MovieChat Forums > Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016) Discussion > Does enjoying movies from one franchise....

Does enjoying movies from one franchise....

Does it mean you cannot enjoy movies from another franchise? I ask because people keep attacking Marvel and DC movies (and those who enjoy them) with such passion I have to wonder if there's an actual reason for it. Like if hating DC somehow improved profits for Marvel, or vice versa.

So far I've enjoyed nearly all of them. The only ones I would class a real failure (ie. ones I found no enjoyment from) would be Green Lantern and the 2003 Hulk... oh, and Batman & Robin.


Some of us don't enjoy the movies that DC has been pumping out lately. And some of us don't like the MCU movies either.

Then you have the DCEU fanatics who crowed about how BvS would topple ALL Marvel films and how all Marvel fans were stupid and crap. Look at the guy calling people Marveltards, or Joby-Dimms who claims anyone who likes Marvel and Disney is an autistic, pedophiliac man child.

For the most part, some of us don't care if you like the movie or not, but some of the claims and the attacks on people not fans are just vile.

I personally liked Green Lantern, it could have been MUCH better, by a few hundred light years, but I still enjoyed it, even if it was a bad movie.

"Silflay hraka, u embleer rah!"


Yeah, I can see how crowing over a film before even seeing it can be infuriating. Also, I didn't mean to imply that the vitriol was one way (I've been called both a Marvel fanboy as well as a DC fanboy by different people).

Discussing the merits and flaws of movies is entertaining and can lead to insights that improve the enjoyment of them, but this impotent rage some commenters express against people for liking or not liking a movie seems utterly pointless.


Stuff like this has been going on since 2008. I will happily discuss the pros and cons of movies I have seen, but a lot of people on here think that their Opinion is what matters and anything different is reason to attack.

There are a lot of people on here that have major issues with the DCEU, and some of us have said why, but a lot of it gets drowned out in the hate.

"Silflay hraka, u embleer rah!"


Kudos for the Watership Down reference BTW. I assume you're not addressing that to me ;-)


Thank you. And no, it's just my signature.

"Silflay hraka, u embleer rah!"


I dig Star Trek and Star Wars.

I dig MCU and the Nolan trilogy.

I dig a lot of different movies in different franchises.

I WANTED to dig the DCEU, but it appears WB doesn't.


As a comic book fan I have never understood the whole DC vs. Marvel, I just read comics. Any bias I have for Marvel starts & ends with X-men & Wolverine; growing up in Canada Wolverine was my absolute favorite character. Now if you would ask me JLA or Avengers I would say JLA. Like most Comic readers of my age the entry into that world was saturday mornings Super Friends & Spider-man. I also had parents that valued their kids reading over watching TV. All my Family is British & my uncle introduced me to 2000AD & Eagle at an early age so I've never had the mind set that comics are only about 2 companies.

Now as a movie fan I like the MCU; for the most part all their films are really good quality for Action/Adventure Event films; are some stronger than others? Yes. So far the DCEU has failed to impress me. On this board it is enough for some to call me a Marveltard despite the fact that my highest rated & favorite CBM is 2008 TDK.


I just like movies, no matter what or the hype. The Winter Soldier is one of my fav movies ever in and outside comic books though I haven't loved any Marvel film since then. Outside of just hose 2 Fox and Sony have also done great CBMs as well. What I hate more than anything is hype and bias.

1. BVS 2. TWS 3. Avenger


2000AD is awesome. I've never been a serious comic book reader, but I like the one's I've seen.

I do remember the old Spidey cartoon from the eighties, but mostly I remember the camp Batman series. Also my mother was a Superman fan so that rubbed off on me (not to mention being blown away by the first two Superman movies with Christopher Reeve!). I probably have a DC bias because of all that, but have been loving the Marvel movies (except Hulk, of course).

I can understand people not liking the new DC movies, but I've really been enjoying the more serious take exploring what it might be like for an indestructible alien trying to fit in with human society.


The problem is, that the people who made the movies completely changed the core of the character and that's where a lot of us are having issues.

This isn't Superman to us, and we want Superman, not... this.

"Silflay hraka, u embleer rah!"


Well, to be fair Superman has been through many reboots and retellings. I got to read some of the comics my mother kept and, in his original incarnation, he was an overpowered bully who enforced his feelings of right and wrong. He would perform at a circus just because he didn't want it going out of business and kidnapped kids because they needed some tough love. He demolished the home of a magistrate just to serve him some evidence and, of course, crushed the yellow peril 'cause 'Merica!

My point being that the core of the character has been quite fluid and changeable over the years. I don't dismiss the Superman you know and prefer, but he is a character who has been a different hero to different people.


The thing is, none of them are anything like the Superman from the DCEU. This one is borderline sociopath.

"Silflay hraka, u embleer rah!"


I can understand people not liking the new DC movies, but I've really been enjoying the more serious take exploring what it might be like for an indestructible alien trying to fit in with human society.

Out of all the problems I have with the DCEU films tone or take are not among them. For myself my two biggest problems are rushed scripts & lack of respect for the source material.

Both BvS & SS have far to many elements in them that are not needed to tell the story; so they feel crammed. I just don't see any over all big picture in the DC shared universe; it just looks like throwing a bunch of stuff at a wall to see what sticks. Far too many one note characters that don't add a whole hell of allot to the big picture. So I'm very concerned when the Bewkes & Snyder talk of adding jokes as the all in one solution for the JL movie. Trying to make SS more funny just made it into a bigger hot mess.

Many movie characters act nothing like their comic book characters. This was the problem I had with MoS I gave up on the Superman I knew showing up after he turned Smallville into a war zone. I'm all for inner reflection but could we just have a moment where Sups puts other peoples peril over his own daddy issues(intentional exaggeration). Geoff Johns has taken note on this & I hope moving forward his voice holds weight in the writing department.


I had a similar discussion with a co-worker the other day. What we drew from it was that the market today is oversaturated. Major franchises were scarce. To afford the energy of being a fan-boy you need to be selective. There's simply too many films to keep being concerned about.

We've already had quite the year in terms of franchises and remakes that should have drawn our generations interest. Deadpool, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, X-Men: Apocalypse, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows, Warcraft, Independence Day: Resurgence, Ghostbusters, Star Trek Beyond, Jason Bourne, Suicide Squad and Captain America: Civil War. And I'm being selective! There a few more remakes and classics like Jungle Book, Legend of Tarzan and The Magnificent Seven. The year isn't over yet, either. Doctor Strange and a new Star Wars flick is coming too.

So I can totally relate to people choosing a side and sticking to a franchise. Because as it stands I can't find the commitment to even watch all of this years films. Yet, at least. They'll probably warrant a rental but even that's uncertain.


I can understand that. In my formative years the choices were much simpler because there were so fewer alternatives. Now the options are overwhelming and it forces people to choose their vice simply due to the lack of hours in the day.

That said, it's one thing to be devoted to a story/character/franchise, and another to react with utter loathing toward people choosing otherwise. In my day that was the Jock hating the Geek for not liking sport. It's an easy attitude to fall into but, as Admiral Akbar says... well, you know what he says.



I don't get it either. I myself have been called both a Marvel and DC fanboy, depending on the topic at hand. But the truth is, I couldn't care less about it. Never read comics or even knew exactly which characters belong to which company until MCU emerged and this rivalry became so widespread, so I don't really have any emotional attachment to either company. Both have movies I like and movies I don't like.


I enjoy characters from both franchises, but to be perfectly honest the DCEU movies are very substandard in terms of script IMHO.

You can enjoy both franchises. That's quite alright.

You're more advanced than a cockroach, ever tried explaining yourself to one of them?

