MovieChat Forums > Zombie Night (2013) Discussion > I like zombies movies - I liked Zombie N...

I like zombies movies - I liked Zombie Night too!

I like zombie movies!! This one included. A few points that I apply to zombie movie watching.

* MAJOR point...reanimation of the dead as depicted in the movies is not REAL. Those that love the zombie genre must do what I do - suspend everything we know about science in order to embrace this genre. THIS means I watch these movies for FUN, by myself, with others, often supplemented by an adult beverage.

* Every COMMON sense step that one would take if there was a real "zombie outbreak" would make for a very dull and boring zombie movie. (Imagine watching a family in a film that have supplies looted from the grocer, that are watching DVDs stolen from Walmart, powered by a generator they looted from the hardware store, with fuel siphoned from neighbors cars, armed with weapons and ammo they obtained from the gun store. They only go out during the day when it is all clear, they carry extra fuel, they carry survivor gear in the car, etc, ...). Awful!!!

* Zombies BITE! They need to BITE living humans! If you love gore, they need to BITE hundreds of people. Hundreds of people with a lick of sense would not stand there waiting to be bitten.

Score: 100%

These films all seem to follow a predictable pattern.

* An unknown virus hits population, few survive. (epidemic or pandemic)
* The living succumb to the virus and become zombies OR they must die first, then zombie-fy (reanimate)
* Survivors are ordinary people (yep, this includes those that are know who they are, in fact you may be one but living in denial)
* Zombies bite survivor(s)
* Survivors learn that head shots are the primary way to kill these things
* Some films try to explain while 'stomach less' zombies need to eat (like this film)
* No one in the film ever heard of the word 'zombie'. In the zombie movie genre people like me don't watch zombie movies (what a shame!)
* Survivors do brave stuff, stupid stuff, very stupid stuff, and yes insanely very stupid stuff.
* Film ends with even fewer survivors with a hook or two to 1) give you viewer hope in a better tomorrow, or 2) setup for the sequel.

Score: 100%. Similar to the walking dead, this film allowed those that die, unbitted, to reanimate as zombies - poor little girl!

Regarding other characteristics such as acting, script, effects, etc., this film is above average, IMHO, within this genre. There are much, much worse movies out there. I liked it!

Score: 75%


Glad you liked it, I got to edit this for John Gulager and the experience was a lot of fun, it was interesting to see his creative mind at work, he's so very different from other directors and when you get to know him suddenly his films take on a whole new perspective, he liked this movie because it was his chance to do a more 'serious' movie but his wackiness is still threaded throughout the movie.


I liked it, too. I liked the seriousness the characters had and also enjoyed the wackiness. I hate how people treat movies that are made for pure entertainment like they're movie critics that are evaluation some serious documentary for the purpose of seeing if it qualifies for an Oscar. Just relax and have fun.
