MovieChat Forums > The Purge: Anarchy (2014) Discussion > Poor black men = good, rich white people...

Poor black men = good, rich white people = evil

Was that supposed to be the moral of the story? "It's our time tonight!" So rebeling against the Purge by doing more killing? I thought this was dumb.


That was not the whole point but statisticaly it is true in the us even Fox News says it


None of this movie makes any sense. Rich people arent safe nobody is...their house could be set on fire or gas bombed. And your topic title doesnt make sense either. If they showed a black family getting ready to kill a white person... every white person would have walked out the movie


I didn't see that at all. What I see is people who are easy targets are the poor regardless of race. The group of black men who sold people to the rich weren't good they were opportunistic on a night where crime is legal. It makes sense that the crew of men "saving the day" are probably men from a poor neighborhood we don't see them all but I'm going to assume they aren't all black but they were probably all poor.


Yeah, poor enough to buy equipment to hack into the national Purge broadcast...


Weren't the rich white people killing innocent white people as well?

So they weren't talking about race here, they were aiming for rich vs poor divide in a society with Purge going on.

Also, statistically, Black people are backward and poorer in America, so yeah you will see them take up arms against white people (I mean hell, even Asians like Indians are more successful than Black people who have been in America way longer than Indians).
