MovieChat Forums > The Purge: Anarchy (2014) Discussion > This Could Happen in America

This Could Happen in America

Particularly the last act of the movie, when it becomes a retread of The Most Dangerous Game.

The film may be hyperviolent with a loud, thundering soundtrack and contain sub par acting, but both Purge films depict a not too distant future in the U.S. where the country becomes a total feudal state. And the Evangelical Tea Party rules the roost. Consider the sequence in the final act of this film where the elites pay top dollar to hunt down members of the "undesirable class," where a rich old woman dressed to the nines plays master of ceremonies. Her describing one weapon as if "God himself created it," while people in the audience lick their chops in anticipation of using God's weapon, says it all.

Michael Bay (one of the producers) is almost forgiven for subjecting us to the Transformers reboot. Almost.

Got 13 Channels of $hit on the TV to Choose From


I've gone to many forums and read lots of posts, but this is certainly in the topp 5 of all time dumbest ones.

If anything, the future in inner cities is the young black men hunting down anyone who can't protect themselves (kind of like what goes on now in St. Louis, Baltimore, Chicago, etc). All cities run by progressives who want to give your money to the poor (but of course, need to keep their own as they are the 'smart' ones).


Yes, young black men in inner cities will be purging, spending their money to hunt down whitey. Of course they will. Somebody's been watching too much Fox.

"All cities run by progressives who want to give your money to the poor." Amusing how you people always bring up Detroit, St. Louis, Chicago, and now the number one boogeyman city, Baltimore. How about Boston, Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, Minneapolis, New York, Philadelphia.....

And while you're at it, how are Wisconsin and Kansas doing? Perhaps a Koch-funded purge with Scott Walker as master of ceremonies will allow those states to become a Lord-ruled Feudal states they yearn them to be. You guys can also destroy the ecosystems there and eliminate all Government regulations that protect them and the food supply (for the food the remaining Serfs eat, not the Lords), since Jeebus will be beaming down from planet Vulcan as soon as the Rapture occurs anyway to clean it all up.

Got 13 Channels of $hit on the TV to Choose From


New York and Philadelphia - you serious?

Wisconsin and Kansas are doing just fine, like other mostly conservative run places.

Boston works well because the black population is kept in a relatively small part of the city - and the rest of the city likes that just fine. Same for Seattle and Portland. These places don't have significantly large portions of their cities being black.

You are just another Obama'ite' that thinks the bad, rich white people want to do bad to all those poor, impoverished black folks. The reality is that you don't want to believe the reality.

Speaking of 'boogeyman', LOL at you bringing up Koch brothers. They are the definition of leftist boogeyman stories.

Lastly, didn't say the blacks were spending money hunting whites. they are just killing each other at an alarming rate.


"Wisconsin and Kansas are doing just fine...."

Put down the meth pipe. Both states are teetering on bankruptcy because the Kochsucking Governors refuse to raise taxes on the rich.

And LOL at you accusing me of using "leftist boogeyman" terms when you spew out Limbaugh garbage about "blacks killing each other at an alarming rate." Let me guess - the church shooting in Charleston this week was just an "attack on faith" perpetuated by a "kid on drugs."

Got 13 Channels of $hit on the TV to Choose From


What an amusing thread! Your post is incredibly dumb and then you got some dumb racist replies which you deem stupid. What you don't seem to get is that you yourself are just as dumb by making this thread in the first place; and you also revealed yourself to have a similar disgusting dehumanizing view of people.


Mr. Katz5, what you've just written is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever read. At no point in your rambling, incoherent post were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone on this board is now dumber for having read it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.


Hopefully you can take a step back from your worthless life and realize that your comment made just one person look bad. You.

Nobody made you the total failure of a human being that you are. You did that all by yourself. YOU e the reason why there is not a single person on this planet who will be sad when they find your body hanging by your own belt from the closet rod.


This thread seems to have upset a number of people. I disagree with the subject heading, as the corresponding body is an overstatement of the influence of the Evangelicals, but I understand where the creator of this thread is coming from. We've never seen any variation of the scenario depicted in the movies actually occur in any country or administrative subdivision thereof in the last few millennia, so it's hard to believe a nation would even think about trying it.
