Bi Bi Wonder Woman

"Now, are we saying Diana has been in love and had relationships with other women? … The answer is obviously yes," said Greg Rucka in a recent interview.

Well, it's taken long enough. DC Entertainment's Wonder Woman, who is currently in the midst of her 75th birthday celebrations, has been confirmed as being queer by current writer Greg Rucka — a confirmation that might not come as the biggest surprise to anyone reading the Wonder Woman comic book series.
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LOOK OUT Power girl!!


Bagel bumper, eh? I can get on board with that. Eagerly awaiting the scissoring scene in the upcoming movie.

A Five-Star Man | The Golden God


What is she hooks up with Hillary Clinton?

That's right....TRY and get that image out of your mind.


Crooked Hillary is asexual. She only lusts for power.

A Five-Star Man | The Golden God


er...Well there are no men on Amazon Island. So what are they gonna do?


has been confirmed as being queer by current writer Greg Rucka — a confirmation that might not come as the biggest surprise to anyone reading the Wonder Woman comic book series.

Its a big surprise to a large percentage of DC fans because WW doesnt have a heavy fanbase.

Watch Andre make a video claiming that "he knew".


great she's a lesbian. And an S&M addict, glutton for punishment.

Now, I want to see Gadot playing THAT role with multiple beautiful women

You're more advanced than a cockroach, ever tried explaining yourself to one of them?


First Brony, now this.

Joby is absolutely losing his mind since hearing Wonder Woman likes to eat at the Y.

Thanks to Batmeh v Supermeh Yawn of Justice, the "S" now stands for Sidekick


 now that's a scene to be seen 

You're more advanced than a cockroach, ever tried explaining yourself to one of them?


You are trapped on an island with a bunch of beautiful women for what a thousand years and you think that at no point she has not had sex with one of them out of curiosity or boredom?

To make a great film you need three things - the script, the script and the script -Alfred Hitchcock




And frankly if they didn't, their ratings would drop far lower than yours.
Not possible, Doctor Midas is hated above all others.

The next time you're thinking of hating Jewish people CrimeLord, hate me instead.

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