The Huge Bump On His Back

I would say it's unbelievable that someone would let a bump like that get so big but I have seen on YouTube people do it all the time. To let something get that big is crazy though even if you don't have insurance. I would be at the Dr. as soon as I knew it was more than a pimple.


I had one just about the same location, not as big, for 30+ years, I didn't go have it removed until it flared up and was painful one day three years ago. Now I am glad I had it removed.

..*.. TxMike ..*..


I let mine grow for 6 years before getting an operation. The thing is people are afraid. Afraid to hear the word cancer. Afraid to learn that they don't have long to live. Afraid that the operation will go wrong. Afraid that they'll need to chop off your legs or your arms etc. In Alan's case, I think he actually was hoping to die from cancer so he was afraid to survive since he blamed all the problems in his life on this lump. I can relate to all of this personally so I think they did a good job.

I was around 18-19 when I got mine and I didn't even know this thing could be cancerous. Heck I didn't even know what cancer was at the time. It's just a word I heard a lot and knew was fatal but didn't know that it meant and what the symptoms were. They never teached us what cancer was at school, we only learned about aids and other STDs.


It's just a lipoma. Everyone has them. It's fat that accumulates on bones. I had one in my ribs.


I believe it does not exits such lipoma, it is rather a representation of the burden he carries in life. The women Dr is the one who will relieve him in all fashion.. That's what I believe it is. I might be wrong of course. Anyone?


This thread is making me sick.


His drained blood when cut.
Mine was solid, not quite as big, and no drainage.
When opened by doctor, piece of tissue size of dandruff caused the problem. I would not have believed it if I hadn't seen it.
Have had others, but all are non-malignant.
Lucky me!


Oh Gosh. The thing on his back is a metaphor for all the things on his back in life. You'd have to be blind not to see that. Its also a Male thing. Men tend to avoid seeing a doctor over things they consider unimportant. It has to do with the pressure of obligation Men feel that you must soldier on despite personal suffering. It's something Feminism never take into account when they go on about Female oppression. Men are oppressed too just in different ways; which is one of the themes of this film, in cased you surprisingly missed it.


My dad had them and me too. He went to doctor early in his 20s and was shown how do it himself if he can reach it. Watched him do it couple of times when I was a kid, now I do it myself. It is an oversize pimple. Once it stops hurting (usually means it stopped growing) I cut it open.


When I have gotten bumps both times they were boils that had to be lanced - extremely painful - and drained. One on my butt once. I had to soak my ass in hot water 4 times a day for 2 weeks afterword. Not fun. I had to drive home at lunchtime for 2 weeks to do one of the soaks that the Dr. had ordered.
