Martyr to rich people...

If you were rich and indoors, why would you want to kill anybody?

If you DID want to kill someone, why not go outside? You'd have the money to buy the best protection, and it would be more fun than killing somebody old and sick who's been paid to sacrifice themselves in advance...

Like so many things in this franchise, an unusual idea that makes less sense the more you think about it.

"Your mother puts license plates in your underwear? How do you sit?!"


It was explained in the movie why they do it at home and it also showed even the best protection can't save you.

However, that part aside, another bad execution of a great premise. Not as bad as the first (God that was terrible), but bad nonetheless.

And yes, I realize I watched the sequel of a movie I dislike. However I thought the idea of The Purge was fairly original, just done poorly. So I gave the franchise another shot.

"The Martian Manhunter is the heart of the Justice League." - The Flash (Barry Allen)


Okay… HOW was it explained, in a way that defeats my objections? … because I watched it, so unless I was tired, I must have dismissed the rationale for being pretty stupid…

"Your mother puts license plates in your underwear? How do you sit?!"


Because they want to do it, but outside is too dangerous and unpredictable. Inside they get to do it in a safe environment (which is stated). And your rationale for them buying the best protection was shown to be flawed since half of an army corps got taken apart. No matter what protection you have, there's a risk in going all. All the protection in the world isn't going to stop a sniper from picking you off. So I'd dismiss that rationale. Also, it never said the person had to be old and sick. It just showed an older man in that one case.

Let's chalk it up to you being tired.

"The Martian Manhunter is the heart of the Justice League." - The Flash (Barry Allen)


The 'danger and unpredictability' is part of what EXCITES people who want to kill... They're psychopaths; they don't tend to feel anxiety in the way that ordinary people do.

I just don't buy the psychology of it, except in rare cases that are an anomaly... This wasn't made out to be an anomaly, though; it was shown to be a thriving trade, and that doesn't make sense to me, for the reason above.

"Your mother puts license plates in your underwear? How do you sit?!"


I saw it as a family tradition... They want to be part of 'the purge' but don't want the risk of going outside where as the other poster has said, a sniper could get you no matter how much money you have. This allows the whole family to get involved in a situation you have control over with minimum risk. I agree that the idea of normal people getting involved in killing is a bit far fetched because rich people don't just want to kill poor people because they can, if that was the case they would do already (cause let's face it, their lawyers could get them off on a lot of cases) - I would buy more into that side of it if it had been more than 6 years so there had been more time to accept this as normal.. These families would remember a time before the purge too well to just buy into the concept of killing people with no remorse


The 'danger and unpredictability' is part of what EXCITES people who want to kill... They're psychopaths; they don't tend to feel anxiety in the way that ordinary people do.

I'm not sure how much you know about psychopaths, but "danger and unpredictability" is not what really excites MAJORITY of them.

It's the blood and thrill of kill that gets them off (sexually most of the times).

So it would make sense that most rich psychopaths would be more than happy to pay someone to butter him or her from the safety of their home. Why take the risks when you can get off on seeing blood and death from the safety of your home.

Not to mention, if that gets boring, they can always go outside armed to the teeth and with best protection to kill people. But since Purge isn't every day occurrence, I am guessing once every year is good enough for these people.


... but there isn't much 'thrill' in something that has been set up, and that you know is definitely going to happen... ? Maybe danger and unpredictability were the wrong words for me to use... but by definition, something that lacks surprise will not be as exciting, because you're already expecting it.

If somebody else had signed you up to kill in safety without your knowledge, then maybe... but this was portrayed as people arranging it for themselves.

"Your mother puts license plates in your underwear? How do you sit?!"



This is the part that makes the Purge actually more interesting if you ask me. Sure, go out and hunt, but you risk your life while doing so. However, why would you want to kill anyone if it wasn't for the "thrill of the hunt"?

That's when I have to say "We know too little of the "Purge World" to really understand why they're gleefully killing people."

I think the families who murder sick and old people indoors, while also paying them a large sum of money are doing it out of a sick belief that this murder ACTUALLY purges them. I mean we all hear these "unleash the beast" sayings and we automatically assume that this is just a) propaganda by the government and b) something the rich people say just so they have a ready excuse.

However, what if there really is some sort of actual belief in this world that killing others with brutality really purges you? It would be interesting to see how that *beep* got started. Maybe it has to do with these Founding Fathers or the obviously terrible times before they were "elected".

So I guess those people that buy others to kill them in their homes really do it out of a "higher" (well, lower) moral standpoint where they believe that killing them actually helps them and yourself as a person. So they don't risk their own lives just to get that "fulfillment". Needless to say that these people are probably even sicker than the regular purgers of course, but still.. you CAN explain it. I'm not sure if that's what the writers were going for, but it's not totally illogical.

tl;dr They kill people indoors, because it's safe for them. They don't want the "thrill of the hunt", but they actually believe that killing other people violently cleanses them.


Good theory; you should write for the series!

"Your mother puts license plates in your underwear? How do you sit?!"


I saw it as an analogy for rich "hunters" who go to reserves in Africa where specially bred lions are released into a very limited area and local guides are sent with them to make everything as easy as possible. There doesn't seem to be a lot of "sport" involved but people just want to be able to say they did it. I think it's the same with these rich families - they want to be able to say they were a part of the purge while taking absolutely no risk what so ever.


Another good theory!

"Your mother puts license plates in your underwear? How do you sit?!"


That scene disturbed me. I get him giving himself up figuring he was dying soon anyway. But he should have put a clause in whatever contract he signed for a quicker death. The way the family was holding those long swords made it seem like they were going to torture him.


Yep; not a good move to sign a contract that will prolong your pain... !

"Your mother puts license plates in your underwear? How do you sit?!"


I don't get what the thrill is to slaughter a person you don't know who is just sitting there. Going out on a hunt? I think its depraved but people go hunting. Getting someone you have a grudge against? Sure. Guy you don't know sitting in a chair? Why is that worth $100K?
