

Don't you think politics has an effect? The arms trade? Power struggles? Economics? Or is Islam simply to blame. I'd say that is myopic.


Hold your horses you could end up upsetting me. Never said 'he,' Allah has no gender.
It's like you're getting personally offended because of my personal beliefs, chill out bruv.

Well you see, we have this thing called free will, which allows us to do what we want. Why doesn't fruit taste delicious and junk food like crap? Oh woe to me the world is cruel like that, oh why can't everything be easy for me and there be no evil in the world, well my friend, life isn't so simple.

Why doesn't it justify an outright ban? Alcohol is bad for you, sorry should we submit and be tolerant like you and be intolerant of other people's laws and customs, no hypocrisy there. You only like your cake when you can have it and eat it, typical didactic preaching. What's wrong with petroleum? Smoking is bad for your health, it is haram strictly speaking, what's wrong with banning smoking? I said that as a decade long smoker.

What is your rant about? Blood, screaming? What? Talking about the invasion of Iraq mate? Begging to be nuked? Oh thanks for wishing nuclear destruction on us, I am a fan of fallout but I prefer to keep that in a game not reality. But of course, more 'peaceful' talk of the 'civilized' and 'moral' one. What if I said you're begging to be nuked? You'd call me a terrorist.

Well that's about your opinion on deities but if you cared to read the Qu'ran simply from a literary point of view to create a book of that magnitude without a single grammatical or spelling error is an incredible feat of literature, if you could put your bias to one side you could appreciate that. Many people do care evidently, you seem to care that they care, why do you care what others think?

Why would God interfere? This comes back to the notion of free will, how can we be free if God interferes? How can we know good from evil if we never know of evil, we might as well be angels with no free will who only know of good. But that would not be true freedom would it? So how can you ask for freedom, which I'll presume you want, but ask God to interfere? It is contradictory.

Anyhow I was simply answering a question someone had and correcting you, you asked for a reason why pork is not allowed, I gave reasons, scientific, which you said there was no basis in, hardly scientific yourself.

But instead of refuting that because you couldn't, you went on a rant, which I in turn went on a rant because it's a slow day at work and this has passed the time delightfully, so thank you.


Yeah right. Talk about free will. And not a moment too soon trying to justify an outright ban.

What's wrong with smoking, what's wrong with petroleum? Are you for real? I mean, yeah i'm a smoker, i enjoy driving as much as anything, but i'm not fooling myself as to the negative effects. The same thing goes for pork, alcohol and anything.

Nothing justifies a religious ban. Actually the only thing i could think of deserving a ban is this plague of yours. It's called religion.

And don't give me that crap about Iraq. I seem to remember the Iraqi welcoming the American troops waving flags. It was handled very bad by the Bush administration. Laying off all soldiers, dissolving all infrastructure... Big mistake. Soon, looting started and people just turned into the mosques for "guidance". And did that accomplish? Your beloved Qu'ran teachings? The re-emergence of ISIS. And what did that accomplish in turn? Blood and screams. A tsunami of refugees and economic immigration. Which in turn gave rise to an equally idiotic response from certain parties in Europe.

Now, "mate", have fun in your slow day at work and an out of EU England. But, no-o-o-o... The Qu'ran and your deity is not to blame. Keep on chewing that hay... And go "Moooo"!


And you have the free will to disobey that ban, that is the point of free will. Why don't I take what you say to the extreme and ask why are we banning heroin and hookers? That's an infringement on free will, or the sale of guns, drugs, etc, you want to have your cake and eat it. I mention free will because you want the world to be picture perfect whilst having free will and have God intervene to stop all the horrors committed on this Earth. They're contradictory, explain to me how they are not rather than sidetrack the issue with questionable logic.

Yes, what is wrong with smoking? It's bad for your health sure, nobody debates that, but it's my choice, I'm asking what is wrong with it morally. Are you against it on moral grounds because it negatively effects your health? Then as you state, so does alcohol, pork etc, but they are not the same are they? They are different things that have different effects. Why are you against oil? Because of climate change? But you don't mind preaching about it on a pc/laptop made in China put together by cheap manual labour.

Nothing justifies a religious ban does it? But a government ban is justified? Why is a religious ban not justified, for example, murder is banned, does nothing justify a religious ban like that? You logic is twisted and contradictory. Before you say the Qu'ran justifies murder of innocents, quote it rather than say it, specific Surah number, you're so knowledgeable on the Qu'ran after all it should be easy.

Why shouldn't I give you that crap about Iraq? Your government is responsible for the deaths of thousands upon thousands of civilians, indeed a few welcomed American troops under the pretence they came to do good, but they didn't did they? Their intentions weren't pure, are Iraq's still welcoming American troops? "Handled very bad by the Bush administration." That's a cute way to excuse murder of innocent people, ISIS doesn't murder, it was just "Handled very bad by the ISIS administration."

"Laying off all soldiers, dissolving all infrastructure... Big mistake. Soon, looting started and people just turned into the mosques for "guidance". And did that accomplish? Your beloved Qu'ran teachings? The re-emergence of ISIS. And what did that accomplish in turn? Blood and screams. A tsunami of refugees and economic immigration. Which in turn gave rise to an equally idiotic response from certain parties in Europe."

This is quite good. So laying off soldiers, dissolving infrastructure, "big mistake," another cute PC way of saying murder and an illegal invasion, nice way with words. Why did looting occur? Is it because the economy collapsed due to an illegal invasion responsible for the deaths of thousands upon thousands of innocent people, sanctions which caused 500,000 deaths of men, women and children? Just 'badly handled' and a 'mistake' right? I'm sure that'll give the families of these atrocities closure.

You go on to explain the reasons why a country collapses, then ignore that, and blame Islam solely for the violence that erupted? Why did ISIS emerge only in war torn countries? Like the Taliban, Northern Alliance, seeing perhaps a link here between war and murderers? But of course, just Islam is to blame, not laying off soldiers who killed innocent people, dissolving and destroying an entire countries infrastructure, causing economic collapse and starvation due to sanctions, yet you're at a loss to explain why these desperate people turned to ISIS and why they hold sway? You've just undermined your own argument by stating those things. Why is ISIS a recent phenomena, how did they get their arms? Their training? Their funding? Why are these people angry? All comes from the Qu'ran does it? So this tiny minority who represent less than 0.1% of Muslims (out of 1.6 billion), but the rest of the 99.9% obviously have a wrong interpretation of Islam, the vast majority who live peacefully. Equivalent of me taking the KKK and say they represent the ideals of democracy.

"Now, "mate", have fun in your slow day at work and an out of EU England. But, no-o-o-o... The Qu'ran and your deity is not to blame. Keep on chewing that hay... And go "Moooo"!"

I did it was a very chill day, indeed I concur Islam is not to blame, I think perhaps the illegal invasions, war torn countries, illegal arms sales, power struggles, economic depravity, you know, the things that destroy a country, led to this rise in violence which has occurred within proximity to that violence.

Out of all the ranting, still not quoting the Qu'ran, why is it when your type is called out to quote the Qu'ran, you avoid the issue so much? Please quote it, with the Surah number. After all since it's so violent it shouldn't be too arduous right for the likes of an intellectual heavyweight such as yourself. Time for tea!


And then he/she says about rants...

Oh yeah, you have the free will to disobey the ban and get flogged to death, mister Islam.

Prostitutes are not banned, btw, "woman's oldest profession" is a grey area. Married women would love to see it banned. Good luck :-)

Guns aren't banned either. Just regulated. In various forms, with varying degrees of success around the globe.

Putting heroin in the same context as pork or alcohol is beneath my level of intelligence. I won't even answer that. Have fun mentally masturbating by yourself, i'm sure your deity and prophet don't not forbid it; quite the contrary, apparently.

"I mention free will because you want the world to be picture perfect whilst having free will and have God intervene to stop all the horrors committed on this Earth."

No, I don't. And, putting words in my mouth seems sort of the thing with you... The world needs to be imperfect, to have problems that need solving, so we can rise to the occasion, improve and evolve ourselves, etc. And God(s) better stay the hell away. This is OUR world; we may not have created it, but we've earned it. Through oceans of blood, sweat and tears. If that bothers him/her/it/them, i don't care. It's ours.

Yes, what is wrong with smoking? It's bad for your health sure, nobody debates that, but it's my choice, I'm asking what is wrong with it morally. Are you against it on moral grounds because it negatively effects your health? Then as you state, so does alcohol, pork etc, but they are not the same are they? They are different things that have different effects. Why are you against oil? Because of climate change? But you don't mind preaching about it on a pc/laptop made in China put together by cheap manual labour.

As i said i smoke and love driving (sports car, i do amateur racing as a hobby). Like i said, i have no illusions. But nicotine and gas are not banned, correctly so, so why should pork and alcohol be banned? I can understand heroin or the free sale of radioactive material, but meat not from an endangered species and the product of fermentation? Nope. The rest is just trolling, ranting and grasping for straws in all directions.

Your government is responsible for the deaths of thousands upon thousands of civilians

It's not MY government that invaded Iraq, you klutz. I'm European and English is not even my mother tongue. The invasion was going to happen anyway. Yeah, it's not moral, but i bet a lot of other countries would take a shot at Saddams petroleum given the chance. Could yours stop it? No, so grumble all you like. It happened in a rush, with a measly goal in mind (just the oil wells, nothing else; no control, investment, etc), and as for the way it was handled, i'd recommend watching Charles Ferguson's excellent "No End in Sight".

Nothing justifies a religious ban does it? But a government ban is justified? Why is a religious ban not justified, for example, murder is banned, does nothing justify a religious ban like that? You logic is twisted and contradictory. Before you say the Qu'ran justifies murder of innocents, quote it rather than say it, specific Surah number, you're so knowledgeable on the Qu'ran after all it should be easy.

A government is ELECTED, you MORON. A church, no. Plain and simple. All this time in England (ex Europe) and you haven't integrated for crap. It's called democracy, not theocracy. And you will NOT get a quotation by a book that clearly inspires people to blunt democracy. I don't care if it's the Bible, the Torah or whatever.

You go on to explain the reasons why a country collapses, then ignore that, and blame Islam solely for the violence that erupted? Why did ISIS emerge only in war torn countries? Like the Taliban, Northern Alliance, seeing perhaps a link here between war and murderers? But of course, just Islam is to blame, not laying off soldiers who killed innocent people, dissolving and destroying an entire countries infrastructure, causing economic collapse and starvation due to sanctions, yet you're at a loss to explain why these desperate people turned to ISIS and why they hold sway? You've just undermined your own argument by stating those things. Why is ISIS a recent phenomena, how did they get their arms? Their training? Their funding? Why are these people angry? All comes from the Qu'ran does it? So this tiny minority who represent less than 0.1% of Muslims (out of 1.6 billion), but the rest of the 99.9% obviously have a wrong interpretation of Islam, the vast majority who live peacefully. Equivalent of me taking the KKK and say they represent the ideals of democracy.

Trolling and ranting at its finest. The Middle East could have reacted in a more intelligent manner following the invasion. And as for the "Arab Spring"... Well, we saw the result. Almost a nuclear winter.

In closing, i wish you the best in treatment by the locals as the UK gets torn apart and you get trapped in a country filled with frustrated people... And the pound plummeting and England "at the back of the queue, in business deals, TTIP and the U.S. Cheers.

P.S. Still not quoting, but quite probably you aren't even Muslim; just a random internet troll. So a bird flip to you and *beep* bye :-)


And then he/she says about rants...

Oh yeah, you have the free will to disobey the ban and get flogged to death, mister Islam.

Prostitutes are not banned, btw, "woman's oldest profession" is a grey area. Married women would love to see it banned. Good luck :-)

Guns aren't banned either. Just regulated. In various forms, with varying degrees of success around the globe.

Putting heroin in the same context as pork or alcohol is beneath my level of intelligence. I won't even answer that. Have fun mentally masturbating by yourself, i'm sure your deity and prophet don't not forbid it; quite the contrary, apparently.

Flogged to death for eating pork? Drinking alcohol? There is no penalty for drinking alcohol. Just making baseless claims without backing anything up, here is the Surah regarding alcohol;

"Prostitutes are not banned, btw, "woman's oldest profession" is a grey area. Married women would love to see it banned. Good luck :-) "

Prostitution is banned in several nations across Europe and numerous states across the US, it's legal in some countries but the majority ban it. Again solely talking about the US as if that represents the West, guns are banned all across Europe.

You said in your first post reply that pork was banned for no reason as are many things in Islam, that we were 'simple minded' desert folk. To which I answered, there is a high amount of bacteria in pork, more than others, it is less healthy than chicken or beef or other halal meats. I also commented on the way animals are slaughtered, to show that there is a logical reason and yours about having no reason is wrong. But instead of addressing that, you've digressed and gone off on a tangent. I did mention alcohol along with heroin, but as I stated they are different things, hence why there are different bans, so I did not put heroin in the same context as pork, your taking it out of context and saying I equated the two as if they were equal, which they aren't.

"No, I don't. And, putting words in my mouth seems sort of the thing with you... The world needs to be imperfect, to have problems that need solving, so we can rise to the occasion, improve and evolve ourselves, etc. And God(s) better stay the hell away. This is OUR world; we may not have created it, but we've earned it. Through oceans of blood, sweat and tears. If that bothers him/her/it/them, i don't care. It's ours. "

You don't speak unanimously for mankind, many people think differently, as do many people think like you, each thought can be respected. I mean we could go into a philosophical debate but it's like arguing over who owns the moon.

"As i said i smoke and love driving (sports car, i do amateur racing as a hobby). Like i said, i have no illusions. But nicotine and gas are not banned, correctly so, so why should pork and alcohol be banned? I can understand heroin or the free sale of radioactive material, but meat not from an endangered species and the product of fermentation? Nope. The rest is just trolling, ranting and grasping for straws in all directions."

Because as I said, pork and alcohol aren't like nicotine and gas. I did say strictly speaking smoking is banned, but banned isn't quite the right word, it is strongly not recommended, here are the verses concerning alcohol in the Qu'ran;

"O you who have believed, indeed, intoxicants, gambling, [sacrificing on] stone alters [to other than Allah ], and divining arrows are but defilement from the work of Satan, so avoid it that you may be successful."

"Satan only wants to cause between you animosity and hatred through intoxicants and gambling and to avert you from the remembrance of Allah and from prayer. So will you not desist?"

"O you who have believed, do not approach prayer while you are intoxicated until you know what you are saying or in a state of janabah, except those passing through [a place of prayer], until you have washed [your whole body]. And if you are ill or on a journey or one of you comes from the place of relieving himself or you have contacted women and find no water, then seek clean earth and wipe over your faces and your hands [with it]. Indeed, Allah is ever Pardoning and Forgiving."

Source: quran.com (Sahih International Translation)

Now this does not outright ban alcohol, it asks to avoid it so you may be successful, which is true, you will be healthier. It says gambling and drinking causes animosity, is that not true? It asks to desist, it does not say it is banned, or you will be flogged, in fact, no punishment is stated. If you have evidence otherwise, quote it with the Surah number and source please. Does this come across as bad advice? I'd like to see your critique on it.

"It's not MY government that invaded Iraq, you klutz. I'm European and English is not even my mother tongue. The invasion was going to happen anyway. Yeah, it's not moral, but i bet a lot of other countries would take a shot at Saddams petroleum given the chance. Could yours stop it? No, so grumble all you like. It happened in a rush, with a measly goal in mind (just the oil wells, nothing else; no control, investment, etc), and as for the way it was handled, i'd recommend watching Charles Ferguson's excellent "No End in Sight".

Well which government is yours? Your holding all Muslims responsible by association of label, well you blame the Qu'ran which you can't back up with quotes. Why can't democratic nations all be held responsible by association of label? They believe in the same ideology, democracy which their government is based on, just like Muslim nations base their government on an ideology. You're the one who started this game of blaming all people for the actions of a few rather than the actual individuals responsible. So thousands upon thousands of civilians are killed in Iraq, and that's your outcry, 'it happened in a rush' etc, negating blame and evil intentions, excusing the crime by accusing other countries of having similar agenda's, which isn't a sufficient excuse for a crime because that logic can be used to excuse any war crime. You hold Muslims to accountability, or Islam, but not governments and corporations etc, using clean language to describe murderous intent.

"A government is ELECTED, you MORON. A church, no. Plain and simple. All this time in England (ex Europe) and you haven't integrated for crap. It's called democracy, not theocracy. And you will NOT get a quotation by a book that clearly inspires people to blunt democracy. I don't care if it's the Bible, the Torah or whatever."

Why do you refuse to quote? Back up what you say, if the Qu'ran promotes a theocracy and not a democracy, quote where it suggests that, you can't make a claim without backing it up, you can convince yourself that way without reading it, but it's your choice if you can live in ignorance like that. Not all Muslims nations are theocracies, some are democracies, and Islam does not rule out democracy, there is no hierarchical system in Islam.

"Trolling and ranting at its finest. The Middle East could have reacted in a more intelligent manner following the invasion. And as for the "Arab Spring"... Well, we saw the result. Almost a nuclear winter. "

Followed a more intelligent manner when innocent people are killed and murdered? Your ability to value human lives based on where they are born is worrying. I think the terrorist attacks are atrocious and I hope the people who committed them go to hell. I can admit that quite easily, I wonder why your so evasive in your language to describe the reality of the situation because it doesn't fit your narrative.

"P.S. Still not quoting, but quite probably you aren't even Muslim; just a random internet troll. So a bird flip to you and *beep* bye :-)"

AKA Still not backing up what you say, as I said I knew it, you all do the same, talk hearsay without backing it up because you know you'd be proven wrong. No skin off my back, obviously your argument is so weak you can't critique the very thing your argument is based around.


Have fun in your illusions. It takes a special type of miserable cretin to actually wish a life like this.


And it always comes down to the same old question (one misused by the extra right-wing). If you want to live like this, why choose to move in the western world?

You got a few years, tops. Either change your mind or face those disgruntled Brexiters. I suppose you can choose the "pyrotechnic" exit... But that will have consequences on people hailing from the same place as you. In any case i'm through talking to you. Talk to your god. Ask him to come down here and try to claim the planet, if he's got the balls. And we'll deal with him, no problem. The prospect of deicide just fills me with anticipation :-).

P.S. Prostitution is banned in my country yet you see them girls outside. As for guns being banned, i think not. There IS a thing called hunting and another thing called marksmanship.

P.P.S. How about you learn the Articles of England's Constitution instead? At least those are the product of elections. Nobody voted for Mohammed.


Great way to ignore the argument, you said people will be flogged for alcohol etc, killed, so I quote the parts of the Qu'ran which clearly says otherwise, you don't quote at all, yet you still have the temerity to say I'm disillusion. Thing is with someone under an illusion, they don't know it, like yourself. Many people move for all sorts of reasons, I lived in England because I'm half British half Saudi, I have dual nationality. Sorry if that offends you. Next time you're being treated by a Muslim nurse or doctor feel free to ask them that question as they treat you.

You're one strange little man, still talking of violence? I ask you to back up what you say, you can't whatsoever, and just talk about your twisted fantasy for wanting violence. I thought I was suppose to be the violent one yet here you are wishing violence upon others you've never met, you're probably a nice chap in real life, misguided and ignorant, but I can forgive that. I'm not wishing death and using your people's crimes as an excuse for violence, it is pathetic.

P.s. It is banned, and whilst girls are outside, crucially it is...illegal. Why is it illegal? If this is how you refute a point, you've got some practise to do. As for guns, I think otherwise, you can only get a gun if you have a hunting license, in permitted area's, you're not allowed to have a gun without a specific hunting permit, you cannot carry the gun on your person except in specific areas with a permit. It is illegal to carry arms on your person or in other places, in the majority of European countries. Nice non-rebuttal though.

P.P.S The UK government is a non-constitutional country, it has an unwritten constitution. That does not mean one does not exist, it means there are many. If you had read, you'd correctly refer to it, but since you can't even correctly title it, don't suggest to read something you can't even get the title of correctly.

P.P.P.S. You didn't address any of the points made, you went off on a rant about alcohol etc, making personal attacks unrelated to the argument. Whereas I addressed every one of your points in depth, with quotes to back it up. So continue on your hearsay and silly insults, I guess it's to fill the void of being unable to appropriately refute another's argument. 2/10 for debating skills.

Out of all the bs you've spewed, you're the one talking aggressively, where have I said I want my God to take over the world? What planet are you living on? As I said that's a philosophical notion and we might as well be discussing who owns Uranus. The prospect fills you with anticipation does it? That's telling, seems like you enjoy violence, how deplorable, if you actually knew of violence and war, you'd find it detestable, not egg it on.

So as a Muslim I will wish you peace, I will wish no-one ill will but good tidings, I wish for no war and no violence but peace and prosperity for all. You keep wishing violence etc, and pretend you're the civilised and peaceful one under that illusion.


Boy, you sure you're Muslim?

So much insistence, you look more like some Jehovah's witness.

End of discussion, man. We have been at odds since before our births. It's not religion, colour of skin or whatever. It's East versus West. One will prevail and assimilate the other. Simple as that. So shut up already.

Here, have fun with this.



Thanks for confirming what I already presumed about you. There is no 'East vs West,' it is a fallacy, we're all human beings. So you continue your with war-mongering talk, I'll wish you peace brother, take care. Also, petty provocation, but it's water off a duck's back.
Enjoy this link; http://imgur.com/a/QuYQF

It's Cage of thrones!

Peace be with you.


That supposed to be funny?

Last time i checked, you treat women as less than human. As the rest of us... What is it you call us? Kafir, is it? What does your toilet paper substitute of a book say?

And the only circumstance i'd permit you to call me brother would be if i were called Cain.


That's cute, take care brother I wish you peace.




Hey bro, you're totally right, check out this other great link which is similar to your vid.



Thanks for proving everyones point that Muslims are ignorant.

You dont eat pork raw, you cook it, that kills the bacteria nimrod.

And dogs eat their own feces yet they are considered pets throughout the world. I notice their is no Muslim ban on not touching dogs


Even after pork is cooked, it still contains a higher amount of bacteria than that of beef or chicken. Well Nimrod, does cooking kill all bacteria? No! Somebody didn't take a science class on bacteria, which is why we clean the meat as opposed to just cooking it, simple 101 cooking mate. If cooking kills bacteria, why do we clean the meat? Could you answer this? And even after cooking and cleaning the meat, is the meat utterly devoid of bacteria? No! Because bacteria comes in many forms and types, if you knew anything about bacteria, you'd appreciate that.

Dogs don't eat their feces like pigs do and gobble it down, there is an Islamic ban on keeping dogs in the house, because they are full of flea's and are generally dirty. Is that not true? Is a household without a dog cleaner than a household with a dog? I wonder why people who visit other's houses with dogs say they stink. I've lived with and without pets and the difference is highly noticeable given all the extra work you have to do to keep them and the place clean.

You may also note, touching something, and eating it, are entirely different things, so even your comparison is void but I wanted to address that the void point you made was void in itself even if it wasn't, which it is, so double fail.

So thanks for the sarky tone which I'll return in kind because I tire of your ignorance saying we're ignorant whilst displaying that virtue yourself. Thank you for proving your own ignorance.


Judaism and Islam are the same religion.

In the mideast going back to Egypt, people believe in this story that pigs contain evil spirits. The idea predates judaism.


Pigs are known for carrying trichinosis, which can be fatal, even in modern times, when we have antiparasitic meds. They can get it from eating raw or poorly cooked meat, or rats, and humans can get it from eating raw or poorly cooked pork. "Curing (salting), drying, smoking, or microwaving meat does not consistently kill infective worms."

Semper Contendere Propter Amoram et Formam


Jews and muslims also can't eat other tyoes of animals, like fish without scales.

It has nothing to do with diseases as all animals in primitive times were diseased. It has to do with the belief in magic, which is just nonsense.


Certain types of fish without scales also carry dangers, to deny there is reason is unreasonable in itself. You don't assess the claims, you just say it is nothing to do with disease but a belief in magic. Why do Muslims wash their hands, feet, mouth, hair etc 5 times a day, why Allah encourages Muslims to keep clean and proper, because of magic? Or hygiene? Your bias is incredible.
