For the love of GOD! The dialogue in this film is so bad I couldn't even watch it. Granted, half of the responsibility goes to the actors and actresses, but if the dialogue is good, the movie should be good too.

But this movie SUCKS.

Too many plot holes.
The movie is written so linearly. The group acts like one brain. No confrontation, no discussion, etc.
Lame, unrealistic plot twists - the wife shooting her sister. NEWS FLASH- AS AN AUDIENCE MEMBER I DONT GIVE A *beep* ABOUT THESE PEOPLE. THEY SHOULD NOT BE INCLUDED IN THE CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT. Seriously, this scene pisses me off because it was just a filler scene to drive the plot. They could have thought of something more interesting here.
Cheap 'jump' scares.
I could go on an on

God this movie annoys me only because I have dreams of becoming a writer and this movie obviously had a big budget. Why am I mad? Because I COULD WRITE A BETTER MOVIE THAN THIS. You'd think that Hollywood would be able to get this right. 20% into production they should have said, you know, this isn't working out. The screenplay and chemistry of the actors should have been fixed WAY EARLY in the developing stages. No offense to the actors. Who knows, maybe there was some difficulties making this film. I wouldn't be surprised because it shows. However, the first movie sucked as well.

Poor management. Poor production. I feel like this movie just had a budget that said "We have the money. Just make a movie."

Why does it matter if they made money right? TBH - THEY COULD HAVE MADE MORE MONEY IF THEY WROTE A GOOD SCREENPLAY. Its not a terrible premise. The idea is okay, but the execution was terrible.



Wow, the OP has some great points. I totally agree and I frankly I am impressed. You should become a writer yourself. You're very talented! Seriously.


