MovieChat Forums > The Purge: Anarchy (2014) Discussion > White people bad Black people good HA

White people bad Black people good HA

I couldn't help but laugh at how ALL the rich people were white, except a token black lady, and ALL the militants fighting against the purge were black.

If all the rich people were black and all the militants were white you'd have the NAACP and every other black activist group going crazy.



You forgot those black guys kidnapping people.

"Come out to the coast, we'll get together, have a few laughs..."



It wasn't just the rich, all the white people in this movie, except for the main characters, were evil, sadistic killers that killed purely for fun and black people were the good guys and the saviours. Not one black person in the film killed anyone (save for Carmelo's men killing the killers) in the entire film. Even the groups roaming the streets and purging as well as all the guards at the rich club were all white. I found that disturbing and I cannot imagine a film ever being made where it would be the other way around.


I also saw some hispanics in the movie.. like that guy that said "don't you know that in this society we are suppose to be nice to people"

but that guy was a scumbag anyways.. I am glad he died

Krillin: Man, that android is toast!
Piccolo: Yeah... More like, burnt toast.


You didn't spot that one of the masked guys in the van was black? He took off his mask and explained that they weren't killing, they were just selling people to the rich people.

He might not be killing, but that still doesn't make him a good person.


They were all black in the van, but they didn't kill anyone. There's a world of difference between people who steal for necessity and those who kill purely for sadistic fun (or white people in this film). For the men in the van was implied that they were just trying to get by in harsh times by selling rich white folks to rich white folks, which is meant to evoke sympathy. I have never seen a film that was so black and white and overstated in its symbolism. Let's not bandy around, were this another ethnic group so purposely, and in a way that was so over the top, displayed in such a manner, it would be decried as racist. Such things don't normally bother me, it happens a lot in films now, but this was so obvious and so marked that I found it shocking.


They were all black in the van, but they didn't kill anyone. There's a world of difference between people who steal for necessity and those who kill purely for sadistic fun (or white people in this film). For the men in the van was implied that they were just trying to get by in harsh times by selling rich white folks to rich white folks, which is meant to evoke sympathy. I have never seen a film that was so black and white and overstated in its symbolism. Let's not bandy around, were this another ethnic group so purposely, and in a way that was so over the top, displayed in such a manner, it would be decried as racist. Such things don't normally bother me, it happens a lot in films now, but this was so obvious and so marked that I found it shocking.

You DO realize that the men in van sold two black people to the rich people as well, right?

Might wanna take it out of your anal cavity, that thing in there.


Come on now.. the white race is the superior race out of all the humans on this earth (btw I am hispanic).. you shouldn't get upset when they get humbled every once and a while.. I mean it is just a movie.. also 60% of people in the usa are white.

Krillin: Man, that android is toast!
Piccolo: Yeah... More like, burnt toast.


Nope. We saw the Hispanic guys whaling on white people, and we saw the black dudes wearing masks and makeup who were definitely not saving the day. Try again with your race-baiting.

Just a wannabe-writer writing


This movie is simply a Hollywood Leftist's wet dream of how they view society.

The rich, white people (and the only people who are rich are white) - well except for all those good white people in Hollywood - in the US are out to steal from the poor and kill them simply for fun. The nice, law abiding black people, working small jobs for small money and would never want to hurt anyone else, are shown as the champions of the 'normal guy'.

In the real world, this isn't even close to reality (and the reason Hollywood tries to shove crap like this movie down our throats). Blacks commit crimes, especially violent crimes, at a significantly higher rate than most other ethnic groups (Hispanic are the only ones even close). The real 'elites' (progressives) in our country live in big cities, but hide behind their gated properties and guarded high-rises. They pretend to 'care', but in reality don't help minorities/poor at all. They just make movies like this and blame conservatives while the media just lap it up.

This movie was so bad and simplistic that I turned it off when the black army broke into the 'rich folks' purge.


YEAH I KNOW RIGHT?! Did you see how all the good guys were black? I mean look at Frank Grillo. He could be Wesley Snipes' doppelganger. Almost uncanny.

It was also amazing how the entire group of van gang members with motorbikes were secretly all wearing black face, because they were evil, so they OBVIOUSLY had to be white. AND RICH. Insane how much detail went into that.


Sarcasm aside, this isn't convincing.

Grillo started off a purger. He only has a change of heart after slumming it all night with minorities.

And the black kidnappers are motivated by cash, not bloodlust. A group of murderous white benefactors puts up a bounty that "corrupts" them. The implication is that black people might do bad things, but are too base & stupid to have truly sinister motives:

The OP has a point. It's disingenuous to pretend the creators of this movie weren't saying something about race & class.
