MovieChat Forums > The Purge: Anarchy (2014) Discussion > Anyone else laugh when the wife wanted t...

Anyone else laugh when the wife wanted to purge after her husband died?

it was unpredictable and kind of funny.. but I understood that she wanted revenge

Krillin: Man, that android is toast!
Piccolo: Yeah... More like, burnt toast.



maybe in the deleted scenes?

Megan Fox


I Just realised she was Nikki in Lost, knew id seen her somewhere. Got buried alive just as she woke up and the writers actually went along with it and left it like that. She looked much better back then.


Yes! I checked her out her IMDb page and saw she was in A Perfect Getaway and was like "that's where I know her from" and didn't go any further. But yes, Nikki in Lost!

And what do you mean "writers went along with it?" Went along with their own idea lol?

"The Martian Manhunter is the heart of the Justice League." - The Flash (Barry Allen)


I think he/she means that they expected Nikki and Pablo to be rescued from that grave in the next episode or maybe dig themselves out somehow. Would've been unrealistic, but it's been seen in other movies/shows..


I expected that Black Revolution Guy would've said "Aww heeell naw. Not another purger." *shoots her" :D


I found it funny too.

The way she delivered that line was like a girl asking for a Pony.


Hah. Also, maybe she ended up marrying one of those black guys.


I mean it would've worked if the movie didn't start with them about to break up, angry at each other.

Audience felt nothing for them throughout the movie and all of a sudden, they are best buddies again and we are supposed to care? Um.. no.


Lol. I know a lot of sociopaths that like to role play being a good person. So maybe they could have started out with them pretending to be really good people, and seemingly in love. Then toward the end, her psychopathic ways surface.
