MovieChat Forums > Violette (2013) Discussion > NO Glimpse of Sartre

NO Glimpse of Sartre

The nasty little Jean Paul Sartre dominated, bullied and degraded Simone de Beauvoir her entire life. Sartre made her whole life of being a 'liberated woman' a bizarre farce. Daresay she envied Violette.


Isn't it great that Sartre was an also-ran of no particular importance in the film.


By 1968 and the so-called 'Student Revolt' he was pathetically trying to be 'relevant'. Sartre had a quite comfortable time during the Nazi Occupation and did NOT help the Resistance. I believe in Women's Liberation from the Sartre's of this world.


Sartre was a philosopher. For some of them it is all in their heads, their thinking doesn't connect directly to day to day decisions. Sounds like you did a dissertation about him and ended up disgusted.

Now we know where Sartre got the idea for his play of eternal damnation locked in a room with a vanity queen and a noisy lesbian (I played the noisy lesbian in our high school production), Huis Clos (No Exit) .


Sartre's Christmas card says: "Hell is other people."
