Mass arson

So I was thinking about property damage. Obviously a big part of the concept is that the purge keeps the economy running with all the repairs, security, etc. Also, they have limited the amount of damage one can cause by keeping it 'Class 4 weapons and lower'. But what's to stop people from lighting an entire block on fire? Or starting massive forest fires in California, or burning down Central Park?

I feel like way too much damage could be caused by a group of individuals to be worth it.

Otherwise they covered up a lot of potential holes fairly well I thought.


good point. I was thinking arson was still illegal, but in the first one the wife asked Ethan hawk if the house was in fact purge proof and me mentioned being smoked out. Which to me means fire so I dont know why they dont just go around and commit arson. Except I most of the people we see purging are wanting to do it for sport.


Central Park? I would be more worried about people setting skyscrapers on fire downtown. I think what you mentioned is a major hole in the logic of having a Purge day. Yes its illegal to use Class 4 and higher, whatever that means, but who is enforcing it? The police are off duty and hiding at home for 12 hours. You could walk into a massive public building, set it on fire, and it would be hours and hours before anyone responded.

I also don't see how anyone could be safe, no matter how rich they are. Having bulletproof window covers doesnt mean much when anyone with a lighter could set your house on fire and blow you away when you come out.

But I think that the Purge idea is an interesting enough plot that I'm willing to ignore some of these plot holes to enjoy the movie.


so so so there
& r a p e \ murder \ torture
so lite as 2 b comic

this is not anarchy

this is a few nutters
& a lot of luck

Gelebt haben. Zu sterben, um wieder zu leben.
